Chapter Thirty-Six

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WARNING!! I have NO idea how accurate this is or what not, so please do not judge me too harshly!! 

"Be seated."

Shouta couldn't help the anxiety crawling out his walls, the shake in his hands and nervous picking of his nails - he suddenly remembered seeing his father have the same nervous tick and himself and Inko developing it - as he sat in the barely cushioned wooden chair.

Hizashi gripped his hand, pulling the nails from one another and using it as a grounding tactic. Shouta used it as a life line. 

Rin sent them a small look, one of reassurance, as he pulled the documents onto the table. It was a copy of the statement they had provided three days previous, to use for reference - but all three had all but memorised it.

That argument was the result of days spent rewriting and pouring ideas, truths. Months worth of coffee and broken keys on the laptop. It needed to be perfect, to have no faults, because Shouta could not lose his nephew.

His heart wrenched when he thought back to just five minutes before, where Izuku had screamed for him. He had been about to run forward, to wrap his kid in a tight hug and never let go, but Hizashi had been forced to stop him. He couldn't, because Izuku was currently in foster care away from them. So, he was left useless. Unable to comfort the boy that obviously needed him as much as Shouta needed he.

You can have twenty Marshmallows.

Blinking back tears, he refused to look to his side, where Hisashi sat. His spawns of Satan were behind him, both looking giddy and murmuring about the promises their Father had made. The Satan himself had a pinched look, a confident one, but still pinched. He had a trump card, but he wasn't sure how effective it would be.

That made Shouta anxious enough.

The Judge cleared her throat, and Shouta pushed Eraserhead up, keeping himself straight faced - well, as much as he could with tears threatening to fall and the anxious nibbling of his lip - as the regarded the document in her hand.

"Mr Midoriya, we'll start with your case. As the Father of Izuku, you hold a 'higher regard for his well being' as you stated. I get the feeling you care for this boy, as a Father would, but I am troubled by some of your wording. You assume Izuku is in danger due to his Quirklessness, and believe he'll be safer in an environment where he can be nurtured separately?" 

The man stood, bowing in respect and nodded. "Yes. I believe it's delusional to believe he'll be able to be safe with other kids who have Quirks. As we seen, he was bullied ruthlessly for his condition." 

The women nodded, looking over her glasses at the page. "You also wish you push him towards the Quirk Proffer surgery? Can I hear your thoughts on that?"

"Yes, I do. And I understand the ordeal is rather punishing on people, but I believe the long-term benefits will be much more worthy. Even if the Quirk is as small as a simple hair colour changing, he won't be discriminated against. He'll have a future. Employer's are more likely to dismiss his application - school's won't accept him and he'll be pushed to the sides of society all his life, just for not having a Quirk. My boy also has a gift I wish to nurture, and create a pathway for him. You see, as I stated, he has impeccable analysis skills, even for a child as young as he. I can offer the best tutors and school's for his skill to be developed and allow him the best life."

Ah, manipulating his own words before Shouta could provide them as evidence against him. The Hero had to admit, that was a clever tactic, but the men didn't need to use that against him. They could already see by the look on her face she wasn't too pleased with his answer.

"Any other statements you'd like to proceed with?"

Hizashi sent a slight glance to Shouta, and the man understood; the trump card.

"Yes. I believe Shouta Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada are unfit to be guardians to Izuku. My boy is struggling deeply with the death of my dear wife, and does not trust Shouta. He hid the bullying for months, possibly out of fear. I have also spoke to Mrs and Mr Tomoko - as permitted as the Father - and they have told me deeply troubling things. Izuku has frequent nightmares and hallucinations of someone dubbed as 'Fake Mama'. I am also unaware of any therapy or doctor sessions the boy has been too."

Her eyes moved to Shouta, who felt his heart skip. "Is this true?" Shouta nodded and stood with a bow.

"Yes, Izuku has been terrorised by nightmares and Fake Mama, I have heard about her frequently. He always knew to come and get one of us if needed, and whenever he wanted. A therapy session was set out, and he did go, but the therapist told us Izuku wasn't fit for it. He was unresponsive to anyone besides us. She recommended some techniques to us, and ways to work with him. She claimed he had an over active imagination - as a Child does - and along with his grief he was creating a figure the way one would with an imaginary friend. Her confirmed the lack of mental attributes with the Doctor."

Nodding, the Judge beckoned for Hisashi to sit as she swapped the documents, eyes running over presumably her notes.

"Mr Aizawa, moving to you. I was surprised by your argument. Whereas Mr Midoriya focused on how he was the better choice for Izuku, you decided to go down the route of how Izuku would fair in your care."

Shouta felt his heart skip a beat, clinging onto her words as though they were the last he'd ever hear. He couldn't tell by her voice her opinion on it, and that scared him more than anything.

"It's an interesting approach I don't see often enough. You claim Izuku will be happier and better off in your care, but not necessarily safer. Can you explain further for me and the Court?" 

Shouta nodded, taking a deep breathe.

"Yes, your honour. I don't believe Izuku should be treated differently. As the same with all Children, he'll also have a risk to him. Whether it being falling from a tree or being near a Villain attack, there is always a risk. That's how children learn - we don't know not to poke the cat until it scratches us. As much as guardians or parents wish to, we can't coddle kids, it'll take away their sense of adventure and freedom. They won't learn how the World is, and they won't be happy. Izuku is no different to other children - Quirks are a tool to be used, and while Izuku does not have a Quirk, he's smart."

His voice wobbled a little.

"Yes, Izuku will face hardships. He already has. He'll be picked on, and discriminated. He'll be turned down and looked down on, but pushing him through a surgery won't fix it. Izuku doesn't need to be fixed, he needs someone who will be there when he needs him. Someone who doesn't treat him differently like everyone else - someone to offer a hug when he needs it the most. He needs someone to show him right from wrong, to help him know when to walk away from a fight and someone to show him how to defend and deescalate fights when they do happen - because they will. He needs someone to love him the way he is, not someone who wants to fix him. So I ask, please, even if Izuku does not come home with me tonight, please do not let him go with Hisashi. His Father is not the man who can look after Izuku like any other child."

The Judge nodded slowly then, clearing her throat.

"I have spoken to Izuku alone, and after reading your arguments and hearing you today, I have made a decision."


Hey guys!! 

A slightly longer Chapter today!! 

I cried so much writing this :( 

Until next chapter my little disappointments!!

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