Chapter Five

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"Ah! Kisan! You s-shocked me again!" 

The blonde frowned, slapping his hands on Izuku's shoulders as they stopped a few metres from the gate. There weren't many adults there, both boys hyper to find out they were both being picked up from the back entrance. 

"Sorry Zukun! I'll train and train so it won't happen again!"

Izuku shook his head, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"N-No! I think it's c-cool! I wish I h-had your Quirk!" Denki grinned, knocking his shoulder into Izuku as they carried on walking. "We'll be Heroes together Zukun! What s-should my name be?!"

Izuku thought for a minute, leading into a tangent of mumbles - to which Denki's mouth dropped open - before squealing. "C-Chargebolt!"

Before anymore could be said, a voice called out for Denki, both boys realising they'd made it to the gate. Izuku looked for Shouta, who waved, before the boy hugged and ran to their adults.

"Unkie! Unkie!" Smiling, Shouta helped the boy in the car, tapping his nose. "Calm down Lettuce, take a deep breathe."

Izuku did, before bouncing in excitement. "So, who was the loud, overly-excited, blonde?"

Izuku laughed, clapping his hands. "That's Kisan! He's my best friend! We're going to be H-Heroes together! He says that I'm c-cool because I don't have a Quirk and that my n-notebooks are really cool!"

Humming a laugh, Shouta moved to sit in the front, twisting around slightly. Izuku had fallen into a mumble about the day, and no matter how hard the Hero had trained to catch information, he didn't understand a word. 

So, when Izuku went bright red and took a deep breathe, Shouta interrupted before he could carry on.

"Slow down Lettuce. Did you have a good day?" 

Nodding obnoxiously slower, Izuku clapped and kicked out his feet. "Yeah! We did maths a-and it was confusing but Kisan h-helped me! I h-helped him with w-writing because he s-said he has dys-lex-ia so all h-his letters get a-all mixed up and swap places!"

Shouta nodded. "That's great, did you make any other friends?" 

Izuku nodded, blabbering as the car started and pulled away. From what Shouta could tell, Izuku had one or two others, but none were as good as 'Kisan'. 

The adults shoulders relaxed in relief, a smile in his face as he saw a grin on his nephews cheeks. He knew the path wasn't going to be easy, that neither were getting out without a few scratches, but for now, everything seemed to be going great.

If only he hadn't relied so much on that thought.



Shouta's eyebrows furrowed as he stepped carefully into the kitchen, the light burning his eyes as he adjusted from the darkness. 

It was late - late enough even the insomniac had fallen asleep - and yet the six-year-old looked as though he hadn't seen a second of sleep. 

Izuku sat teary eyed at the table, Paws purring on his lap as his fingers careful ran down her body, face pale and body shaking slightly.

He startled at the voice, head flicking up and shoulders lurching.


Moving to crouch besides, Shouta pushed the back of his hand to Izuku's head, confusion growing further when he felt no fever. "Izuku, what are you doing up? It's late and you've got school tomorrow."

Swallowing thickly, Izuku turned his head down and shrugged. 

"I'm s-sorry for wa-waking you." Sighing, Shouta shook his head and turned his nephews face to his. 

"No, you can wake me up if you need to. Now what's wrong?" Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes and Paws jumped off as he jumped forward, wrapping his arms around Shouta's neck. 

He was still wearing Shouta's hoodie, and the Uncle nearly scowled as the extra sleeve length hit in the face before tugging behind his neck. But, he didn't and picked the boy up, rubbing his back.

"I m-miss Ma-Mama!" 

Frowning, he rocked slightly and moved to run his hand through the curls instead.

"I know, I know, I miss her too. Cry as much as you want Lettuce, it's okay."

He did, and fifteen minutes later dropped to sniffles, eyes red and puffy. Shouta sat him back on the chair. 

"Feeling a little better?" Izuku shrugged, using his sleeve to wipe his face, tears and snot staining the material. "How about some Hot Chocolate? I have Marshmallows?" 

Something sparked in the green, and the boy nodded, weakly, looking up with a pout. "P-Please?"

Shouta nodded and got to making it, pulling out the two jars of Marshmallows. One was full of little ones, whilst one was full of big. "How many Lettuce?" The kid pondered for a minute, before gasping.  

"C-Can I have t-twenty?!"

Shouta shook his head, eye twitching at the puppy eyes he got in return. "You can have fifteen small ones?" 

Izuku cheered as Shouta dropped them into the mug, placing it in front of the kid. "Don't drink it just yet, it's hot."

Nodding once again - Shouta began to think he'd have to have to buy the kid a neck support - Izuku looked into the cup, giggling at the Marshmallows, finger poking one. 

Rolling his eyes, Shouta grasped a bigger Marshmallow and held his hand above Izuku. "Marshmallow."

With wide eyes, Izuku held out his two hands, mouth dropping open as the fluffy food bounced on his palms.

"Marshmallow!" He echoed. 

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