Chapter 10: The Campfire

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"So who's your godly parent?" I asked Annabeth.

"Athena goddess of wisdom," she replied. "Did either of you by chance find out yours yet?"

"No." Jack and I said in unison. Annabeth stared at us for a moment like we would start to glow or grow two heads or something and she was waiting for it to happen. There was something else in her eyes when she would look at me. Almost suspicion or jealousy.

"Well it was nice to meet you guys!" She said giving Percy a final hug, whispering something in his ear, and finally turning and walking away.

"I get the feeling you guys are a little more then friends." Jack told Percy smiling his goofy grin.

"It's complicated. We kinda just kissed but I don't know if we are boyfriend and girlfriend now or what."

"I'm sure you will figure it out." I said giving Percy a smile. He smiled back and then looked up at the sky an frowned. "Well we got here to late for dinner but we can still make it to the campfire!"

"MARSHMALLOWS!" Jack screamed as he ran away probably not even knowing where he is going. I sighed and chased after him. The funny thing was he ran right to the campfire. He was probably summoned by the marshmallow gods or something I thought laughing to myself as I took a seat next to Jack.

"Well who do we have here?" A voice said behind me. I turned to see a pack of mean looking girls and in the middle of them was the nastiest looking of them all she had a smug smile plastered across her face with stringy brown hair pulled back with a bandana. "Well?"

"Um I'm Sam."

"Well Sam sense your new I guess I won't pound you too hard for sitting in my seat." She snarled. Was this girl really threatening me right now. I was certainly NOT in the mood for this. I stood up and we were eye to eye.

"Now listen here. I'm not in the mood for this crap I suggest you turn around before I whip. Your. Butt." I clipped off the last words for emphasis. The girl in front of me looked momentary shocked but regained her tough girl image. She probably wasn't used to be talked to that way and someone seriously needed to step her down a peg. Everyone was silent and she noticed this. She turned and said, "Alright sure I don't want to cause any-" she stopped an tried to swing on me but I ducked under it easily and gave her a solid upper cut to her jaw. That's when her goons advanced on me to defend her friend, but I payed them no attention. I felt that tug in my stomach again and water started to flow out of the water bottles some campers were drinking and the bathrooms behind me exploded. All the water started to swirl to me. I glanced at everyone else and they were looking between me and Percy most of them staring at Percy like are-you-doing-this. All he did was shake his head as he gawked at me.

The mean girls club surrounding me all dispersed screaming but I let the water flow free hitting each and every girl that tried to attack me and made them fall flat on their backs.

I fell on my knees partly because I was exhausted and the other part was of shock because of what I just did.

I turned and everyone was staring at me. Some glancing back at Percy and above my head. Wait above my... Above my head was a glowing blue-green trident. After a couple of minutes it disappeared. Leaving me confused if what just happened. I turned to Percy as he said, "I'm not the only one. There's another child of Poseidon."

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