Chapter Thirty-Seven

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The Seven-Year-old chewed on the plasters wrapping his fingers, stomach tightening and loosening uncomfortably.

He felt sick.

When he had been led out the room, the court room had been empty and he was unaware.

Unaware of where everyone had gone; of where he was going.

Holding the bunny teddy close to his heart, he rubbed his dry eyes, stepping lightly with his head down.

His mind was empty, black and white. Even Fake Mama had decided to leave him alone. He'd been told the few things be owned had been sent ahead, and as they stopped on the curb, the yellow backpack had been waiting. 

Tears burned his eyes as he opened it, pulling out the tattered bracelet.

His stomach was warm as he slipped it on, a choked breathe getting caught in his throat. He wanted his Unkie. 

Ma'am crouched besides him, pulling the tie off. "It's a little warm out, do you want your blazer off?" Izuku shook his head, shuffling slightly. He wanted to leave.

"N-No, it's ok-okay thank y-you." She nodded, grabbing his backpack and neatly putting the tie in. "You're guardian shouldn't be long. There's a bench here, come on." So he did, climbing onto the bench and leaning against the back, letting his eyes fall closed.

He was tired - it had been a long day and the feeling of adrenaline burning his veins was yet to go away. He yawned, nodding off slightly when a finger poked his cheek. 

A rough, ragged, voice cut through his buzzing ears.

"You haven't jumped off anything while I was away did you?"

His green eyes snapped open, zoning on onyx and freezing for a second. Crouched in front of him, a crazy grin on his face, was the man he had yearned for. He looked barely had different, purple bags beneath his eyes just as stark against his pale skin, black hair haphazardly brought back into a bun and suit surprisingly clean. Although, the tie was loose and top button undone. The only different was the subtle red around his slight puffy eyes, evidence he had in fact cried.

Izuku was still unable to move, unsure it this was real.

Eventually, after a minute, tears rained down his face as he lurched forward, ploughing his body against the man's chest and wrapping tight around his neck.


The man stabilised himself, not moving from the crouch and rubbing soothingly into the sobbing boys back, hugging tightly back and trying not to cry.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here, I'm here. I'm not leaving again, you're coming home. I promise."

And if Izuku hadn't broken before, he had now. He wailed and clutched tighter, willing to never let go. His Unkie made a promise, that meant he meant it.

Izuku was going home

Shouta moved to sit on the bench, helping Izuku breathe through his crying before speaking again. "Lettuce, I need you to listen, okay? Not once did we ever not love you. You are apart of my family, or our family, and you always will be. You're my nephew and my kid, no one will ever take you away from me. I'm not going to be upset, or disappointed, or love you less if you get scared, or hurt, or need help. That's my job as your guardian and Unkie, you understand? We all love you, and you're so important and special to us. Me, you, Zashi and Hitoshi are a family - along with Paws, Skit, Patch and Stray. That is never going to change. We might bring new members in, but we will not kick anyone out."

Izuku clutched harder, sobbing into his Unkie's shoulder. "I mi-missed yo-you!"

Shouta kissed his forehead. "I missed you too Lettuce. Now, let's go home."


Well guys - that's it.

The End.

I can't believe it ... I've loved writing this and I'm not ready to publish this ... it feels so unreal. It's been a roller coaster of emotions, and I've cried and laughed, but I managed the happy ending I wanted.  

I just want to say Thank you so much for those who read, comment, vote! You all make my day and have been my favourite part! I couldn't have done it without you! 

I hope to see you soon my little disappointments! Thank you! I love you all!

But this isn't the end of little Lettuce's adventures! Soon - not sure when but soon - 'Whipped Cream' will be published! The description:

'Life hadn't been easy on Izuku. He was hit with the consequences of the world early on in his life - the crush of his dreams as he was announced Quirkless, the leaving of the man he thought loved him, and the death of his Mother. He supposed it wasn't too harsh, that every cloud had a silver lining, and his was his Uncle. They'd been through enough together, and as Izuku grew older, were preparing for the next wave of bad events - especially when becoming student and teacher.'

Stay tuned guys! I love you all!

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