Chapter Thirty-Four

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Shouta hadn't slept.

Not a single peep for a while seven days. The flat felt cold, empty, even worse than it had been the last few months. Since presumably the beginning of Izuku's bullying, the cold had been absent of a continuous bouncing energy, but now Izuku was gone entirely.

Everything was so much more bleak and boring, and old and different

It made the Hero wonder how he'd survived before his nephew crashed into his life. His breathing was heavy and his chest tight, clothes itchy and skin cold. He couldn't think straight, his body wasn't listening.

He was tired, but he couldn't sleep.

He paced back and forth in the kitchen, eyes lingering on the Lavender. It had drew the boys attention so much the last month, it had distracted him. Shouta and Hizashi had spent hours trying to think why it caused his blank stares.

Neither of them knew and now, Shouta put his full attention to figure out why. Because if he didn't, he'd think about the court and the fact his Nephew wasn't in his bed and the fact his Lettuce was somewhere out there in a random home under the care of random people. He'd think about how he subconsciously made four dinners and how he'd had his hand half-raised to knock on Izuku's door - or how he'd questioned where Paws was ready for when Hizashi brought the boys - or boy - home from school. 

He had to think about the Lavender, because otherwise he'd break. 

Frowning, he moved to it and rubbed a bud on his fingers, furrowing his eyebrows. Lavender.


Bloody Lavender!

His eyes widened as he grabbed the flowers, stuffing them in the bin and stomping his foot down on them. A hand gripped his arm, pulling him back, and Shouta met worried eyes.

"Sho! What are you doing?" Shouta looked at the flowers, realising they were crushed and he was panting. Shouta didn't pull from his arms. 

"We can't - the Lavender. We can't have them, I under ... I understand now. Inko always used a soap and shampoo that smelled like Lavender, it was making Izuku sad. I understand now."

Hizashi shook his head, sitting him down at the table and keeping a harsh, grounding, hand on his shoulder. "Shouta, you need to sleep. Rin's coming tomorrow, you'll need to have a clear mind." Shouta furrowed his eyebrows, running his hands through his hair.

"We've got Lavender freshener right? We need to get rid of it. It reminds Izuku of Inko, he was probably too shy to say anyth-"

"Shouta, stop it." Hizashi gripped his chin and cheeks with his hand, forcing Shouta to look at him. "You're working yourself up and not sleeping, and none of this will help get Izuku back. I'll get rid of everything Lavender in the house if you go to bed."

Shouta felt a tear fall down his cheeks, hand raising to hold Hizashi's wrist. "I c-can't sleep. He's not- He's not h-here and I can't sleep." Hizashi crouched then, sadness in his eyes as he rubbed Shouta's knee. He moved his hold to his cheek, cupping it. 

"I know, Sho, I really do. And it's difficult, I know it hurts. We'll go and lie down, okay?" Shouta shook his head, more tears falling. 

Every time he blinked Izuku's terrified face as he was dragged out flashed, the silence making his screams and pleas for his Unkie pound through his head.

"H-He - Zashi - I ca-can't..." Nodding in understanding, Hizashi stroked a tear from his face.

"Shouta?" Caught slightly off guard, he looked to Hitoshi. "Y-Yeah?"

Instantly, a fog fell over his brain and his mind detached. "Go to sleep."

Hizashi caught his significant other as he fell forward, hoisting him up and smiling to Hitoshi, who stood nervously at the door. "Thank you buddy, can you go and pull the blanket back so I can put him down?"

Nodding, the boy ran off to the bedroom, pulling the blanket back before Hizashi moved in. Thanking him, he lowered Shouta into the bed and tucked him in. Leading the purple haired boy into the main room, he sat him on the sofa and crouched down.

"I'm sorry everything has been hectic at the minute, Shouta's just worried and stressed and-" Hitoshi cut him off, eyes glossy.

"I-Is it my fault? That Izuku didn't want to be here?" Shaking his head, Hizashi pulled the kid into a hug. "No no, Izuku does want to be and even if he didn't, it would not be your fault. Why'd you think that berry?"

Hitoshi hugged back, small tears falling. "I-Izuku didn't li-like me. He wou-wouldn't speak to me and he w-walked away when I w-was with you two." Hizashi's eyes widened then, a realisation hitting him.

He rocked the seven-year-old gently. 

"Izuku did like you. I need you to listen and think about everything I say, okay? Because I need you to understand it's not your fault." The boy nodded, sniffling.

"Jelly Bean got and is getting bullied, okay? He's been told for years he isn't worth it and his dad even left because of that. Izuku misunderstood, and he thinks we're not happy with him here. He doesn't hate you, he just thinks we're replacing him. Okay?"

Hitoshi nodded, hugging tighter. "I w-want Izuku to come ho-home. I don't want h-him to be sad anymore. I w-want to tell him he's i-important here." 

Hizashi nodded, rubbing his back. "I know, me too. When Izuku get's back, we'll make sure he knows."

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