Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Dedicated to @SaveTheAmazingCakes   -- Thank them for the break in angst :)

"Mama! Mama! Time to wakey!" The three-year-old giggled as he barged the door open, jumping on the bed. The figure in it stirred, rubbing her eyes as she sat up, using the pillow as leverage.

She looked young, bright green eyes and a even brighter smile. Her hair - even though knotted from sleep - fell to her elbows in perfect waves, bouncing lightly as she laughed.

Her slim - but not without a healthy and cuddly amount of fat - body pushed against the head board just in time as the child leapt forward, wrapping his chubby arms around her neck.

His skin glowed in joy, freckles like stars and green eyes shining with an innocence no-one but him deserved. His hair was a thick mass of curls, green and black strands twisting together. 

"Good morning Izuku, what's got you so excited?" The boy pulled back, kneeling on his mothers lap as he vibrated on the spot.

There was a mischievous look on his face, smile quirked up in an attempt not to smile as he shook his head, squeezing his teddy tighter. 

"I'm not excited! I'm not!" Laughing, Inko patted his head, pulling the blanket off herself. "Okay then duck, shall we go make bre-"

Izuku yelps, jumping over his Mothers lap and pushing the blanket back, shaking his head. "N-No! Mama! Stay in bed! You have to stay in bed!"

Raising an eyebrow, Inko settled back and moved to sit her boy on her lap. "Oh? And why is that duck?"

With wide eyes, Izuku looked back out the door, finger grazing his thumb nail, before startling back to his Mama. "I w-want to cuddle!"

Ignoring the obvious lie, Inko laughed and wrapped her hands around his waist, pulling him into her side and resting her cheek on his curls.

"Okay, we'll cuddle. How did you sleep duck?" Izuku pushed his face into his mothers side, inhaling the scent of her clothes. She always smelled like Lavender. 

"Good! I had a dream that me and Kacchan were Heroes! We were super cool and saved lots of people!" Smiling, Inko ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head. 

"That's amazing. You're certainly my Hero Izuku." Squirming slightly, Izuku grabbed one of Inko's hands with both his own, fiddling with her fingers. "Mama?"

Inko hummed. "Yes?"

"I'm going to become a Hero for you Mama, and when I do you'll never have to work again." Izuku wasn't stupid, he had heard his Mama crying the night before. Then young Nurse had seen many patients die, it was part of the job, but never one as young as yesterday.

He had looked too much like her own boy.

"Awe, cuddles without me?" 

Both looked up at the figure in the doorway, eyes lighting up further.

He filled up the doorway, broad shoulders and thick muscles, light hair and freckles - very few and very weak mind that. "I brought pancakes."

Inko's eyes widened, and she dug her fingers into his sides, smiling at his yelping and giggles. "Oh? Now I know why you were being cheeky this morning."

The kid squealed as Hizashi put down the pancakes down on the bedside table and sitting on the other side, blowing raspberries into his stomach as his Mama moved to attack his feet. 

"Ma-Mama! P-Pa-Papa! Ah! St-Stop!" He yelled through his laughter, and after a few minutes they let him go, laughing as he wheezed. Once regaining his breathe, he sat up and pouted.

"Mama! Papa! You're meanies!"

Hizashi laughed, poking his cheek. "And here i thought you loved us. Peace?" He held up a pancake, and Izuku grinned, taking a big bite of it.

Hizashi lent over his head to kiss Inko, handing her a pancake. "Izuku woke me up at the crack of dawn and begged me to stay home today. He said you needed us." The boy was oblivious to the murmur, and Inko sighed.

"You didn't have to, I would have been fine."

Before another word could be said, Izuku's hand swatted up and he whined through his pancakes. "Stop having adult words!"

Laughing again, Hizashi wiped crumbs from his mouth. "Don't speak with your mouth full Little Hero. Speaking of, you're nearly four Izuku."

The boy nodded, eagerly chewing and swallowing, grinning as he did so. "I get my Quirk soon! I'm going to be a Hero for Mama!"

Inko and Hizashi smiled, hugging him tight. "That's right duck, you're going to be the best Hero no matter what."

Izuku sunk into their embrace, eyes closing with the wish that it never ended.

But of course, like every time, Izuku had to open his eyes.


Just for those who not know, duck is a nickname used in England. Just like 'baby' or 'sweetie'. 

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