Chapter Twenty-One

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Izuku sighed, swinging his legs absently as he tried not to bounce in his seat. It was his first day back at school, and he'd almost been bombarded by everyone.

Luckily, the Teacher had come to his rescue. 

Now, he was waiting for the end of the day, desperate to see his Unkie and Uncle again - he'd been non-stop making sure his Uncle was still around after he came back two weeks ago. He'd gotten grounded for sneaking out, a whole week without his notebook.

Yeah, his Uncles said they'd never take his analysis from him again after Izuku had wrote on every sticky note and paper towel.

"Izuku." He jumped, looking to his Teacher as she stared expectantly. "S-Sorry Miss! I did-didn't hear!"

Miss Youta rolled her eyes, dropping her arm to her side. "You've had a lengthy amount of time off, you should be paying attention. I said, can you tell me how many sides a Pentagon has?"

His hand dropped to fiddle with his Unkie's bracelet beneath his sleeve, eyes widening a little as his stomach rolled. He didn't know.

Denki furrowed his eyebrows, foot nudging his five times. "F-Five?" Miss Youta nodded, moving onto the next one. Izuku smiled at Denki, who nodded with a grin.

Lunch was before they realised, and Denki dragged Izuku to the hall. "Come on Zukun! I want you to meet my new friends!"

Nodding shyly, Izuku gripped Denki's sleeve, anxiousness building. "O-Okay Kisan." 

The blonde led him to a large table, dropping him in the seat besides him. "Guys! This is Zuk- ah, Izuku!"

Everyone stared at him, until one boy lent forward. "Aren't you the Quirkless kid?" Izuku nodded slowly, and Denki furrowed his eyebrows when their faces scrunched.

"That's so weird! My Mama said Quirkless kids are defects!"

"I know right! Papa said they're unnatural!"

"My Grandma is Quirkless! She's so freaky! No one likes her!"

"Guys! My parents told me that to stay away from the Quirkless kid! I might catch it! Plus they said he doesn't even live with his parents! They sold him to his Uncle!"

"Ha! His own Mother doesn't like him!"

"Denki! Why did you bring him here!"

"Yeah Denki?! Did you not know?! Make him go away!"

"Do it Denki! I don't want to catch it!"

Izuku choked on his breathe, eyes wide as he slid off the chair, fingers peeling away the skin on his fingers. His eyes were blank, his never-ending, fake, smile bright on his cheeks. 

"Shut up you guys! Zukun is cooler than all of you!" Izuku giggled lightly, the sound haunting, and tugged in his best friends jacket.

"It's okay Kisan, they didn't mean it! They're just being boys! I'm not hungry anyway, Uncle 'Shi made me a big breakfast! I'll see you later!"

The lie came so naturally, so much so that his nervous stutter had vanished. Looking slightly confused, Denki nodded. After all, how was a six-year-old supposed to spot the lie?

He wasn't.

"Okay Zukun, I'll show you the Hero cards later!" 

Nodding, Izuku dumped his lunch - he suddenly wasn't hungry - and stalked the empty halls.

The familiar heavy feeling was back in his chest. He should have been used to it, it wasn't as though this was the first time kids were mean to Izuku.

But like his teachers had always said, 'boy will be boys' so Izuku shut up about it. 

He was happy he still had Kisan though, and now Kacchan was sending him letters. His Uncles were happy again and Paws was fully grown now!

He had a good life, even if it was without his Mama.

"Oi! Quirkless boy!"

Izuku turned slowly, head bent as two bigger boys sneered, getting close to him. "Ha! You acted like that was your name! How funny! Loser!"

Shuffling, Izuku wasn't ready for the punch to his gut, and dropped to his knees with a gasp. 

"Show us some respect dumb ass! On your knees when we're speaking to you!"

So, that's where Izuku stayed as he received a beating - mostly to his stomach - and where he remained after the bullies left. Wiping his eyes and fixing his clothes and taking deep breathes.

Izuku remained silent the rest of the afternoon, Denki flashing him grins and nudges every so often, and he replied in the best energy he could muster. The boy seemed to notice something wrong, but didn't say anything on it.

As usual, they walked out the back entrance together, and Izuku hugged his best friend, squeezing tight in fear that might be their last hug - his best friends had a track history of becoming mean (even if Kacchan was now talking to him). 

Running to his Unkie, he hid the bruises along his stomach, and acted as he usually would.

That included squirming in the back seat.

"Jelly Bean! How was your day!?"

Smiling, Izuku decide something then; his family was happy, finally, and he wouldn't ruin that. So, he took a deep breathe and clapped his hands.

"I-It was a-amazing! Kisan m-made new friends! But I-I'm still his bestest!" 



- Sorry the Chapter isn't too great, I've done something to my wrist and it's difficult to type but I didn't want to leave you without a Chapter!!

- I also apologise if things are confusing, I have the memory of a Gold-Fish LoL. Please comment if anything needs clarifying!!!!!!!

- Next Chapter will include a year skip - but do not fear, things have not been forgotten - and the introduction of another certain sleep-deprived boy. 

Have a good day!!!!!!!!!

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