Chapter Twelve

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"Thanks Nem."

The women flashed him a small smile, moving into the kitchen. She dumped the bags on the table, looking Shouta up and down as he stalked in. 

"Hizashi's staying with Tensei. I just thought you'd want to know." Shouta ran a hand down his face. "Thanks, You don't think I - think I acted too harshly?"

She sighed and patted his shoulder, leading him to the chair. "I think you need to stop doubting yourself. You're the most level-headed person I know, that's what makes you such a great Hero. If you and Hizashi needed time away from each other, then it's for the best."

Nodding, he made to stand. "I need to check on Iz-" 

"Sit back down, let his Auntie Nem-Nem spend some time with him. You need a break - you're grieving too remember." 

Shouta looked at her for a minute, assessing her, before nodding and slumping. "Wake me up at seven, I've got to cook." He rested his head in his arms, eyes fluttering closed almost instantly. 

Nemuri smiled softly, putting the food away quickly before grabbing a handful of sweets, heading towards the living room. Even two days after Hizashi's leaving, the fort still took up the entire room, pillows and blankets from everywhere making it legendary.

She faked a knocking noise.

"Izu, I come bearing gifts."

There was a shuffling and a second later, the clothe pulled across, tired eyes looking up. 

"A-Auntie Nem-Nem?" She nodded and crouched down, showing the sweets. "Can I come in?"

He nodded and let her in, looking around for Shouta. "He's napping." 

Looking almost guilty, Izuku nodded and let the clothe back, moving to the beanbag and curling back up, Paws settling back in his lap. Skit and Patch were curled below a lamp, Stray stretching on the other beanbag. 

Nemuri gently sat and pulled the cat on her lap. 

"This is amazing, did you build it?"

Izuku nodded slowly, gently stroking Paws. "Y-Yeah, Un-Unkie Sho and me m-made it. He's b-been doing lo-lots. Mama di-did too, at fi-first."

Nemuri frowned, handing him a lollipop whilst putting one in her own mouth. "Your Unkie is just sad, like you. You are helping him though."

Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, knees pulling tighter. "I'm he-helping?" 

She nodded. "Yes you are. You've helped your Unkie a lot. Before you came along he wasn't sleeping and eating properly. Plus he says you're better to hug than a cat."

Izuku giggled slightly, a small pitiful sound but it was better than nothing. "B-But Skit i-is so cuddly." 

Nemuri laughed, moving to pat his hair. It was still damp, but she didn't mind. "You're being very brave Izuku, do you know that?"

Izuku frowned. "I'm n-not. Fake Ma-Mama says I'm b-being nuisance."

Ah, the infamous Fake Mama. Before Nemuri could say anything, Izuku had looked up, tears pooling in his eyes.

 "I-It's my f-fault isn't it? It's m-my fau-fault Papa left, and M-Mama turned o-off! It's my f-fault Un-Uncle left t-too, now Un-Unkies sad!" Nem put Stray down, moving to shoo Paws off gently and pull Izuku into a hug on the floor.

She rocked slowly, stroking his hair as he sobbed into her shoulder. "Izuku, it's not your fault. I promise you. Grown ups fall out, okay? Sometimes it's small, other times they need to spend some time away from each other - just like time out at school. It does not make it your fault. You have done nothing wrong."

Izuku sniffled, muttering a 'how', but Nemuri cut him off.

"I know because I'm an adult, and I know you. Have I ever lied to you Izu?" He shook his head, calming down a bit, before falling asleep. Laughing lightly, she placed him back on the bean bag. "Like Unkie, like Nephew."


"Oi, Shouta, I need you to help me carry these to the fort."

Shouta blinked awake, hissing at the sudden harsh light, and raising his head. "What are you talking about Nem?"

When he focused, he let his eyes fall on Nemuri, standing proudly in front of eight plates of different picnic foods. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail, leggings discarded and grey sweater pulled down towards her mid-thighs. He grumbled. 

"Put some clothes on." He rubbed his eyes, standing up and ignoring her scoffing. "You didn't have to do this." She shrugged.

"No, but I wanted to. Izuku is asleep at the minute, he thinks this is his fault. I think I got through to him, but time will tell. Anyway, help me carry this in and we'll wake the kiddo up."

Nodding with a thankful smile, Shouta helped the half-dressed women carry the food to the fort, placing it on the mattressed floor before inching to Izuku. The cats had taken his sleeping body, claiming it as their personal heated bed. Placing them all under the lap, he shook Izuku awake.

"Lettuce, time to wake up. Nem's made us a picnic."

Izuku took a few minutes to properly wake up, a small glow to his eyes, and a small extra movement at the end of his positioning akin to a fidget. Shouta smiled. Whatever Nem had said to him while he was asleep had clearly done something.  

"There's s-so mu-much food." The adults laughed, Shouta pulling the kid to his lap and gently digging his head into his skin. Izuku giggled.


They laughed and ate with small conversation, until a knock on the door. Izuku was attached to Shouta as he moved to answer it, hiding behind his legs as the adult opened the door. Nem was stood back ready, body rigid.

Stood on the other side of the door was a man with light hair, light freckles and a large body. Sat on his hip was a little boy with matching features, a little girl at his feet. They looked a little older than Izuku, both with eyes full of the same disgust as the man.

"Shouta! Long time!"

Shouta felt his blood boil, purposefully blocking Izuku's eyes. He didn't need to see this man.

"Hisashi, leave." 

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