Chapter Thirteen

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"Papa?!" Izuku made to cut past Shouta's leg, eyes wide and face pale.

Shouta couldn't tell whether the look in his eyes was a confused mix of fear and excitement, or a blatant shock the man was here.

Either way, he didn't like it.

Scooping the kid up quickly, he pulled the squirming boy to his chest. "U-Unkie?!"

Nemuri moved forward, holding the boy so he was unable to squirm and get loose, and pulling him into the living room, closing the door.

A yelling and wailing could be heard, soft thumps against the door, but Shouta didn't release his glare.

Hisashi raised an eyebrow. "It appears he wants to see me."

Shouta growled. "I want you to walk away now and get back into whatever hole you crawled out of. If you were smart, you would never be close enough that Izuku can see you again."

The kid at his feet furrowed his eyebrows. "Papa? I thought you said Izuku would be happy to see us?" Hisashi nodded, lips pulling into an unsatisfied frown.

"He was. Shouta won't let him see his brother and sister and father."

Shouta growled again. "You lost your chance. He's a very confused, sad and damn right troubled little boy. We're on the right track and you are not coming back into his life to throw it under the bus. Get lost, now."

Sighing, Hisashi put the boy down and shooed them in the direction of the stairs. "You two go ahead and open them sweets. The car is open." They nodded and ran off, Hisashi's face suddenly changed into a snarl. As if realising, it snapped to passive.

"He is my son. You have no right to be his guardian."

Shouta scoffed, Quirk flashing a little.

"You signed away your right when you left my sister and my nephew. I was signed as his guardian in your stead. He wasn't good enough for you two years ago, and you are not coming back into it."

The man clenched his fists, voice rising.

"You are not fit to look after him! He is my son! My flesh and blood! I can fix him!"

At that, Shouta took a step forward and slammed the door shut. He'd heard if the recent Quirkless trials - a potential serum that would give a Quirkless person a small Quirk - based from the Quirk of an old Villain. Apparently, despite it being heavily painful and potentially deadly, that was better.

Shouta took a second to stop the attack rising up his spine.

"I see, that's your plan. You want my nephew to under go a life threatening experiment as if he's a lab rat so that he will have a Quirk to minimal it'll do him no better in life. Only that way you can tolerate him enough to treat him as your son - which he is."

He nodded, and Shouta grit his teeth.

"That boy lacks the one thing people respect in this world, and I can give him the chance he had always wanted! I have a high-class job and a actual home he can live in! He has two siblings who have amazing futures! I'll focus his training on analysis so he can improve my kids future! He'll have a purpose and a future, better than you can provide!"

Shouta felt his mind snap, and took a threatening step towards him. Hisashi was quite tall, and broad, but Shouta had an aura that dared people to stand against him. Hisashi may actually take up a doorway, but Shouta filled the doorway.

"That boy deserves so much more than either of us can give him. He's been wronged in a way no adult should be, never mind a child. He isn't lacking anything, and he doesn't need fixing, he doesn't need to be used for your kids improvement."

Shouta took another step, eyes flashing red.

"You left him to make your own family, and as soon as you've found a use for him, you think you can just get him back like he's a book or something?! Well no, he will not be going anywhere with you ever again. If it was up to me, you wouldn't even have them two. Now, get away from my home and my nephew and if I ever see you again, I will charge you as a Villain."

Scowling, Hisashi flicked his eyes to the door, a hest coming from his throat subconsciously. Shouta shut down his Quirk before he could consciously think about. Huffing, the man took a step back.

"I will have my son back Shouta. The court will be contacting you."

Growling, Shouta didn't let his eyes fall shut.

"Do not come back here or in sight of Izuku again."

As the scumbag vanished down the steps, Shouta thumped his foot against the brick, snarling.

Now, he had to go and tell a six-year-old he wasn't going to be going home with his Father. He was going to have to make an excuse so the kid wouldn't be traumatized further.


Sorry if updates a slower guys!!!!! I've started college so I've not got all day anymore!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!

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