Chapter Six

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Today was the fateful day; and Shouta didn't think he'd ever been so nervous.

Not when he'd applied for UA - for his Entrance exam - for his results - for the day he confessed to Hizashi - when he applied for the Hero course - when he proposed to Hizashi.

He felt as though the nerves from those times had stacked upon each other, and his Hero obsessed Nephew meeting his good-with-kids friendly husband (who was a Hero!) meeting was going to knock him over the edge.

Shouta blinked, dropping his head on the table, the thump drowning out his little laugh.

Nemuri raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong with you?" Not lifting his head, Shouta scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm realising my nervousness is illogical."

Nemuri laughed, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Well obviously. Zashi loves kids, and is good with them. ZuZu is the most Hizashi-like kid I've ever met." 

Shouta sat up suddenly, panic on my face. "Oh dear Lord."

Nemuri raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going to have to Hizashi's running around."


"Lettuce, stand still." 

Izuku stilled, looking up, worry encasing his eyes, limbs twitching with the urge to move. His lips tightened slightly.

"What is it?" 

Izuku looked down, bouncing on his heels. "W-What if he d-doesn't like me?" 

Dropping to a crouch, Shouta tapped his nose. "Don't be illogical Izuku, he's been pestering me for photo's and videos since the day you walked through the door. Why would he do that if he won't like you?"

 Izuku shrugged, and Shouta ruffled his hair. "So, by that knowledge, he has no choice. Because do you want to know why?"

At the idea of a secret, Izuku's sparkled and he leaned in. Shouta dropped his voice. 

"I won't let him."

Giggling, Izuku began rambling about Kisan - who Shouta had finally discovered was truly a kid named Denki Kaminari - and a secret he told him (which he 'absolutely cannot tell Unkie Sho') and how they'd kept it for nearly two whole days.

Shouta smiled and nodded, half-listening. Izuku had been going school for two days now, and was as excited as he had been yesterday. True, the bracelet was still tight on his wrist for reassurance, but that'd be something that took time. 

It was late in the afternoon, nearly time for dinner, and they were waiting in the airport car park for Hizashi. 

Shouta didn't want to risk Izuku getting lost and end up flying to Brazil or something. 


His eyes flared red as he heard the blonde way before he saw him, Izuku jumping near out of his skin. He ducked behind Shouta's leg as the grinning blonde approached, holding to the material as Hizashi waved around the tremendous amount of luggage he carried.

"Hey Little Listener!" 

He stopped a few feet back, winking to his husband and crouching down. "You must be Izuku."

Izuku peaked out slightly, waving before completely stilling. 

His eyes widened and mouth dropping open, a sparkle in his gaze. Shouta plugged his ears.

"You're Present Mic! The Loud Hero with your Own radio show! You're so cool! Is it true..." He fell into a fit of mumbles and questions, which made Hizashi laugh. Shouta wondered where the ever-present stutter had vanished too, before gently shaking his shoulder and reminding him to breathe.

He took a deep breathe, before carrying on.

"He isn't going to stop."

Shouta sighed, putting him in his seat and helping Hizashi shove his bags in. "Sho?"

Shouta hummed, looking to his husband in time for the man to crash int him, arms wrapped tight.

"I missed you!"

Rolling his eyes, he tapped Hizashi's back, before hugging back. "I missed you too."


"He's asleep."

Shouta flicked his eyes to the mirror, seeing Izuku slumped in his chair, pen still in his grasp and notebook on his lap. They'd discovered that when given those two objects, the boys mumbles were practically silent and he was actually able to breathe.

The Uncle sighed. 

He probably should have guessed, he'd seen the mass of messy writing in his notebook, but the kid had only had it out of his bedroom once so he was excused.

"I'm not surprised, he was still up at two this morning."

Hizashi frowned, eyebrows furrowed. "Shouta, please tell me you've given him a bed time."

The Underground Hero shot him a look, offended in the lack of trust he had. "Of course I have! And proper food, with vegetables and everything! He just missed his Mum."

At that, the blonde deflated a little, voice dropping.

"How are you? Have you grieved properly? You haven't pushed it all down have you?"

Scowling, Shouta tightened his grip on the wheel. "I haven't had time. Looking after a child isn't easy, especially when you'd never met and he's lost his Mum."

Shaking his head, Hizashi barely had time to speak before Shouta shook his head. "I know, I'm sorry. Her funeral is in two weeks, I'll grieve then."

If Hizashi had any objections, he didn't say, simply glancing at Izuku.

"How about the Little Listener then?"

Shouta shrugged. "He settled in, hasn't lashed out. I googled it, and a website says he still might not have fully registered it. He was up last night, he could have been a few more times and I didn't know. Zashi, I don't know what I'm doing."

There was a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sho, you're doing well. You're not alone in this. When do you go back to work?"

Shouta thought for a minute. "Next Wednesday. You still alright to watch him over the night?"

He'd never seen a bigger grin on his husbands face. "Hell Yeah!"

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