Chapter Twenty-Two

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It wasn't until seven months later Shouta was visited by Yuan, Izuku's social Worker, for anything other than a planned visit. She had a sad glint in her eyes, unsteady hands holding her clip board as she informed him of Hisashi's attempts of getting back Izuku.

They had failed, and now Shouta had another two months to find a Lawyer for the Court session. He decided though, for a few weeks, he wasn't going to tell Izuku.

The boy had only really started to settle in completely; less frequent nightmares and less need for Shouta's bracelet. 

He had started up gymnastics and apart from Heroes and his family, there was nothing Izuku loved more. Often, the adults would have to catch him before he fell after balancing on the lower shelves or the back of the sofa's, and even more often than not Izuku was showing off carpet burns on his knees.

Each time Nemuri would remind him of the first time she met Izuku, and how he'd done the same to his knees after falling off the bed. Shouta had reminded her every time that Izuku had spent the week before jumping off things.

The kid had calmed down a little bit, or it might have been the couple had grown used to it, but he was still very much a fire ball with the energy of the Tasmanian Devil. 

But it was moments like these that Shouta would find the same worry cramping his stomach.

Izuku was sat at the table, head resting in his crossed arms as his back moved jaggedly, showing off his uneven breathing. His hair was a mess and pooling his body was Shouta's hoodie, Paws sleeping intently on his lap. The plasters hiding all of his nails were scratched and falling off, the skin below a little red. 

Shouta had been back from patrol only a few minutes, enough to calm the silently sobbing kid, and felt tiredness tugging at his eyes.

But his Lettuce came first each and every time.

Resting the mug in front of the kid, he tugged lightly on a curl. "Marshmallow."

Almost by muscle memory, Izuku held his hand out - palm up - and let the large gooey sweet drop into his hand. "Marsh-Marshmallow." He echoed, voice cracked and broken. 

Sitting opposite him, Shouta sipped his coffee. "Did you have a story read to you or did you watch a show?" He spoke softly, the sound more like monotone even as he tried, but Izuku didn't seem fazed. In fact, his body loosened slightly. 

"Uncle 'Sh-Shi read to m-me. He wo-wouldn't let me w-watch the news." He pouted, nibbling on the fluffy food whilst Shouta chuckled. "You're seven Izuku, you should be watching movies, not Villain fights."

The boy pouted again, the corner of his lips quirking up. "B-But I wanted t-to watch All Might! I ne-need to finish my an-analysis!" Laughing, Shouta waved his hand down. Even though Hizashi was deaf - it was a recent thing that had it coming for a while - he didn't want Izuku to wake up the whole flat block. 

"Inside voice Lettuce, it's early. Ah - careful, it's still too hot." Izuku slumped back at Shouta's words, smiling a little and watching the steam. 

"Unkie?" He asked after a few seconds of silence, and Shouta hummed through his coffee.  

"I m-missed you." 

Frowning, Shouta moved to crouch besides him, rubbing a tear from his cheek. The last three weeks had been hectic, and he'd only seen Izuku for an hour or two a day. He should have expected the kid to react like that. 

"I missed you too. I'm sorry Lettuce, I know I haven't been around too much but it shouldn't be for much longer. Do you need the bracelet again?" he gestured to the thing on his wrist, and Izuku shook his head, diving into his Unkie's arms.

"N-No, I kn-know you'll come ba-back for Uncle." Sighing, Shouta rubbed his back. "I'll come back for you too Lettuce. Now, drink your hot chocolate and we'll watch a movie."

And that was how Hizashi found them the next morning; curled up on the sofa with the credits to a movie rolling, tucked under a blanket and Paws enjoying their warmth.


"Izuku?" The greenette jumped back into the other room, out of sight, when he saw the boy holding his Uncles hand. His eyes were the same purple as his untamed hair, dark shadows under them and pale skin. His gaze was emotionless, or blunt (for once, Izuku couldn't tell) as they stared at him.

Shouta sighed and crouched, gently pulling the seven-year-old in front of him. 

"Lettuce, this is Hitoshi. He'll be staying with us for a while." Izuku poked over Shouta's shoulder, before shying away and dropping his eyes to his Unkie's. 

His finger bent, nail toying at the loose skin around his thumb nail. Shouta pulled his wrists away immediately. "Stop it, and you don't need to be nervous. For tonight, we're going to put plasters on your fingers, okay? Just in case." 

Looking down in shame, Izuku nodded and Shouta stood, Izuku quickly grabbing his hand. Hizashi looked down at Hitoshi, ruffling his hair. "It's nothing against you buddy, Jelly Bean get's nervously around people easily. Why don't we pick a movie?" 

Izuku frowned further at those words, looking down as Shouta lifted him into the kitchen counter. He forced the boy to tuck his hands under his legs as he turned his back to him, looking through a cupboard. 

"What is it?"

 Looking up quickly, Izuku pushed the frown off his face and smiled weakly. "W-What do y-you mea-mean?" Shouta pulled out the box of Hero themed plasters, wrapping one around the nail of each finger and both thumbs. He'd probably have to do that a few times until both boys were settled. 

"You're quiet and frowning. Is it Hitoshi?" Izuku quickly shook his head, gasping. 

"N-No!" Shouta raised an eyebrow. "So it's not him but something to do with him. Are you going to tell me or will I have to stock up on Marshmallows?" It had become very apparent that when something was troubling Izuku, he spent more nights tapping into the Marshmallow funds.

He could see the embarrassment on Izuku's face, but the boy remained tight lipped. 

Sighing again, Shouta pulled him to sit on his hip. "Help me with dinner?"

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