Chapter Thirty-Five

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Izuku looked at the sloppy plasters around his finger nails. 

It had been four days since leaving Mrs and Mr Tomoko, seven since seeing his Unkie.

The boy had only realised the bad state his finger tips were in after blood had dripped onto his bland food, and had been thrown a few plasters. He struggled putting them on, and most didn't wrap properly, but he'd done it.

He wondered if his Unkie would be proud - but maybe sad he was picking the skin. His Unkie Sho always looked sad when Izuku pulled at the skin. He didn't mean to! He wasn't even aware he was doing it. Hitoshi had said that his Uncle had said he did it when he got fidgety when he got nervous. 

Izuku was always nervous, he guessed.

He pulled his fingers into a fist, pouting slightly as he felt his eyes burn. It had been a while since he cried - Ma'am and Sir didn't like it - they said he had nothing to cry about. It was his fault he'd been moved into a group home because he couldn't behave.

Because Izuku was a bad boy.

Just as Fake Mama has said. Even now, she sat on the chair into the corner of his eyes, sneering with her contorted face and dead eyes. She was wearing her blue dress - she had never worn it but told Izuku she was saving it for his wedding. It was her best one, she had said. Her skin was pale, caked in make up and fake.

Fake Mama didn't like Izuku.

Izuku didn't like Fake Mama.

Moving to sit on the bed, Izuku lent on the window sill, looking out onto the garden. He wasn't allowed out to be with the other kids - Ma'am and Sir said he was in too much danger. He lacked a 'natural defence' and they didn't want him getting hurt.

It would have been a nice thought, if Izuku hadn't heard them saying the real reason was paperwork.

Puffing out his cheeks, Izuku rested his chin on one arm and used the other to draw in the window. 

"Izuku, time to go." His head flipped up, eyebrows furrowed as Ma'am stepped in. She scoffed at the state of his suit - he couldn't do the buttons on his blazer and his tie was uncomfortable - before snapping her fingers.

"Here, so i can make you at least presentable." Scurrying to do so, he held his breathe as her hands sorted him out, yelping at the slight clip around the ear.

Ma'am wasn't mean, she really wasn't. She hadn't treated him different discipline wise, the other kids just said they were strict. After all, this was the home for troubled kids. 

Izuku was a bad boy.  

She led him to the front of the house, where Sir was stood with his arms crossed, before out the car. He made sure to behave, sitting still as she buckled him in and staying silent during the ride.

Izuku was nervous - probably more now than ever. He felt selfish because even though his Unkie didn't want him, he desperately wanted his Unkie. He didn't care whether he'd be pushed to the side and ignored (the observer of Hizashi's and Shouta's happy family with Hitoshi) so long as he was there.

There as opposed to here.

Because Fake Mama was calmer there, she wasn't as cruel or as mean or as present or as ... as dead. She was there in his dreams, but rarely ever while he was awake.

Izuku missed Marshmallows. He missed Paws, and Skit, and Patch and Stray. He missed his notebooks. He missed his gymnastics. He missed Hitoshi. He missed Hizashi. He missed Shouta - so (naughty word) much. 

Biting his lip, Izuku watched as the scary Court building got closer, and a new fear filled him.

Who was to even say his Unkie would be there - his Papa might have won. He loved his Papa, he did because his Mama did, but he made Mama sad and he waited so long to come home.

His Unkie might not have even tried. It might have been too much effort and he gave up. 

He was let out on shaky legs, eyes burning, and slightly jogging to keep up with Ma'am and Sir. "Izuku?" He looked up to Ma'am, who surprisingly had a kind glint to her face. "You make sure you be good, okay?" Nodding, he felt the suffocating air as they walked towards the Court room.

He'd been so good at not crying, until he saw his Unkie. And when his Unkie saw him, Izuku also saw tears. He let out a sob, hands reaching out as he went to run, but Sir caught him by the bicep. 

"Sorry Izuku, you're not allowed to go to your Uncle until later." His breathe was ragged as he cried, still reaching out as he was lead into the room he had the other week. As he screamed for his Unkie, he barely heard the slight yell back.

And although it was small, and probably made sense to no one else, it made Izuku's heart flutter more than he could have thought. It made him believe - because he might go home.

"You can have twenty Marshmallows!"


Sorry I didn't publish yesterday!! I was so busy!! The weekend is coming up so hopefully more than one Chapter a day!!

The weekend might also bring the end of the book, and I'm so not ready for it!!!! Thank you for reading! 

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