Chapter Eight

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"How was he?"

Hizashi gave a small laugh, rubbing his face, the skin beneath his eye slightly darker. Shouta felt his insides churn, immediate worry to why his partner was lacking sleep.

"Whatever you told him definitely got him excited. I don't think I've seen a kid more excited."

Relief flooded Shouta's system, and he grinned into his mug, breathing in the warmth. He'd been back from patrol an hour, spending the time alone with the blonde. 

In twenty minutes Hizashi would leave; in thirty minutes it was time for Izuku to wake up.

"Sho~ Don't ignore me!" Blinking, Shouta raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Groaning in slight amusement, Hizashi lent forward as if being told a secret. "So you gonna tell me what you said?" 

Sighing, Shouta shrugged and purposefully took a long sip of his coffee, eyes watering at the holy taste. He blinked to remove the evidence. 

"He wanted to know if he could be a Hero, I gave him a realistic answer." Hizashi's face twisted in a grin, eyes widening. Shouta's eyes flashed red in warning, and the man visibly tampered his excitement down.

"Our Little Jelly Bean is going to be the best Hero!"

Shouta waved his hand at him, moving to refill his drink. "It won't be easy on him, he's going to face a shit ton of discrimination, so he'll need to start early. I was thinking."

Hizashi looked about ready to burst, and Shouta groaned at the realisation that by the end of the day, Hizashi and Denki would meet.

"If we start him in a practical gymnastic class, it'll slowly prepare him, offer as a way to get any excess anger or sadness out, and tire him out enough he'll be calmer for bed. Along side it, it might stop the nightmares." 

Shouta's gaze flicked to the jar of Marshmallows, the amount steadily decreasing. "And reserve marshmallow funds." He grumbled into his coffee. Hizashi's eyes widened. 

"That's genius Sho! There's a few classes around here, but what about his Quirklessness? I've heard of a few places that point-blank refuse."

Shouta nodded again, eyes closing for a while as he sighed.

"I'm going to do some research."


"Unkie! Unkie Sho!"

Shouta gave a half-wave as Izuku flagged him down, tugging a bouncy - but obviously nervous - Denki behind him.

"Afternoon Lettuce, afternoon Denki." 

The blonde startled, dropping into a bow immediately. "T-Thank you for having me!" Izuku giggled, grabbing his wrists with both his hands. 

"We're g-going to have so much fun! You can meet P-Paws too! Unkie! Unkie! Is Uncle back?!"

Shouta nodded, moving to buckle the two kids in. Hizashi had decided to buy Denki a seat minutes after discovering their friendship.

"Yes, but he's on call, so if he rushes out you cannot stop him." Izuku nodded, face becoming stern.

"Y-Yes Sir!"

Laughing slightly, Shouta got into the front and began the drive home, half-focusing on what the kids were talking about.

It was a technique he'd been forced to learn for his Hero career, but one that he had perfected thanks to his Nephew.

He clicked on when Denki asked Shouta's job, ready to intervene.

"U-Unkie's a a-count-ent! He w-works at b-bedtime!"

He didn't have time to feel proud before they turned into the car park, stretching his arms as he got out. Izuku squirmed in his seat a little, unable to escape whilst Denki stuck his tongue out, the same issue. 

After sneaking a photo, he freed the children and escorted them to the house. Hizashi - of course - made a big deal and screamed in greeting. Shouta groaned after a few minutes. 

"Izuku, why don't you show Denki your room? Paws is probably in there - don't pick her up if she's asleep."

He nodded and ran off, bursting into a story as he dragged Denki. Shouta yawned. 

"I made coffee."


"Ahh! Kisan! Save me!" 

Izuku giggled as he knelt besides the bed, holding onto the edge ad pretending as though he was about to fall, looking up at Denki.

The boy pulled his face into an evil grin, poking his fingers. "Oh, poor poor Zukun! It was me all along! I am the Villain!"

Izuku's face pulled into general shock, eyes wide. He truly had not been expecting that. 

"W-What?! Kisan! You - You were evil all along!?"

He cackled, prying Izuku's fingers off. "Bye Bye Hero Underdog!"

Izuku flopped backwards, sticking his tongue out in mock death, a small laugh leaving him. Denki clambered down, sitting besides Izuku as he sat up.

"Kisan, w-what's Underdog mean?" 

He grinned. "Papa says it's someone who doesn't look as powerful as they are! You're an Underdog!" 

Izuku giggled, squealing as Denki shot forward, sitting on his stomach and tickling him. 

"Whose the best Hero Zukun?!" 

The boy laughed, tears drenching his eyes. "A-All Mi-Might!" Denki shook his head. "No! Wrong! Try again!"

Izuku tried to think, gasping for air between the laughs of his tickling, before spluttering. 


Falling off with a laugh, he lay besides Izuku, both looking at the ceiling as if it was full of wonders. "Kisan?" 

There was a hum.

"Want to h-help me steal Marshmallow's?" 


Hey guys!!

There's been a lot of cute scenes in this so far, but I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. I have some scenes in mind that even make me cry - and hopefully soon the story will be more streamline and with less jumps. 

I hope you are all enjoying it so far!! 

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