Chapter Seventeen

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"What the fuck are you talking about Deku?!"

Before anymore words could be said, Mrs Bakugo puts a hand on the kids shoulder and cuts in. "Katsuki, language. Go on inside and put dinner on, I need to speak with Izuku and his guardian. I'll send him to your room when I'm done." 

The first thing Shouta noticed was the slight stern hitch in the border of the soft voice, and the slight glare at the word Guardian. Shouta decided he and his sister vest friend were not going to get along. 

He'd never heard or met the women - he knew Inko had a best friend, but his sister never made an effort for them to meet.

Now he understood.

Scowling, Katsuki moved his slightly softer glare to Izuku, who grinned. "I won't leave Ka-Kacchan, I promise!"

He was ushered away, and Mrs Bakugo cleared her throat. "Izuku, Mr Aizawa, come on in." Immediately, Izuku attached to Shouta's leg and the two walked in. They were led to the table with the order to sit, the blonde vanishing.

"A-Auntie doesn't like me."

Shouta raised an eyebrow, looking to Izuku. There wasn't any sadness in his eyes - instead he looked as though he was simply saying she didn't like a certain meal. "Uncle l-likes me, and K-Kacchan did, but Auntie d-didn't because she s-said Mama was t-too soft on me."

Before anything could be said, a brown haired man walked in, a smile lighting his face. "Hello again Izuku." 

The boy cheered, running to give the man a hug. "Uncle Mas!"

Hoisting the kid on his hip, brown eyes met onyx and the man bowed. "Hello, I'm Masura Bakugo. You must be Aizawa?" Shouta nodded, and Izuku clapped.

"Unkie b-been looking after me!" Masura nodded, moving to sit opposite Shouta. "Is that so? That's amazing Izuku. I'm sorry I wasn't here to greet you, and I'm sorry about Mitsuki. She's not one to connect with people immediately. She'll join us in a moment, has Izuku been okay?"

Now this man Shouta could tolerate. "He's been as we expected. He spoke about your son a lot."

A small smile graced the mans face. "Katsuki and Izuku used to get along well when they were younger. But Katsuki is hard headed and takes after his Mother - I do hope they'll get along better in future times."

Nodding, Shouta beckoned Izuku over, who ran around. He ran a hand through his curls. "What do you want to ask Lettuce?"

His grinned, blurting out his inquire. 

"Can I go play w-with Kacchan?!"

Mitsuki stepped in on that moment, not looking too please, but nodding anyway. "Yes."

He ran off with a squeal and Mitsuki grumbled something, sitting besides her husband. "He's going to make Katsuki weak." Masura sighed, looking to Shouta and silently telling him to leave it, before looking back at the table slightly.

"I don't like that kid, but I loved Inko, so you better take care of him."

Masura stood, running a hand through his hair. "Mitsuki, we've spoken about this before. Take time to correct your thoughts while I make coffee."

He vanished, and Shouta set a glare to the women. "Why is it you don't like Izuku?" She snarled slightly face twisting in disgust.

"He made Inko weak, he'll do the same to Katsuki. My boy is going to be a strong Hero, he doesn't need to make enemies by protecting someone who can't help themselves." 

Shouta raised an eyebrow. "But isn't that the job of a Hero? To save those who need it? If he was to make enemies of those who hurt Izuku, wouldn't that be the same of a Hero making enemies of a Villain?"

She grit her teeth.

"Valuable allies will become enemies if he protects Izuku."

"I disagree. Izuku is a smart boy, and he has his heart set on being a Hero. He has the determination and ability to do so. Making an enemy of Izuku wouldn't be wise either."

She gave a barked laugh. "He is Quirkless, putting him to an immediate disadvantage. Hundreds of kids with Quirks are turned down by Hero schools because the Quirks simply do not suit the school - how does a kid without one going to make it?"

Shouta held back a growl, instead pushing Eraserhead forward for control. "No Hero school worthy react like that - it is against the Quirk Discrimination laws. UA certainly does not reject applications for their Quirks. Izuku will have it difficult, but he will make it. As will your boy - but if he is raised with an attitude like yours, he will not make a great Hero."

As Masura returned, Shouta turned to him and stood to bow. "I apologise, but we'll have to cut this meet short. Have my number, and contact me if your child would like to see Izuku. I wish you all well." 

He shouted for Izuku, who ran to the top of the stairs with a pout. "Time to go."

"But we just got here!"

Shouta sighed, beckoning him close and crouching. "Your Uncle has my number, and if you give Katsuki our address he can write."

Shouta had a feeling Mitsuki would not be too please with the phone number. Izuku grinned, took the address and gave the paper to Katsuki, who was scowling.

"Oi! Mr what-ever-your-name-is!" Shouta raised an eyebrow. "You better train Deku! 'Cause if he breaks his promise I'll hate him!"

Nodding, Shouta yawned. "I will."

Katsuki then turned to Izuku. "If you can't beat me in a fight next time, I'll kill you." Izuku giggled, nodding his head. "I'll try my best Kacchan!" 

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