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Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction from the word itself fiction meaning the happenings here in this book are only fiction or not real. This book is made by me, from my imagination. And I didn't copy this to anyone. Thank you for understanding. 😊

Kim Taehyung is a Mafia boss, Ceo. He is known to the world as a ruthless one. But they didn't know that he's a vampire.

Which explains, having pale skin, pointy fangs, and eyes shifting to red once in a while.

And he is actually 624 years old. Living for such a long time, had him saving up money. Making him the "youngest billionaire" people called.

To humans, he had strange personalities, like; when in a Mafia meeting, he would just suddenly disappear, into the dark. And come back first thing in the morning like nothing happened.

He's also really strong, like a ferocious tiger when in the field of war. He can take down his enemies by just choking them for a second, and he doesn't look like a real person.

He is rude, and cold to everyone. No exceptions. He is even cold to his brother, and his friends.

But his friends knew, he isn't just showy of his feeling, or affection towards others. His friends are also vampires, but in all their lives, they've never seen Taehyung she'd a tear.

Taehyung is really good at keeping in to himself, he never once open up about personal problems, or ask for help. He sloves it himself.

And right now, Taehyung is in his office, signing some papers for the land he newly bought.

After signing it, he turned on the telecom and called his assistant.

Jk: yes sir?

T: get the files, here in my office.

Jk: on my way, Mr. Kim...

And with that, he turned off his telecom and waited for his assistant to knock on the door.

While waiting, he decided to get blood, because he's thirsty. And so he went to the cabinet, where some expensive wines are displayed.

He pushed the button, and automatically a secret cabinet opened. He put his hand inside the cabinet and grab a bottle full of blood.

He then went to get a glass-wine, then poured the blood on it. After that, he put the bottle on the secret cabinet, and pushed the button to hide it again.

He turned back, and sat down on his sewell chair, while twirling the glass and drinking the blood for some time.

A moment later, Jungkook knocked in the door. "come in" Taehyung said coldly.

Jungkook slowly opened the door, and peeked his head, then he showed his whole body, and closed the door. He was taking careful steeps towards his boss, not sure if he's in a goodmood or not.

When he was infront of Taehyung, he bowed 90 degrees, and said...

Jk: s-sir... I'm here to get the file Y-you were talking about...

Taehyung just looked at him dead in the eyes, then his glance went to the file infront of Jungkook.

He raised his eyebrow, indicating for Jungkook to take the file. Jungkook on the other hand immediately got the signal.

He hurriedly grab the file, and bow. He was about to leave when his boss suddenly said...

T: stop hopping, bunny

Jungkook froze on the spot. 'did he just called me a bunny?' he thought. He then turned around and faced Taehyung.

Jk: what is it, s-sir?

T: is everything set, for the party tonight?

Taehyung said twirling the glass, looking at Jungkook coldly.

Jungkook widen his eyes, then immediately looked at his ipad. He looked through some of the plans, and schedules, and saw that it was ready, he sighed in releif, and answered Taehyung...

Jk: yes, sir. Everything is ready for tonight. The party venue, the foods, and the drinks. Also the list of guest, and the invitations have been sent off early.

Taehyung nodded, probably impressed by Jungkook's improvement these past few days.

T: alright then, tell Namjoon to get the special drink... He knows what it is, just tell him to get that.

Jungkook was confused for a while, 'special drink? What's that'. He thought.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook, he glared at him annoyed on whats taking him so long to answer. He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration, the he said...

T: Mr. Jeon...those words aren't gonna deliver themselves to Namjoon.

Jungkook looked at his boss, with wide eyes, confused in what he was saying.

Jk: p-pardon... Sir?

T: what?... Didn't you get it?!

Jk: I -....

T: what are you standing there!! Go and tell Namjoon what I told you!!... You piece of-

Jk: ah- I Y-yes sir....

Jungkook bowed and hurriedly turned back and walk off. He didn't notice his shoe-laces were not properly tied.

And to the result to that, he accidentally stepped on them and stumbled.

Taehyung heard a thump on the floor, he stood up from his chair, and found his assistant on the floor, about to stood up.

He sighed, and grabbed the glass of blood and drinked it all up. Then he sat down and said...

T: next time, don't be a dumb bunny. And tie your shoe laces right.

Jk: s-

T: I don't wanna hear your apology... Just get out!

Jungkook once again bowed, and immediately left. When got outside the office, he stopped and sighed.

He looked back at the door, and made ugly faces, and glared at the door. "you ugly ass boss, rude hella fine man! I fucking hate you! You prick!" Jungkook said in his thoughts.

Then he stomped his feet angrily away from the office. Without knowing his boss could see him, in his vampire vision.

"pathetic" Taehyung said in his thoughts, as he watch Jungkook away from his office.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now