Chapter 11: I Meet Another Mom Theres Just one Problem

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Daughter of Poseidon. Wow. Honestly I wasn't so if all these people were actually sane or not. I mean gods and goddesses being real? They have to understand that just tell a bunch of newcomers that some all powerful being were in this world and nobody noticed.

But here I am and now I believe just because of my abilities.

On the other hand if I did believe a little bit when Percy told me. I thought I would become the daughter of Apollo or Demeter, but Poseidon? One of the big three?

If that was true then how did more monsters not come to find me earlier?

These were the kind of thoughts that went through my brain while I was lying in bed in the Poseidon cabin. I was sleeping on the top bunk of the 3rd bunk from the door. Percy was diagonal from me on the bottom bunk. (He's a loud snorer.) Right when I thought that the snoring stopped.

"Are you awake?" Percy asked me.

"Did you honesty expect me to fall asleep?"

"Good point. So what's on your mind."

"So much but the to things that are bothering me the most are: why didn't Jack get claimed at the campfire and are we half brother and sister or real ones?"

He thought for a minute. "Hey remember when Chiron said he was going to call someone when you first arrived?"


"Well my bets are is that he either iris messaged my mom or Poseidon."

"What's iris messaging and you have a mom as in the real deal?"

He laughed at me enthusiasm. "Iris messaging is when you through a drachmas (a coin) into mist say who you want to talk to and where they are. And yes I have a real mom." He smiled at me. "I've got an idea. Follow me."

"Hey Percy?"

"Yeah?" He paused.

"Were you possibly watching me and Jack when we ran into school today?" He looked a little guilty but nodded.


"It's fine I just wanted to know."

He smiled happy I wasn't mad and jumped out of bed his bed and walked over to a mini spring at the end of the cabin. Fishing out a drachma from his pants pocket he threw one in and said, "Sally Jackson." Immediately an image of I'm guessing his mom and another guy sleeping right next to her. I looked at Percy in alarm. He smiled and trying not to laugh he said,"thats just my stepdad, Paul Blofis."

"You have a stepdad names Paul Blowfish?" I laughed at the irony.

"That's what I thought at first too! But his name is Blofis not Blowfish." That's when something in the iris message caught my eye. Someone or should I say something slithered through the door to there bedroom. "Percy..." I said my voice quivering. His eyes widen. "MOM!" He tried to scream to wake her up but the creature disconnected the call.

He got up grabbed a sweatshirt and ran out the door I follow. He ran to the stables with me on his tail and up to a horse stall were Blackjack lay. "Blackjack!" Percy called. He shook awake. "Boss?"

"Yes it's me we need to go to my moms house something's happened!"

"You got it! But can we grab some donuts on our way?"



"I'm I'm coming with you." I said aloud still pretty creeped out because of the telepathy thing. He stared at me like I just spoke a foreign language.

"Absolutely not. You don't even have a weapon yet!" I looked into one of the stables and there sat a dagger. How convenient. I reached over, grabbed it, and showed it to Percy mockingly. He sighed. "Fine you can come! Only because we are low on time and you are obviously a very stubborn girl. There's just one problem we are going to be riding Blackjack." He said with a smirk.

"I know I heard the whole conversation." He looked at me in shock. "Look Percy I'm coming along and nothing you can do or say will change my mind." He smiled. "Ok suit up and let's ride."

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