Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You're Uncle should be home, Izuku, so don't worry."

The Lettuce nodded as he clung to his Aunts leg, worryingly scratching the plasters as they moved down towards his home. His dinner - brought and half-scoffed down by the women he loved so dearly - sat heavy on his stomach. He had a bad feeling.

He could see the light from his home under the door, and perked up a little. Nemuri pushed the door open, ushering him and gently calling out. "Go on in Sweetie, I've got to go home. See you tomorrow."

He nodded, hugged his aunt before toeing off his shoes. He frowned as he moved to the door of the kitchen. 

Sat on the table was Hitoshi, scribbling on a piece of papers with the old crayons, half slurping Katsudon from the bowl as Hizashi ruffled his hair, pointing out different parts and questioning him on them. Shouta was sat slightly to the other side, grumbling out warnings for the hot food and the hazard of choking. 

They were all smiling, were all happy. His Unkie and Uncle didn't look at Hitoshi with the same sad glint as they did to him. But Izuku remembered why - Hitoshi was simply living with them in foster care because of his Quirk. Something Izuku himself lacked. 

Shouta looked to his direction, before waving him forward. "I didn't hear you come in Izuku, has Nem left?"

Nodding, Izuku stalked forward, squirming slightly as he was lifted to Shouta's lap. Hitoshi was staring at him with the same eyes he always did, and once again Izuku didn't know what he was feeling.

He felt defenceless against him.  

"How was gymnastics Jelly Bean?" Izuku chirped up a little, and faked the rest of his happiness. "W-We di-did flips! Did y-you s-see Unk-Unkie?"

The man frowned, ruffling his hair. "Sorry lettuce, I was needed for work. I'll see next week, okay?"

The seven-year-old failed to read between the lines, and realise that Shouta was still in his Hero clothes with slightly red eyes, and faltered as his mind skipped to other things.

Like sitting with his Uncle and Hitoshi as though they were a happy family.

He couldn't blame them though - he was Quirkless after all. He couldn't expect them to be happy with him present. Instead, Izuku morphed his feelings to be happy they were happy, with or without him. 

"I-It's ok-okay! Can-Can I g-go to bed?" 

Frowning, Shouta raised an eyebrow. "Are you not hungry? We made Katsudon." Izuku shook his head, pulling the small toy out his pocket.

"A-Aunty Nem-Nem got m-me food." Nodding, Shouta put him to his feet. "Do you want me to come and read to you?" Izuku's eyes scanned over the table, finding Hizashi murmuring to Hitoshi and passing him another colour, and shook his head with a big smile.

"N-No, it's ok-okay!"

He skipped off before anymore could be said skipped off, smile falling. 

Paws was curled on his bed, atop the old hoodie that Izuku suddenly felt the urge to put on. So he shut the door and changed into his pyjama's, choosing the ignore the dark purple bruises across his stomach and chest, and probably back. 

He was used to seeing them - hiding them. In fact, he was very good at it. 

Choosing not to venture back out to brush his teeth, he grabbed his book and pulled the hoodie on, stroking Paws for a minute.

In the three days Hitoshi had been here, Paws had remained by his side and he didn't think he could be more grateful. Of course, Skit and Stray spent most their time sleeping on the shelves, and Patch attached to Hizashi's shoulders, but that wasn't any different. 

So, he turned off the main light and turned his lamp on, curling up with Paws and opening the book. He only understood a few words, but as he read, he pushed his Unkie's voice in, finding comfort. And that's how he fell asleep.


"You boys ready for school?" 

Izuku nodded, pulling his yellow backpack on as he crouched to scratch Paws ear.

Hitoshi lingered behind slightly, Hizashi moving to ruffle his hair. All morning had been spent trying to brush it, and Izuku's curls had been forgotten. Well, almost.

Shouta eyed in as he yawned. "Good, let's get going. Miss Youta is expecting us early." Izuku's eyes flashed, and he jumped up. "I n-nearly fo-forgot!"

He cut into his bedroom, hunting through his draws, anxiety increasing. Shouta appeared at the door. "Lettuce, what are you looking for?" 

He let out a panicked breathe. "K-Kacchan's le-letter!" Shouta raised an eyebrow. "The one about becoming Heroes?"

Izuku nodded, and Shouta moved to look around the house. Five minutes later Shouta and Hizashi walked into his bedroom, soft features on their face.

They knew that the letter was important to him - that even though it was months old he'd carried it around with him and kept it all-but perfect. That's what made this conversation difficult.

"Lettuce..." Shouta moved to sit down, pulling him onto his lap. Izuku squirmed. "D-Did you fin-find it?" 

Shaking his head, Shouta ran a hand through his hair. "Zashi took it out your pocket the other day before putting it in the wash. When Hitoshi did the the recycling, he didn't realise. I'm sorry Lettuce."

If they'd been expecting crying to yelling, they didn't get it. Instead, Izuku's shoulders slumped slightly and he nodded, eyes dulling. 

"Oh, okay."

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