Chapter Ten

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Shouta tried to stop the frown tugging his lips, gently knocking on the kids door. He'd fallen asleep on the sofa, and as he woke he realised his nephew hadn't fallen asleep with him. 

He'd let him sleep through breakfast, expecting the kid to come out between that and lunch, but it was now nearing twelve and Izuku had barely eaten since yesterday's lunch.

When there wasn't an answer, he pushed in slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the dark room. On the bed, pushed towards the headboard, was a huddle of blankets and pillows, and Shouta was sure Izuku was under it.

"Kiddo, you hungry?"

He crouched besides the bed, pulling the blankets back and exposing the dull-eyed Izuku. His face was red and eyes puffy, body shaking as he curled into a ball, nails picking at the skin on his dried lips. He was sweaty, panting slightly and pale besides his face.

Shouta pushed the back of his hand against his forehead, frowning then.

"Okay, let's get you into the living room."

Izuku whined and squirmed as Shouta picked him up, putting him on the sofa. "I 'wanna go b'ed." He slurred, trying to get off the sofa weakly, but Shouta simply pushed him back. "No, Izuku, you're ill, so you have to stay here where it's cooler." 

Once he was sure Izuku was secure on the sofa, he ruffled his hair. "Hold on for one second and I'll get you something for your head, and get you a blanket."

He moved into the kitchen, where Hizashi was stood with furrowed eyebrows. "He's got a fever, probably from the stress of yesterday. Have we got any-" 

He cut off as there was a soft thump, and moved quickly into the living room. Izuku was slowly pushing himself off the floor, a little off from the sofa.

He was whimpering, tears dampening his eyes. Shouta sighed, scooping him up and lying him back on the sofa. "Izuku-"

The boy began lashing out, kicking and squirming and yelling. 

"N-No! Le-Leave me alone! G-Go awa-away!"

Shouta ducked under legs and arms, frowning as he waited for the movement to become sluggish before holding his limbs down.

"Izuku, listen to me - hey, kid, for go- Hizashi!"

The blonde poked his head around the corner, a frown clean on his face. "Remember when Skit got sick?" 

Nodding, Hizashi vanished before resurfacing a minute later, Izuku still kicking and screaming. Working efficiently - Izuku was acting like a cat - they swaddled him in a thin blanket and tightened it so he could do nothing but squirm, tucking him on the sofa. 

"Oh Jelly Bean, deep breathe. Let's get some medicine in you." Izuku had clamped his mouth shut and refused, looking away. Neither men backed down yet, and a few seconds later when Izuku relaxed a little and opened his mouth, pushed the syringe full of liquid into his mouth.

He sobbed as he swallowed, squirming more. Shouta sighed, sitting on the seat and putting Izuku on his lap, stroking his hair. "Hey Lettuce, it's okay." He bounced him gently, grabbing the ice pack - wrapped in a clothe - on his forehead.

Hizashi appeared again.

"I called Chiyo, she say's she'll drop around if it doesn't ease in a few hours. Bless the little guy."

The 'little guy' was already falling asleep again, barely squirming. He suddenly jerked awake. "C-Can't sle-sleep." He slurred, trying to sit up.

Shouta lay him back down. "Why not?"

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