Chapter Nine

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Izuku jumped back, hitting the pew as he yelled out, tears raining down his face and terror in his eyes.

He didn't want to see his Mama; last time he did she didn't look like the women who cared for him

His Mama was here, but it wasn't his Mama.

"Okay, it's okay Lettuce, you don't have to. Take a deep breathe for me." 

Shouta crouched a little away, eyebrows furrowing in worry as Izuku took wavering breathes.

The funeral hadn't been easy - they'd dipped into mot of Inko's life insurance and planned around Izuku's waking hours, trying not to sadden him.

The few days before they'd told him, and he'd been quiet and a little distant. Last night he hadn't drank any of his hot chocolate and the Marshmallows had bloated without being slurped. 

On the day he'd hidden, sobbing all morning and all the while they were there, looking at the casket in nothing but fear and slight anger. Some of Inko's work friends had approached, but Izuku only wrapped his arms around Shouta's leg and used his knees as a personal pillow. 

Now, when Shouta had offered to carry him to see his Mother one last time, he freaked out and took a drastic turn to anger. 

"Are you calmer now?"

The once again sad boy nodded, inching forward. Shouta opened his arms, and the boy dropped into the embrace. "I'll go start the car." Hizashi whispered, slipping out as Shouta stood, holding the kid on his hip in a hug.

"Do you want to say good bye to your Mama? From here?" Izuku shook his head, letting out a loud sob. "T-That's not-not Mama!"

Shushing him, Shouta bowed to everyone there in one swift motion before leaving for the day, rubbing his nephews back. "Okay, okay, make sure to take deep breathes. Can you follow mine?" 

Shouta waited around the side of the building, gently rocking as Izuku's wailing became sniffles.

"T-That wasn't Ma-Mama Unkie Sho, s-she was co-cold." Frowning, Shouta nodded.

"Okay Lettuce, I believe you. Do you want me to sit in the back with you?" 

Izuku nodded and he buckled Izuku into his seat, un-doing his tie a little as he squirmed, and settling himself in the middle, holding his hands.

The ride was silent to the cemetery, Izuku looking increasingly more scared as they went. Shouta tapped his nose.

"What's frightening you Lettuce?" Izuku shrugged, leaning into Shouta and closing his eyes.

"W-What if M-Mama got lo-lonely? S-She was al-alone. W-What if Ma-Mama is lo-lonely in Heaven?" 

Running a hand through his hair, Shouta was careful with his words. "She's not lonely Izuku, because she's looking over and watching you. Every time you smile, she smiles. And besides, she's not alone in Heaven, is she?" 

Izuku shook his head, pouting. "I m-miss her Unkie, is i-it my fault s-she went t-to Heaven? W-Why did s-she leave m-me?"

The car had stopped now, and Shouta pulled the kid into his lap, not knowing what to say. "Izuku, it wasn't your fault, okay? Sometimes, the World isn't the right place for people, and they belong in Heaven with all the Angels. She didn't leave you because she'll always be in your heart and memories. She'll always be with you."

He rocked for a few minutes while the others arrived, the casket now closed. Izuku refused to be put down as they separated from the crowd slightly, watching the box get lowered into the grave at the soft words of a priest.

Izuku buried his face in Shouta's neck as they pushed the dirt over top. 

They waited there, sat on the bench to the side, for hours before Izuku finally made his way to the fresh grave, leaning forward and tracing the letters on the stone. 

Everyone had gone, and Hizashi was respectfully keeping his distance, Shouta stood not to far from Izuku. The kid had a small smile on his face.

"M-Mama, I'm going t-to be a H-Hero for you. I p-promise. So d-don't stop w-watching me, I w-won't let you down." 

He let out a sob, pressing his forehead to the stone and closing his eyes. "P-Please don't let le-U-Unkie leave me t-too Mama."


They skipped the wake, Izuku passing out in the car and in the arms of Shouta. He didn't wake up until hours later, swaddled in a blanket and tucked on the sofa, his Uncle right by his side.

Whining, he crawled onto Shouta's lap, tears in his eyes.

"Hey Lettuce, you should go back to sleep."

Izuku shook his head, pressing his face into Shouta's stomach and clutching tight.

"N-No, g-got to make s-sure y-you don't leave."

Sighing, he grabbed the bracelet - he'd made a habit of keeping it on to show the kid it was important to him - and slipped it onto the kid.

"There we go, I can;t you leave you now. And I won't, I'll never leave you. Lettuce is a vegetable, and people say you need vegetables in your life." 

Izuku lazily laughed, yawning. "Y-You're silly Unkie Sho."

Shouta smiled, running a hand through my hair. "I know."

As Izuku's eyes slipped closed once again, his mumbled just clear enough for Shouta to understand.

"I l-love you."

"I love you too."

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