Chapter Nineteen

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Izuku picked the skin around his nails absently, looking around nervously as he wound around peoples legs.

He had been following the red dot on his Unkie's phone, knowing it was still tracking Hizashi's device, but apparently he had reached the area. 

Looking around, he stood by the side of the road, heading towards a largely populated area. There were Police and media were surrounding it, so he presumed there had been a Villain attack.

Finding his Uncle was still front of his mind, but it didn't hurt to maybe see a Hero. The six-year-old was a fanboy at heart after all.

Scurrying through peoples legs, he made it to the tape quickly, eyes widening.

There, talking to two Policeman, a Villain being properly restrained behind him, was the man he'd been searching for.

He looked different in his Hero costume, hair heavily jelled up behind him, leather from head to toe and a slightly smaller grin on his face. Izuku cupped his mouth with his hands. "Present Mic!"

The scream caught the Hero's attention immediately, eyes widening as Izuku ran towards him - only to be scooped up by a Policeman. "Kid, you can't be-"

Hizashi cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder and grabbing the squirming kid. "It's okay, I know the Little Listener, I'll give you the rest of the report by the end of the day. Please hold back the media?"

Nodding, the Officer led them to a bench in the neighbouring park, a bunch of them pushing media away. Hizashi sat Izuku down, grabbing his hands and crouching in front of him. 

"Izuku, what are you doing here? Is Shouta around? It's dark, have you gotten lost?"

Shaking his head, Izuku dislodged himself and grabbed his phone, exposing the tracking. "I c-came to find y-you Uncle!"

Taking the phone, he furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm going to call Shouta to come pick you up. He's probably with Nem if he knows you're gone." 

Izuku grabbed his arm before he could. "Y-You have to c-come home! Unkie is s-sad!" Crouching again, Hizashi frowned slightly.

"Izuku, it's not as simple as that. I wish it was, but your Unkie will call me when he wants me to come back." Izuku shook his head, tears pooling in his green eyes.

"He wo-won't! Auntie Nem-Nem says h-he's stub-born, and I k-know that means he w-won't! U-Unkie misses y-you! I m-miss you. You n-need to call U-Unkie and make h-him let you c-come home s-so you can b-both be happy a-again!"

Ruffling his hair, Hizashi stood. "I'm going to call Shouta to come pick you up. We'll talk then, okay?"

With a nod, Hizashi pressed Nem's number, biting his nails. "Hello?"

Nemuri's voice was tight, nervous, and though expecting a Villain to be on the other side. Hizashi spoke quickly.

"Nem? Is Shouta there? Izuku's with me."

There was a gasp, and a gruff - but panicked - voice cut in.

"Hizashi?! Where are you? Is Izuku okay? Is he injured? Is he safe? You're on patrol - was there a Villain attack?-"

Hizashi cut him off, using a gentle voice. "Shouta, everything is fine. We're in the park, near the Art Gallery. He;s in okay, uninjured and safe. The Villain was apprehended but Izuku got here after the attack. Everything is fine."  

He could hear Shouta and Nemuri get in a car, and took a deep breathe. He glanced over his shoulder, dropping his voice. "Shouta, when you get here, we need to talk. Izuku tracked me down because he said you were sad."

There was a tense silence, before Shouta took a deep breathe. "We'll talk. Actually talk. I'll be there in ten."

The call ended and Hizashi turned back to Izuku, putting the phone on his pocket. "Jelly Bean, your Unkie's and Auntie are on the way. Are you okay?" 

Izuku nodded, smile falling. "Am I i-in trouble?" Hizashi let his breathe out slowly, lifting the kids face. "Probably, but don't worry. Now, what happened to your fingers?" 

He let his eyes fall to them, seeing Izuku's surprise at seeing the blood and loose pieces of skin. "I - I think I w-was picking them? I di-didn't feel it." 

Hizashi frowned, recognising the habit. Whilst he picked his nails a lot, so much they were all but stubble. But picking the skin was something he hadn't done himself but had seen others do - like Shouta.

"Okay, I've got some plasters. I'm going to put one on all your fingers."


Hizashi smiled lightly, pulling the Hero themed plasters from one of his pouches. He'd found kids liked them more - and they'd always appreciated one for a small scrape or something. It made them feel better.

"Do you know when your Unkie gets nervous?" He nodded. "Sometimes his body does something to keep him occupied. Like fiddling with a sticker, you know? And when he does he picks his skin like this. The plasters will stop you, okay?" 

Izuku nodded, looking at the plasters wrapped around his nails. "D-Does that mean I'm n-nervous?"

Hizashi shrugged, ruffling his hair. "You might be, or you might just be distracted or other emotions. Sometimes you get nervous over things without realising." Izuku frowned again, slumping. "This is c-confusing." He whined.

The Hero laughed. "I know Jelly Bean. Oh, look who's here."

He moved out the way as Shouta wrapped his arms around Izuku, dropping to his knee's in front of him. He began checking over Izuku's body, eyes narrowing on the plasters, but said nothing.

"Izuku, what were you thinking? You can't just run off like that."

Izuku grabbed his hand, pushing him slightly.

"T-Talk to Uncle! M-Make up so you c-can be happy again!"

Sighing, Shouta turned to Nem. "Can you take him home? His dinner's on the side, then there's a movie we're part way through. I'll be back at some point."

Nemuri nodded, scooping Izuku up. He squirmed. "A-Are you gonna ta-talk?!" 

Shouta nodded. "Yes, we're going to talk. Now go home and behave." Once Izuku was out of sight, Shouta rung his hands together and turned to Hizashi.

"So, let's talk."

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