Chapter Twenty-Three

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Izuku frowned at the plasters on his fingers, nudging them off slightly as he waited in line. For the first time they were allowed to flip off the beam - and he was more excited than ever. 

The kids around him - mostly girls but he didn't care - buzzed with the same excitement. But, as he was used to, stood a little away from him.

It hadn't taken long for the news of his Quirklessness to spread, and everyone had stayed away from him like he was a virus, but Izuku did not care.

Because Mrs Nozomi liked him, and thought he was amazing for a kid his age.

He cheered slightly as he got to the front, the orange eyed women - whose Quirk he had discovered made her bones stronger - flashed him a large smile. 

"Alright Izuku! You ready?!" He nodded excitedly, gripping her hand as he climbed onto the beam. He wobbled a little, and took a giddy breathe. 

"Now Izuku, you're very good at the flip, and we're going to go into the pit, okay? It's nice and squishy so you won't get carpet burn."

Izuku's face flushed red, and Mrs Nozomi laughed. "Yes, your Unkie likes to tell me about the fun you have at home. Me and Susu are gonna stand on either side, so we can catch you if you fall, so can you let go of my hand when we reach the end?"

Nodding, Izuku balanced as he walked across the beam, face growing brighter as he reached the end. It was an inch away from a large hole in the ground, foam squares padding it completely. Susu, a more quiet instructor, gave him an encouraging smile and rose her feathered arms in preparation for the worst.

He slowly let go of Mrs Nozomi's hand, taking a deep breathe. He couldn't tell if the churning in his stomach was from excitement or nervousness, but as he watched the girl who'd gone before him jump in front of her parents and squealed, he grinned further. 

He bent his knees, muscles taking over as he once again performed his current favourite trick. His feet left the beam in a spring as he pushed, body curling as he flipped. He felt the rush of the air besides his ear and cheered as he flopped into the pit, pushing the cubes that had fallen on him.

He clambered to the side, hearing his instructors congratulations, and climbed clumsily out. Just like the others, he stood tall and looked to where his Unkie was sitting. Or at least, had been. His stuff was still there, but his Unkie was missing from where he had. Izuku's eyes moved to the door as he swung open, just catching sight of the man walking out, phone pressed to his ear. 

Izuku's gut sunk a little, realising Shouta probably hadn't seen his flip, before he shook it out of his head and ran to fish for his water bottle.

Shouta didn't return as he did his second, or third, flip, and not even as they cooled down. So, he sat and waited, coat pulled on and bag mostly packed. His legs swung slightly as he watched everyone else leave their parents, looking at the door expectantly. As Susu cleared away, Mrs Nozomi came and crouched in front of him, frowning at her phone slightly. 

"You're Unkie had to run off, and your Auntie is running late. Why don't we do some more flips?"

Pushing his frown back, Izuku quickly pulled his coat off and nodded.

"Y-Yes Please!"

Smiling, the instructor led him to a a thick blur pad, Susu smiling fondly as she moved to crouch besides them. "Right Izuku, we're going to teach you how to do a back flip. You were so good at the front flip."

He cheered in excitement, and Susu laughed lightly. "You're one of our best students littlen, we do hope to see you get so much better as your grow."

Mrs Nozomi smiled. "Yes, but listen to be Izuku. This flip you cannot do unless your Unkie or us are with you - not until you can do it properly. Flipping is dangerous anyway, but this is very dangerous. Can you promise me?"

Izuku nodded sternly, placing his hand on his heart. "I promise! I won;t even show Paws!"

Laughing, the instructors held onto Izuku carefully as she showed him how to flip, keeping a hold of his waist each time. By the sixth or seventh time - all Izuku knew was that he was having so much fun - they dropped to only Nozomi holding onto him.

They were a few flips away from Izuku being independent - with extreme padding and ready instructors - when the door opened.

"I'm so sorry! There was an accident and the roads are backed up!"

Izuku ran into his Aunts legs, hugging her tightly and squishing his face into the thin material of her tights. The top of her leather skirt brushed his head. "Auntie N-Nem-Nem!"

His hair was patted, and the instructors smiled. "You must be Nemuri?"

Nem nodded, bowing slightly. "I'm sorry once again, was Izuku okay?"

Mrs Nozomi grinned. "Always! He's one of our best, polite and skilled. If anyone, we're happy it's him we're staying back for."  

Laughing, Nem ushered him to get his coat on. "He's a sweet heart. Shouta says he apologise in person next session, we should be heading off, do you need any help?" 

And so the Nephew and Auntie were shooed away, with Izuku's loud and excited good byes, before hooking his hands in Nemuri's and skipping besides her. "You had a good session?"

Izuku nodded, humming excitedly as he took a deep breathe.

"We did f-flips! It was so cool! Like I was flying! Mrs Nozomi s-says I did it perfectly so I got to do the back flips t-too! Although she says I'm n-not allowed to do them without them or Unkie watching me , which is sad but I promised so I won't! Did you see?! I hoped Unkie got to see me flip before h-he had to go! It was so cool! I jumped into his h-hole with squishy boxes!"

Laughing, Nemuri buckled him in the backseat and ruffled his hair. "Calm down sweetie, and yes I did see, you did so well. Now, shall we get food on the way home?"

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