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Taehyung got back from his mission, changed into his spare clothes in his car, because he didn't want Jungkook to see him with blood all over.

As he got inside the house, music was heard aloud. He searched the house where it came from, and found out that it's from the kitchen.

Taehyung immediately went there, and as he got there he saw the younger, and he can't help but smile.

He saw the younger dancing to the music, swaying his hips left to right, while making pasta.

Taehyung leaned on the door frame, and crossed his arms. Observing how the younger cutely and attractively dance.

Taehyung's fond smile, and his adored stare never left for a couple of minutes.

And so, as the younger turned around, he immediately went near him and gently pulled his waste, grabbing his hand up in the air, as he spins him around.

The younger got surprised, he widen his eyes, and immediately faced Taehyung. The vampire just smiled at him, and pecked his lips.

T: you look beautiful...

Taehyung said, making the younger giggle, he then bent down and kissed Jungkook's tummy, saying...

T: you look beautiful, dancing with mama too, baby...

Jungkook just chuckled and played with Taehyung's hair. And as Taehyung stood back up, the younger then suddenly jumped into Taehyung and hugging him tight, now making the vampire chuckle.

Jk: you're back!

Jungkook shouted tightning his grip on Taehyung. The vampire on the other hand, wrapped his arms around the younger's waist tightly, so that he wouldn't fall.

T: I promised...

Taehyung kissed the younger's neck and then his cheeks. A couple of minutes later, the vampire put Jungkook down.

T: why are you making food on your own?....where is Namjoon, and Jin?...

Jk: T-they... Uhm.... In their room... Doing.... Baby making... Yeah

T:.... I.... Gosh those two, I'm literally gonna scold them! I told them to look after you and then they did tha-

Before Taehyung could finish his sentence, the both of them heard a loud maon, that is almost like a scream.

Jk:...Jin hyung must've reached reached his high....

T: *sigh* oh god...

Taehyung said, as he massage the bridge of his nose. After a couple seconds of silence. Taehyung decided to break it of by carrying the younger.

Jungkook gasp and wiggled, trying to get out of the vampire's grip.

Jk: T-tae! What are you doing?!?.... Put me down. My pasta! Wait! Where are we going?!

Jungkook kept on shouting, but it didn't last long, as Taehyung kissed Jungkook on the lips.

As they were kissing, Taehyung walks to their bedroom, and got in didn't forget to lock the door.

Jungkook on the other hand was feeling Taehyung's lips against his. Melting in the kiss as both of them put emotions to it. Taehyung laid Jungkook on the bed as he hover over him.

As minutes had past, the kiss was getting intense as the atmosphere got hotter. Taehyung pulled out from the kiss giving the younger time to breathe only for him to smash his lips again.

And this time rougher, but not with the lust, it's rougher but it seems sweet and deep. It felt good.

Taehyung then bit Jungkook's bottom lip making the younger moan, and giving the opportunity to slid Taehyung's tongue in.

Jungkook moaned at the sensation, while Taehyung slid his hand inside the younger's shirt. Stroking his belly, until it crawled to the younger's nips.

Taehyung pinched the younger's nipple and played it for a a while making Jungkook moan.

Taehyung pulled out from the kiss only to leave bite marks and hickies on Jungkook's neck and collarbone.

And as Jungkook felt its getting far, he lightly tapped Taehyung, causing the vampire to immediately looked at him with a questioning look...

Jk: Tae.... We shouldn't

Jungkook said, making taehyung realise, the younger is in his early stage of pregnancy. And this activity might cause them to loose their child.

T: I know kook.... I'm sorry...

And with that, Taehyung pecked the younger one last time and kissed his forehead. He then slowly got up, and kissed the younger's belly, saying...

T: when will you be out huh? Baby?.... Papa is impatient you know?... But don't worry, I'll hold my self, so no need to worry about feeling somthing's poking you...

Jungkook just burst out laughing after hearing Taehyung talk dirty in baby's voice tone. He can't believe he really got time to joke like that.

Taehyung on the other hand smiled fondly looking at the younger. For him the only word that could describe the boy in his bed is Beautiful.

He is Beautiful in every aspect.

And so with that, Taehyung laid besides the younger. Jungkook scoot over more in Taehyung, as he let's him hug him.

T: let's take some rest for a while...

Jk: rest?... Aren't we gonna sleep? It's late after all....

T: alright pretty, take your beauty rest okay?

Jk: w-what about you?

T: I still have to wait for Yoongi and the crew to get back from the mission... So don't worry after meeting them, I'll be right back here to cuddle you okay?

Jungkook just smiled looking at Taehyung, causing the vampire to smile back. Taehyung then kiss the younger's forehead again, and whispered a small...

T: good night, and dream of me my beauty...

Jk: have a sweet night, too my King...dream about me and our baby...

Both of them chuckled and cuddled eachother tighter, and some minutes later, the younger flew to his dreamland, while the vampire just listened to his favorite music.

Jungkook and their baby's heartbeats.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now