Chapter 19: Percy's got a Plan

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Getting to Olympus was easy (at least that's what Percy said) but getting out of camp without getting caught was a little harder. Percy had a plan which worried me because Percy. Percy! Had a plan. Let that sink in.

Part of his plan was to bring Annabeth and Jack along with us. Annabeth because she was a good negotiator and Jack because he is one of the main points of conversation and he deserves to know who he really is.

I know what you are thinking. Why don't you just ask Chiron? Well if he says no (and there a good chance he will) he will suspect we will do it anyway. And he will keep a close eye on us. That horse is like a hawk.

That night Percy's plan went into action.

We all snuck out of our cabins and met on the beach. Once we were all there Percy decided to teach me a lesson. "Ok so we are going to go underwater. Us two being children of Poseidon we can breath underwater, but they can't." He said gesturing to Annabeth and Jack. "So we are going to bend the water around the so there is a giant air bubble surrounding us." Percy gave Annabeth a smirk and she giggled.

"Wait I can breathe underwater? Sweat!"

"Shall we?" He said. I stepped into the water, closed my eyes, and imagined a bubble forming around us. Percy and I walked deeper and deeper under. I only hopped that Annabeth and Jack were following. When I did open my eyes there was a bubble around us.

I looked around and saw schools of fish that looked at me and Percy and I swore I saw one of them wink at me. After a while of walking Percy said, "I think we are far out enough. Annabeth and Jack you guys might want to hold your breathe. That's when Percy said in my mind think dry.

I didn't have anytime to acknowledge this because our bubble popped and right before the water hit me I thought dry.

Grab Jack I've got Annabeth Percy said yet again in my mind.

I did what Percy instructed and I grabbed Jack and propelled us to the surface with Percy and Annabeth right on our tails.

Once we broke the surface Percy whistled a good cab calling whistle, and out on the horizon I saw movement. I squinted and I saw...rainbow horses? Fish? They swam closer. "Rainbow!" Percy said. I'm guessing he was talking to the horse in the middle that was bigger than the others. "We need a ride."

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