Chapter Twenty

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"Shouta, I'm sorry-"

The blonde was cut off, Shouta shaking his head and falling to sit on the bench. For once, Shouta needed to start. He needed to get the things that made his stomach twist out into the open- if not for the sake of a man he did truly love, then for the boy who'd gone out of and put himself in possible danger to get them together.

"Just ... I need a minute to get my thoughts in order." 

Nodding, Hizashi sat in the opposite seat, hands clenching in front of him. Shouta's eyes settled on the harshly picked and jagged nails. Without thinking, he grabbed the blondes hands and examined them. "Did they bleed? Have you cleaned them? Especially if you're fighting Villains, who knows what dirt could have-"

He trailed off, movement freezing as he looked up to meet Hizashi's eyes. His shoulders were tensed, lips slightly parted and a furious red spreading across his cheeks. Shouta slightly tilted his head, and the blonde looked down.

"S-Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to still care."

Shouta squeezed his hands gently then, making him look back up. "Hizashi, I will always care. I didn't stop loving you, but we needed some time apart. I should have called sooner, I know that, but I was angry."

He didn't miss the guilt flash in slightly dull eyes. 

"No, stop Hizashi. Yes, I was angry at you but not only you. I was angry before and after. And you shouted. I couldn't handle it."

He took a deep breathe, and Hizashi stayed quiet.

"Let's face it, we should have spoken a long time ago. I know I'm quiet, and sometimes it comes off as I don't care, but that's not true. It was one of the reasons I loved you - you never seemed to care that you had to come up with the conversation and fill most of the silence, and I enjoyed listening to you.

I do have to admit though, I wasn't being truthful about how I felt. At the minute, I don't know. My sisters been dead for nearly three months and I still feel like she's just across the city. Izuku's been struggling, he's gotten better but when you left I had to distract him. He doesn't know how to grieve. Then his fucking Father turned up and wants to take me to court. I can't do this alone Hizashi, but I also can't do it with you if we can't communicate.

It's not just your fault either before you start to blame yourself. I only tried to take it on myself because you looked awful. I should have said it better."

A few seconds of silence passed, and Hizashi looked for permission, moving to rub his thumb on the back of Shouta's hand.

"I'm sorry. I love you, so much. I never thought you didn't cared - you're the one person I can actually talk to. You don't care if it's all I do - and that's why we clicked. And it was wrong for me to react like that, I know you are sensitive to it, and I have no excuse. But Shouta, I can't help if you don't talk to me. Now, we'll contact a therapist for Izuku, and a lawyer to keep the scum bag away."

Hizashi suddenly grinned, moving to Shouta's side and going on one knee. 

"Shouta Aizawa, love of my life and Unkie to my favourite Jelly Bean, will you do the honours of once again becoming my fiance." 

Sighing, Shouta yawned and pulled his hands free. "You dumb ass."

Although he wasn't given a clear answer, Hizashi saw the blush across his features, and moved to interlock their fingers. "And we'll get a couples counsellor. We can do this Shouta, together."

Nodding, Shouta stood and tugged Hizashi to the woods. By now, no one was around, and the air had a warmth to it. "Sho?"

Smirking, Shouta stopped in a small clearing beneath a canopy of leaves. "Ya'know Zashi, if we're redoing our proposal, we have one final part."

Hizashi smirked, getting closer to Shouta and murmuring. "You're right, just be ready to cancel my Quirk, you know I like to scream."

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