Chapter One

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"I'm coming! I'm coming! Hold on!" Shouta yawned stiffly as he rooted for this phone, glaring at the ringing device as he yanked a pillow out the way. He barely looked at the caller ID, answering it and pressing it to his ear. 

"Shouta Aizawa." 

There was a small sigh on the other end, before a far too robotic voice cut through, making his headache worse. "Is this the Shouta Aizawa, brother to Inko Midoriya?

He bristled at that, moving to sit on the kitchen chair and grabbing the close notebook and pen, chewing at his lip. "Yes, that's me." 

His knee tapped anxiously, pen tapping as he waited. He hadn't seen, or even heard from, his sister in eight years. Not since she married to the no-good Hisashi Midoriya. He had convinced her to move to the other end of the city, and she had all-but cut contact from the rest of the family.

So much she hadn't even come to their Father's funeral.

"This is Musutafu General Hospital. You were listed as Inko's Emergency Contact and sole external kin. Unfortunately, two weeks ago she was hospitalised after an attempted OD which caused her to resume a comatose state. This morning her lungs failed and she passed away."   

Shouta felt the blood drain from him, hands shaking as the back of his eyes burned. The robotic voiced women gave him a few seconds, before continuing. "Even more unfortunate, her son has been left without a internal relative. You were listed as his emergency contact and elective guardian."

Now didn't that just pour salt into a wound. Shouta's eyebrows furrowed, breathe hitching. "S-Son?" There was a hum. "Yes, Izuku Midoriya. Now, I understand the news is startling but I must ask now. Are you assuming your duties of Izuku's guardian or are you placing him into the Foster system? If the latter, we have a place in the next Cities group home ready-

"What about his Dad?" The women huffed slightly, obvious displeased with being interrupted. She wanted this phone call over quickly, it definitely wasn't a pleasant one. 

"Hisashi Midoriya sighed away all rights to Custody one year ago and does not wish to house the boy. Have you made a decision?" Gulping, Shouta nodded, lips parting when he realised she couldn't see him. "Y-Yes, I'll take him."

He flinched at his own choose of words, but the women hummed again. "He will be delighted to hear. Yuan Tsubasa has been assigned his Social Worker and will be here for when you arrive. Usually with cases like these, we will try and remove the child from the Hospital soon and the paperwork will spread over the next few days. However, Yuan will explain more when you arrive.

Nodding, Shouta stuffed on his shoes and grabbed his keys. "Musutafu General you said?"

"Yes, you'll be guided when you arrive. I am sorry for your loss." And the call ended, Shouta snapping the door shut behind him.


"I assume you're Shouta Aizawa?" Shouta nodded, shaking the extended hand and taking the moment to examine the women.

She showed no evidence of a Quirk, skin pale but eyes holding a caring glint in the blue irises. Her hair was dyed a deep purple colour, the curls barely held in a messy bun and strands gripping the black scrunchy holding it. Her clothes were simply and casual - a pair of jeans with a plain jumper - and all together, she dressed the part of a gentle women. 

"I'm Yuan Tsubasa. I've been assigned as Izuku's Social Worker. I've spoken a little with Izuku, is he correct in saying you two have never met?" Shouta nodded, chewing his inner cheek.

"Up until half an hour ago, I didn't know he existed. His Mother and I haven't spoken in eight years." The Social Worker nodded, writing something in her folder. "That's okay, it makes this a little more difficult, but he's a sweet boy so no doubt you'll get along soon enough."

She looked at the chairs, gesturing one to him and sat besides it.

"Now, I've ran a background check on you, and only have one issue. Your job requires night work, so would Izuku be left alone?" 

A very, very, awkward and tense phone call had this answer ready. "No, I've booked a few weeks off, and then afterwards my boyfriend will be present during the night." She nodded, writing down, and sighing. 

"That's good, you have a good head to book a few weeks off. Izuku has had a few rough weeks, and has just lost his Mum, so this will be a hard transition. I have a small booklet here of a few suggestions and tips for situations you might find yourself in. It also has my number on, in the event you need to contact me, and the dates I will be coming to visit and do a standard check up."

The Hero took a shuddered breathe, looking down at the booklet. A hand graced his shoulder. "I know this is all very sudden and overwhelming, but things will settle down. Now, shall we go meet the little one?" 

Nodding, Shouta stuffed the papers into his bag and followed the women into the room, taking a deep breathe. 

Sat on a table, slowly colouring in something on a piece of paper, was a boy he knew was six, but looked smaller than the average kid his age. He was shrouded in a hoodie that looked to belong to the hospital staff, a small tremble in his shoulders. His green eyes were wide and glossy, dark bags beneath them and red rimming the puffiness. His hair was curly and out of control, greasy and unbrushed, a mix of green and black strands that made it look like -


The Social Worker sent him an amused glance, but didn't say anything about it.

"Hey Izuku, what you drawing?" Seemingly not noticing Shouta, he raised the paper, showing a badly drew apple. "An A-Apple Miss Y-Yuan, Ma-Mama likes apples." 

Nodding, Yuan clapped. "How delightful! Looks whose here Izuku, it's your Uncle Shouta." 

Green eyes met onyx, and Shouta felt his heart break slightly. Izuku's lip wobbled, and he waved shyly. "H-Hey Unkie Sho."

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