Chapter Thirty-One

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Izuku couldn't help but think he had done something wrong. Tears burned his eyes as the secret he'd been burying, been hiding from even his Unkie and Kisan, was now exposed. 

Eyes made his skin itch as he was examined, squirming on his spot. he wanted to go back to the flat - no, he wanted to go home. Back to where his Mama and him lived. He wanted his Mama more than ever.

"Izuku, are you in any current pain? If you are we will immediately heal any injuries, okay?" Izuku shook his head to the Judge, looking down in shame. He wasn't in pain, the beating from his bullies had been a few days ago. He'd gotten off lucky, Mirai was having a good day.

"Are you sure? It's not bother." He hugged the bunny tight to his bare chest, looking to his Unkie for help. He wanted to leave. The man had a angry look clouded in his eyes, and the seven-year-old misunderstood.

He didn't realise it wasn't meant for him, and but his cheek. "N-No." The Guard patted his head lightly as he helped but the shirt back on, leaving the blazer off. The judge looked at him with a soft sternness.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions, and you have to answer honestly, okay?"

Anxiety gnawed at Izuku's gut, and Izuku let out a small sob. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to be here!

Now everyone was going to know that he was weak, useless, not even able to handle a few bruises. He didn't want to be looked at in sympathy, or treated as if he was going to break. Boys will be boys! They were going to look down on him and wrap him in bubble wrap. Now his Unkie wouldn't want him for sure! Why would he? Fake Mama was right, he wasn't worth love. He should be put in a cage and exhibited as the most worthless boy. 

His Unkie could be happy now. Without him. With Hitoshi. A happy family - it's what they deserved, right? They didn't need Izuku. They didn't a boy whose Mama didn't want him.

They didn't need a Deku. 

There was a hand combing through his hair, calming him down, but it wasn't his Unkie. No, his Unkie was still sat, body strained as he gripped his trouser legs.

"It's okay Izuku, deep breathes for me. Good boy, can you tell me how you got these bruises?"

Izuku bit his lip, shaking his head and sinking back into the chair. The Judge frowned further. "It'll be our little secret, okay?" She dropped her voice. "Was it your Unkie?"

Izuku's eyes widened and he sat straight, shaking his head fast with horror curling in his chest. He was an idiot - he should have told them! Now they think his Unkie did it. Unkie would never, but who would believe a Quirkless child? No one! Now his Unkie was going to get in trouble and it was all his fault!




"N-No! Unk-Unkie wouldn't! It's was-wasn't! I pro-promise! I promise! I-I pro-promise!"Izuku's shouts turned into blabbers and he whacked the hands reaching for him, falling off the seat. He screamed when the nice man reached to hoist him up, kicking him away and running from the podium.

"Unkie!" The man he screamed for jut forwards, skidding off the seat and dropping to his knees as Izuku barrelled into his chest, cradling the sobbing boy.

Izuku gripped the front of his clothes, shaking his head and soaking the shirt with his streaming tears. "I'm so-sorry! I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry!" Shouta shushes him, standing and rocking him gently. 

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay. Deep breathe's, follow my breathing." It took a few minutes for Izuku to calm down, and Shouta moved to stand by the podium, Izuku not letting go. "Izuku, Lettuce, it's okay, it's okay. I'll be right down there."

Izuku shook his head, sniffling. "I'm s-sorry! It's was-wasn't you b-but no on-one will bel-believe me!" Shouta looked to the Judge, who nodded with a tight lipped frown, snapping for the arguing Hisashi to sit back down.

Shouta lowered his voice, but allowed it loud enough for the Judge to hear. "Okay Lettuce, I believe you. Can you tell me where you got the bruises from?" The boy whined, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands and shakily inhaling. 

"Ki-Kids at sch-school. I'm so-sorry." Shouta shook his head, and looked to the judge. "He needs a minute to calm down. Can we take a break?" Hizashi stood then, a angered furrow in his eyebrows. 

"Your honour! This is obviously manipulation! How are we sure he won't tell my son what to do next!?" The Judge nodded, and looked to the Court Guard. "Stay with them the entire time. Watch for any suspicious behaviour. Court will continue in ten minutes." 

Shouta nodded in thanks, sitting Izuku on his hips and following the Guard. Izuku didn't even notice they had left until a hand ruffled his hair. "Izuku, look at me."

Izuku looked up, blinking a few times to get rid of the fuzziness. His Unkie looked stern, but soft at the same time. Izuku liked that look. "How long has the bullying been going on?" Izuku shook his head, dropping his head only to have Shouta gently pull it up.

"I-It's not bul-bullying! B-Boys will b-be bo-boys!" Shouta shook his head this time, pushing some of Izuku's hair out his eyes. "No, Izuku, you're right. This is worse than bullying. I need to know how long you've been hiding it from me." Izuku took in a shuddered breathe, pushing his head back into Shouta's chest. 

"S-Since Kis-Kisan made new fri-friends. But Ki-Kisan does-doesn't know! I'm so-sorry!" Shouta took a deep breathe, stroking Izuku's head. "You don't need to apologise. Can you stay awake for me, please? It won't be long until we can go home."

And yet, no promise

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