Chapter 18: Dreamworld

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The first thing I saw was a little confusing. I was at the entrance of camp and I was looking around. It was like I was outside my body looking at myself.

The whole camp seemed to be empty even the pegasi were gone. I walked out of the stables. Then I saw her the lady with her sleeping eyes and cruel looking face sticking out of the ground.

I stood there paralyzed and I knew if I tried to move I wouldn't have been able to because the ground was curling around my legs.

"Daughter of Poseidon... I've asked of you what I wanted. Have you thought of it? Will you join me." The last one seemed like more of an answer then a question.

"Why do you want me so bad? I don't even know who you are."

"Your a smart girl I think you do know."


"Correct...and about what I want from you...well lets just say you and your friend are important parts of my plan. I was going to have your brother and his girlfriend... but you 2 seem more corruptible then they are."

"So let me get this straight you want me and Jack to join your whatever-"

"Army." She corrected

"Army to do who knows what to probably incident people, but the one thing I can't quite figure out is why you want Jack and I and why we are so important in your plan."

"You ask too many questions. I'll just get to the threatening because you are obviously not going to corporate." That's when they appeared all the people I was close to, even remotely. Percy, Percy's/my mom, Annabeth, Jack, Chiron, Blackjack, who I was guessing was Poseidon, and even some of my foster parents. And they were all prisoners of Gaea.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "You lay a finger on them and I swear I will-"

"You'll what? You are nothing without your family and friends." I signed defeated. I didn't know what to say. Gaea smiled like she has already won.

My dream faded and I was all of the sudden looking into Percy's sea-green eyes. He was shaking me. "Percy?" he looked relieved.

"Thank the gods your ok. I heard you whispering to yourself and I got up and walked over to you. That's when you started screaming and I shook you but you wouldn't wake up and-" I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to cry. "Hey, hey it's ok your safe now."

"That-that dream-"

"I know I know it's okay shhhh. Do you feel good enough to tell me what you saw?" I nodded.

"It was Gaea." His face turned grim. "She told me that if I didn't join her that she would hurt everyone I love."
He stayed silent. "What's even worse is that I think that she is manipulating Jack too. Ever since he got here he was getting like zero sleep and Gaea kinda hinted at it. I am pretty sure that Gaea is coming to him in his dreams."

"But why him?"

"My guess is because he is her son."

"But how could that be? Gaea has Giants and Titans for sons and daughters but an actual mortal? How's that possible?!"

"I don't know but I mean to get answers."

"And how exactly do we do that?"

"We go to see the gods."

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