Chapter Eleven

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Shouta's fiance looked worse for wear - worse than he had before. His skin was slightly pale, bags growing under his eyes and a hunch in his shoulders. His hair was limp, a bobble barely holding it into a ponytail. The Underground Hero knew this, he saw it, and it made his stomach churn.

"Hizashi, I've got it." 

The blonde dragged his hands through his hair, unable to help meeting Shouta's glare. 

"You serious?! You don't have to do all of this yourself!"

Shouta couldn't help but recoil at the slightly raised tone, putting down the small plate of food. 

Izuku had gotten over his fever after a day, but the four after he had refused to leave his room unless it was the dead of night. Apparently, 'Fake Mama' had told him he was naughty and he wasn't allowed.

"Do not raise your voice at me." 

Shouta felt his spine straightening, a defensive need rising as it usual did when an argument was on the horizon. He wanted to shut it down, to stop it before it escalated, but the words were unable to leave his mouth before his fiance cut back in. 

Hizashi scoffed, crossing his arms. 

"Will you let me help you! You can't look after the kid by yourself! He needs more than you!"

Onyx eyes flashed red. The words had ran up his spine before, digging into his mind, but he'd buried it. But to hear the words out loud, spoken to him as if he needed tearing down, made his anger spike even further.

"If you want to help, stay out the way. I can manage on my own."

"Why won't you talk to me?! I thought we passed the days you'd hide your feelings away! You've barely spoken a word to me!"

Shouta clenched his fists, voice dropping rather than raising.

"That's because you never listen. All you do is talk and complain about me being quiet, but you never give me a chance." 

There was a tense silence, and Shouta sighed, picking up the plate. "Hizashi, we will talk later. We should take a break-"

He was cut off as Hizashi threw his arms out, face twisted in rage.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I have to talk because otherwise the house is silent! You don;t even greet me when I get home! We spend almost no time together and when we do, you'd rather nap than talk to me! I hate the silence and you know that, and yet you leave me to fill our home!"

Shouta sucked in a deep breathe, glaring harshly and putting the food to the side.

"You need to leave." 

Hizashi's eyes dropped open, stumbling slightly. "What?"

Shouta tried to keep eye contact, but the burning behind his own made him look away, nails biting into his palms.

"You need to leave. Now. Until we can discuss this like adults, you can not be here."

The blonde took a step forward. "Shouta, come on, we can talk this out no-"

Shouta cut him off with a sharp tone.

"You wanted me to talk, so I'm talking. Shut up and listen. It's been a rough few weeks and I know that's not your fault, and I'm grateful you've been supported, but I now have a six-year-old that needs a lot of attention. I didn't want your help because you look awful, you need a break."

He took a shaky breathe.

"I told you to stop yelling, but you didn't. I can't handle shouting right now, and if you were to stay and burst whilst Izuku was in the same room, he wouldn't handle it either. Pack your bag and leave. I'm going to give Izuku his dinner, and when I come back out, I want you gone and your key on the table."

Without another word, Shouta grabbed the plate and moved to Izuku's room, knocking on the door. He frowned when he saw the door slightly ajar, knowing full well he had closed it when leaving after breakfast.

"Lettuce, you awake?"

He switched on the light as he sunk in, frowning. Like usual, Izuku was buried under his blanket, Shouta's hoodie hiding him even further. His hair was greasy and un-brushed, bags beneath his eyes and face stained red.

"We showering today Lettuce?"

The kid pushed the blanket off him, eyes low.

"I-Is Unc-Uncle leaving li-like Papa di-did?" Shouta put the plate down, moving to sit next to Izuku and run a hand through his hair.

"Hizashi's going to live with a friend for a while, now, how about lunch and then a shower? We can watch a movie."

Izuku climbed onto Shouta's lap, looking up worried with a fresh wave of tears in his eyes. He was shaking, breathing laboured shaky.

"I-Is Uncle lea-leaves then you'll tu-turn o-off like Ma-Mama! You - You can't! The-They'll put a fa-fake Unkie in-in the grou-ground like Mama!"

He spewed off into murmurs and Shouta stood quickly, putting the kid on his hip, swaying.

"Hey, hey, listen to me Lettuce. I'm not going to turn off, I promise. I'm going to be here. I'm not leaving. You're going to grow old and I'll still make sure you eat all your vegetables."

It took a while, but the kid eventually calmed down, now refusing to move from Shouta at all. "Let's go watch a movie Lettuce, okay? I'm sure Paws is out there."

There was a nod into his shoulder, and he moved into the living room, nudging the kid slightly.

"Hey, Hero Underdog, we have a situation."

Taking up the sofa was all four cats, stretching across and allowing no other space.

Izuku giggled a little, pouting. "W-We can't mo-move them."

Shouta nodded in agreement, patting his kids head. "We'll just have to build a fort."

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