Chapter Four

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"Unkie Sho?" Shouta hummed, looking down at Izuku who gripped his trouser leg tighter. 

Nemuri had invaded in the morning, and had taken charge of Izuku's clothes. Apparently a black hoodie and black trousers weren't good enough. So now the kid stood in an outfit she had dubbed 'stylish'. 

His green hair - the curls moderately controlled - were covered by a dark blue cap with a blue front, the blue matching the colours of his three-quarter length trousers, red shoes he seemed to favour. Under a dark grey top with 'My Hero' written in a bold font was a dark blue long sleeved top, 'Plus Ultra' in white along the sleeves. 

Shouta would never admit it, but his nephew did look pretty good in those clothes. 

"What is it Lettuce?" The grip tightened, and he buried his tearful face into the back of Shouta's knee. "I d-don't want to. I'm sc-scared." 

Sighing, Shouta pulled his hands gently off and crouched down, pulling the now crying boy into a hug. "What are you scared about Lettuce?" 

Sniffling, the boy gripped his shirt, a slight shake in his body. "W-What if - What if ev-everyone is mean to me aga-again?"

Rocking gently, he rubbed a circle into his nephews back, hiding his anger behind a mask.

"Then everyone is a bigot and do not deserve to have those extra sweets you packed. That's right trouble, I seen you sneak them in." He giggled slightly, before huffing and hugging tighter. 

"Do you have to le-leave?"

Nodding solemnly, Shouta pulled back and used his sleeve to wipe his face. "Yes, but you'll be fine. I'll walk you to class, okay? And I'll be right here when the day ends." 

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, chewing on his lip. "You promise?" Nodding, Shouta frowned.

"Is there another reason you're scared?" Sniffling again, Izuku nodded.

"Y-Yeah! Papa said he'd g-get me from school b-but he never d-did. He di-didn't come home. Please don't leave me U-Unkie, ple-please." 

Shushing the boy before he could become hysterical, Shouta tapped his nose before pulling the string bracelet off his wrist. It didn't really have any significance to him - it was merely something for him to fiddle with - so there wasn't an issue as he tightened it on Izuku's wrist.

"I'm not going to leave you. But if it makes you feel better, if you have this, I've got to come get you, haven't I?"

Nodding, Izuku let a smile pull on his face. "Yeah! I p-promise to look after it Unkie!" 

Tapping his nose again, Shouta stood and held Izuku's hand, his yellow bag in the other, and walking towards the school. They had been ordered to come mid-morning, when all the kids were outside, allowing the Teacher to warn the students in the morning and for her to be able to properly greet them.

"U-Unkie?" Shouta hummed again, finishing signing himself and Izuku in. "Yes?"

Izuku seemed hesitant again, and when Shouta looked down, his eyes were slightly wide. "Have we got the s-same last name n-now?" 

The adult nodded, making his way through the school. "Yes, can you say it?" He mentally kicked himself, knowing he probably should have checked this when he changed Izuku's name.

The boy nodded with a grin.

"Yes! Ai-za-wa! Did I do it? Did I say it right Unkie?" Squeezing his hand slightly and telling the boy to lower his voice, smiling slightly. 

"That's right, Izuku Aizawa."

They were greeted by a teacher before they could exchange anymore - a women with bright blue hair and no evidence of a Quirk. "Ah! You must be Mr Aizawa, and little Izuku! I'm Miss Youta, I'll be your Teacher this year." 

Izuku had hidden again, but politely poked his head out to wave. Shouta nodded to the women.

"My nephews a little shy, he doesn't mean to be rude. Has his previous school sent the records across?" 

Miss Youta nodded, her smile almost like plastic. "Yes, he's a little behind on where we are, but it's something a lesson when the class is in Quirk counselling will do. Izuku, I've put your books on your news desk, why don't you go sit while I talk to your Uncle?"

Izuku looked to Shouta, who nodded, before raising his arms slightly. Sighing through a smile, he crouched to hug him, laughing as he dropped his voice. "Can I say b-bigot?" Shaking his head, Shouta rubbed his back. "No, now look after that bracelet okay? I'll see you later."

He walked slowly to his seat, looking around the room timidly, before hooking his bag on the back of the chair like everyone else. Shouta looked to Miss Youta, face serious.

"He's still a little sensitive, so please try and be wary on the topic of Mothers, hospital or Death. If you see him getting overwhelmed, contact me and settle him in a separate room with a notebook. He has a tendency to cry, so if he does give him a few tissues and do not yell at him. I'm sorry for the mass of information." 

She shook her head, smile a little lower. "No, I am trained to handle students, even with their situations. I assure you, he will be fine."

Izuku waved to Shouta as he left, jumping as the bell rang and sinking in his seat slightly. Miss Youta stood in the door way, before letting a line of kids in.

He didn't like how they stared at him, sitting on their tables and offering whispers. 

He felt his eyes burning, until the boy settled in the seat next to him. He was slightly taller, big eyes and bright gold hair, a black bolt in his semi-fringe.

The boy looked at him, eyes widening, and grabbed his hand.

"Woah! You look cool!" Izuku beamed, grinning at the blonde. "Really?! I'm Izuku Midor- ah, Aizawa!" The boy nodded, gasping when Izuku yelped at a shock in his fingers. "Sorry! I zap when I'm excited! I'm Denki Kaminari!"

Izuku grinned even wider, deciding he liked this boy. "Nice to m-meet you Kam-Kaminry?" The boy giggled, leaning towards Izuku and dropping his voice. "You should give me a nickname!"

Izuku nodded, eyebrows furrowing as he thought, before gasping and kicking his legs slightly. 

"Kisan! B-Because your name is Denki!"

Denki pulled back and clapped his hands, fishing his book out his bag. 

"Then I'll call you Zukun!"

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