Chapter Thirty-Two

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Shouta didn't like the idea of leaving Izuku up on the podium by himself. True, the Judge and Court Guard were there, but Izuku was by himself.

In his head at least. 

The Unkie looked at Izuku one judging, concerned and damn right frightened, run-over one last time before settling him into the seat. Izuku needed him right now, but he had a stupid court session to complete.

The dark bruises covering Izuku's body flickered in his mind, and his heart once again squeezed. For months Izuku had been bullied and beaten, and had told nobody, before apologising. He didn't think anyone would believe him, and so he'd hidden it. Had this been going on before? And for how long? 

The kid was scared it was his fault. And that wasn't right. But it helped explain some things, like Izuku's sudden maturity in changing by himself or bathing, or the way he'd been more insistent he was cold and would wear long sleeves. Shouta had mistakenly thought it was a coping mechanism, like the way he dipped his chin into Shouta's old hoodie as his eyes glossed. How wrong he had been.

He didn't, however, explain everything. And that scared Shouta. Rin was sure they'd win the case. He had legal care over Izuku, Hisashi had signed off his custody, and he had a few tricks up his sleeves. But the doubt was there.

Hisashi was his biological father, had two other kids, a possibly larger house, a more stable income - a safer job. Being an Underground Hero was a big advantage but an equally big disadvantage. 

He was seen as more responsible in the eyes of the law, he had an advantage as he was seen as a Hero. But he was an Underground Hero, someone who hid from the media and went on more dangerous, low stream cases. 

He wasn't catching buildings, but he was following Villain bosses into their lairs. He could leave one night and not come back much easier than above ground Heroes. 

If Izuku was still hiding things, then the case might go the opposite direction. How much did Hisashi know? And how many curve ball's like that would he throw?

Taking a deep breathe, he pushed strands of green hair out of Izuku's face, rubbing the tears from his cheeks. "Just down there, okay?"

Izuku gripped his sleeve as he stood, green eyes wide with pure pain in the orbs. His face was slack though, as it had been the days after Inko's funeral.  

"I'm s-sorry."

Shaking his head, Shouta ruffled his hair. "No, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's-"


"Yes, illogical." The hand slipped from his sleeve and he patted his head, moving back to where Hizashi sat. The blonde nodded gently, murmuring soft words and gripping his hand as Shouta sat. 

The Underground Hero ignored the side eye from Hisashi. 

Clearing her throat, the Judge smiled gently to Izuku. "Are you okay kiddo? Do you need a drink or anything?" Izuku shook his head, rubbing his eyes and hugging the bunny tighter still. "If you're kiddo, if you need one just ask. Can I ask you a few questions? And answer them as honestly as you can." Izuku nodded, looking down slightly. 

"Thank you Izuku. Now, can you tell me what it was like living with your Papa?" The boy nodded, licking his lips and thinking for a minute.

"P-Papa was bu-busy a lot. H-He wasn't ho-home o-on the weekends o-or o-on the hol-holidays but M-Mama was re-really happy wh-when he came back. H-He'd make M-Mama pancakes w-when she w-was sa-sad and ask m-me wh-what Q-Quirk I th-think I wo-would have."

She nodded, urging him to carry on, Izuku clenched his eyes shut as tears ran down his cheeks.

"S-Sometimes Papa w-was me-mean. H-He got ang-angry with M-Mama if sh-she asked hi-him to stay. P-Papa di-didn't wa-want to spend t-time with m-me either. He ma-made Mama sad wh-when he sai-said he wasn't com-coming home. I w-was use-useless to hi-him."

The Judge nodded, dropping her voice further. "Did he say you were useless to him?" Izuku's eyes flew open, green eyes moving to Hisashi in a fearful second before shaking his head. "N-No!"

The lie was obvious to the simmering Shouta, and the Judge.

"Okay kiddo, how about your Uncle? How is it living with Shouta?"

Green eyes met onyx, but Izuku wasn't really there. He smiled gently. 

"I l-like liv-living with Unkie. H-He's nice and ma-makes me Hot ch-chocolate when I ha-have a nig-nightmare. I'm al-allowed fifteen sm-small Marshmallows and o-one big one t-to ha-have while i-it co-cools. H-He has ca-cats too! P-Paws i-is my fav-favourite. U-Unkie to-took me t-to gymna-gymnastics and s-says I can b-be a Hero on-one day. I lo-love Unkie, but..." He trailed off and Shouta felt his eyes burning as Izuku looked down. The Judge squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

"But what Izuku?"

"I-It doe-doesn't mat-matter."

Shouta took in a shaky breathe, and watched as a decision set in the Judges eyes. She ruffled his hair and looked to the fighting adults. 

"This is a difficult choose, and I'd like to prolong the Court date to allow me time to make a suitable decision. On one hand, Hisashi is Izuku's biological father and has a more stable, and child friendly, life. He has known the kiddo since birth and is more suited to understand his tendencies and behaviour. However, he had a strong reaction to Izuku's presentation, and while that might be in shock it has clear affected Izuku. One the other, Shouta has cared for the kiddo and has had experience in the past eleven months. I have witnessed first hand the love they have for each other. He sounds like a great carer and even better Uncle. Izuku is obviously fond of him, but Izuku is scared of something. I do not believe Shouta has any intentions to harm him, but I fear for the future mental affects."

Shouta furrowed his eyebrows, world freezing at the next words.

"Until the next court session, where you will present your arguments to me in writing form three days beforehand, Izuku will be placed into emergency foster care."

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