Chapter 3: School days

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After a whole lecture from Mr. Durr about how you should never be late to class or for that matter skip school and you should also blah blah blah. That's right about when I zoned out.

3 whole classes full of boring lectures and school work I didn't even know we were learning about and finally lunch came.

I never like to eat breakfast so I was HUNGRY. Unfortunately that meant dealing with Chelsea and Kelly along with all my other 'friends.'

"Hey Sam," said Kelly from behind me "I see your ACTUALLY in school today. Im surprised she could actually find her way to school!" She said with a snicker as she turned to her friends.

"Oh please Kelly, you and your goons couldn't even friend ur way out of a paper bag." I said with a sarcastic smile on my face. Kelly and Chelsea think they are soooo cool just because they are on the cheer squad. Kelly is obviously the leader of their little group so if I take down the leader the rest of the group will simply fall apart.

Jack stood behind me unsure of what to do, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to get some lunch. While Kelly and her 'friends' all started to laugh and walked away. Jerks.

After grabbing today's lunch (today's special: spaghetti and meatballs) me and Jack took a seat, and that's when I decided to tell him about my dream.

After my dream was told he just kinda looked at me and then looked back at Kelly who seemed to be watching us...stalk me much? I wanted to scream, but instead I just gave her a look that says it all. She quickly avoided her eyes. I turned my attention back to Jack. He opened his mouth to say something but couldn't quite get it out because a meatball went flying across the lunch room and hit Jack right between the eyes.

Me vision turned red with anger as I whirled around to see who would dare- THWAP! Another meatball this time hitting me right in the nose. When I opened my eyes the cafeteria grew silent as they all stared at me waiting and seeing what would come next as they looked between me and the meatball thrower: Kelly.

2 chapters in one day?!? How did you guys like it? More to come!

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