Chapter 16: Sybing Wars

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"Let me lay out the rules before I beat you," he started. "First lets not try to give each other serious injuries even though even though we can heal each other in a snap-"

"We can!"

"Yeah it's pretty cool I'll have to show you that later. Anyway you can use anything around you to your advantage." He paused so I could look around. I observed the arena we were in. We had the weapons in our hands (for Percy Riptide and for me my dagger I used to kill the snake ladies), to buckets full of water, and two shields(I'm guessing one for me and one for Percy.) I nodded at him so he continued.

"And good luck you are going to need it. Also one more thing I invited a friend of yours to join us." I gave him a warning glance then turned to the entrance and I saw Jack and Annabeth walk in. I looked at Percy and gave him my famous I'm-going-to-kill-you death stare, but he just shrugged it off.

"Hey guys glad you could join us." Percy gave me a smirk. Jack gave me a smile and a wave. Annabeth gave me a thumbs up and a glance at Percy that obviously said take-it-easy-on-her-or-I'll-pound-you. He winced and nodded.

Annabeth and I have gotten closer ever since I was announced a daughter of Poseidon. Don't tell her this but I think she was a little intimidated by me. I think she thought I was going to steal Percy from her.

"Are we going to do this or what?" I asked Percy.


"Last chance to back out."

"Never." And I charged.

You can tell Percy is experience just by the way he stood. As I charged at him I noticed his muscles tense. He is going to swing.

I rolled under his arm as he swung and kicked the sword out of his hand. I came up standing I was about to put the dagger to his throat but he ran to over and grabbed his sword. I stunned him with my moves but he could easily beat me with his sword and he knows this.

He came straight at me. I was more defense because I just blocked his attacks instead of doing some of my own. He gave me a good sized cut on my right arm. I glared at him and screamed one of the buckets of water exploded and a miniature wave formed behind me. Now I've got you I thought.

But he smiled at me like I was a cute little puppy who is tripping over itself and he made a gesture like he was swatting away a fly and my water wave collapsed. I focused hard and I felt the cool water hit my arm where my wound was and when I looked back down it was just a scare and that was even shrinking away.

I felt refueled and refreshed. He ran at me again but this time with more force so right when our blades clashed my dagger slid across the floor. He put the sword to my throat smirking. Cute, he thinks he's won.

In one swift move I ducked under his sword and kicked his legs out from under him. He fell flat on his back. I put my foot on his chest and rose my arms in victory.

Looking over at Jack and Annabeth I knew it wasn't over. Annabeth was smirking like she knew something I didn't.

That's when the other bucket exploded and I flew to the ground with the water that hit me. I looked over at Percy's sword expecting him to get it but he already had it in his hands. What?!?

Now it was over. I laid on the ground dazed. Percy reached down and grabbed my hand and hoisted me up.

"Thanks," I said. My vision flashed and I saw the sleeping face of a lady whose face seemed to be coming out of a mountain. "Join me...." she said. That's when I blacked out.

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