Chapter 7: Time to Go

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"Yeah, yeah great meeting you guys, but we should really go. There will be more monsters to come." Percy said as he walked over to the unconscious Chelsea and stabbed it with a sword that seemed to come out of nowhere. He did it so casually like it was just a walk in the park.

"No I'm not going anywhere without knowing what those things were, and why you were coming to save us. How did you know we were here? And another thing-" I started.

"I know you have a bunch of questions and are probably really confused, but we really need to leave." Percy argued.

"Why do you want us to leave so badly? What's your hurry?"

"I...I attract to many monsters. I'm to powerful." He paused, "lets just say I smell." He is getting frustrated with me now. I opened my mouth to yell back at him mostly out of anger, but before I could Jack intervened.

"Enough you guys sound like an old married couple! Sam lets just go I get the feeling that there is going to be more of that to come from." He said gesturing to the pile of monster dust.

I rolled my eyes "Fine."

"Finally lets go!" Percy screamed. He lead us outside where he left the flying horse I saw in my dream. "Okay hop on."

"You seriously don't expect me to actually get on that thing and f-fly." I said nervously.

"Actually that's exactly what I was expecting you to do."

Yeah and that things got a name. I felt myself pale, and I looked toward the horse. "Did that horse just talk?!"

"You can hear Blackjack?" Percy asked in surprise. I nodded. I could practically see the gears turning in his head. I glanced at Jack who looked like his head was about to explode. That's when I heard a growl from behind me. I turned to see the biggest dog I have ever seen running toward me.

"A hellhound! Get down!" Percy screamed. As he pulled a pen out of his pocket and clicked it. Before my eyes the pen turned into a glowing sword. I hellhound jumped and before he landed on me Jack screamed, "Sam look out." That's when a huge bolder flew over my head and hit the hellhound square in the chest causing it to fly backwards.

Percy looked stunned but quickly went in for the kill as he finished it off by stabbing it in the stomach disintegrating it. Then he turned to us.

"How- what are you guys?"

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