Shouta x Hizashi - Chapter Twenty (MATURE)

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Since a lot of you seem to want this, I can't let you down - but it is adult content and mature! And I'm not very good at this type of scenes...


Hizashi smirked, getting closer to Shouta and murmuring. "You're right, just be ready to cancel my Quirk, you know I like to scream."

A red flushed across Shouta's cheeks, heating his ears. It only deepened as they stepped into the clearing, Hizashi's hand slipped from his hand and instead to the side of his face. For a moment, they just stood there.

Looking in each other's eyes. 

As per usual, Hizashi began to get impatient, other hand slipped down across Shouta's stomach, pulling at his waist band. The Underground Hero caught his wrist with a smirk.

"Straight to it? Eh?" 

His voice was deep, scraping the back of his throat slightly. Hizashi reddened a little. His eyes flicked up from where he'd been staring at Shouta's chest, a hungry glint in them. Not inching lower, he lent forward instead and removed his hand from Shouta's cheek, hit air against his neck as he chuckled.

"We'll see who get's needy first."

A tongue nipped Shouta' ear lobe, making his back tense and breathe catch in his throat. Shouta realised the mistake he had made too late as he was pushed to his knees, Hizashi following and pulling his collar down.

Shouta let his free hand tangle in his hair as the tongue ran along his skin, gasping slightly. It was a nice and sharp contrast against the cold air. Shouta leaned forward.

Hizashi laughed again, eyes moving to the bag dropped by them, forgotten by Shouta. "Did Nem pack it?" Realisation settled in Shouta, and he pinched his eyebrows together. "We're probably good to carry on."

Smirking, Hizashi struck, biting and sucking on Shouta's skin while the man was unprepared. It worked, the Hero's body lurching slightly shuddering and hand tightening in the blonde hair. 

As he felt Shouta harden, Hizashi stopped, tugging on the hoodie. Shouta raised an eyebrow. "Do it yourself." So Hizashi did, not to gently pulling the material off, allowing it to wrap and tangle Shouta's hand.

The Underground Hero scowled. "Hizash-" It developed into a moan as Hizashi lowered his head quickly, teasing on of his nipples. His other hand was on his stomach, pushing them to floor and moving to straddle his hips. 

Shouta didn't even care how cold the leather was on his skin, trying to free his hands against the light feeling in his limbs. Smirking against a moan as Hizashi sucked, he pulled his arms over Hizashi's head and settled the tangle of material on his lower back, pushing their's middles together.

Hizashi pulled back, raising an victory eyebrow. "Straight to it? Eh?"

Shouta growled. "Whatever." Taking control of Shouta's tongue, Hizashi discarded of the rest of Shouta's clothes, worked his own off and reaching for the bag. He leaned up as far as he could - Shouta had surprisingly long arms - he guided Shouta's legs around his hips and curled his lower body. 

His fingers coaxed in lubricant from the open tub and he teased the rim, watching the rest of Shouta's member harden, liquid oozing from the top. 

His body went down slightly, but Hizashi was quick to stop, hand pressing on Shouta's lower stomach and pressing his body to the ground. As one finger slipped in, Shota's body tensed, and he explored the walls. 

As the second pushed in, a shiver ran up Shouta's spine as the tips brushed the mark. Hizashi continued the movement slowly, teasing the light headed Shouta. The man growled. "Hi~za~shi."

Running his still dripping hands across his own throbbing function, he pushed slowly.

So slowly it was teasing for himself.

As ass cheeks met front, Hizashi let out the breathe was holding and grinned wider, leaning besides Shouta's ear. "You've not been saving yourself for me since last time, have you?"

Shouta grunted, teeth catching Hizashi's ear lobe as he began to move slowly in and out, aiming for the prostate. He was common enough to know where and how to go - shivers running up them.

His own face nuzzled in Shouta's neck, biting his lip as he felt his Quirk push to activate. As Shouta gasped, he drew back, locking eyes with Shouta's as his eyes sparked red, warmth spreading in their stomachs.

They tensed together, speeding up as they neared.

And together, they finished.

Hope you are all happy, I'm now hiding my laptop from everyone in my house... 

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