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Taehyung arrived at the party, there he saw all his friends, his brother and his date.

But he didn't quite look at them as his eyes were wondering looking for a specific someone.

He slowly went towards their table, and sat down while still looking everywhere. This didn't go unnoticed by Taehyung's friends. They looked at each other, then turned their gazes to Taehyung.

Nj: who are you looking for?

Namjoon asked, as he noticed Taehyung is in his own world. He didn't even glance at his date, or even say hello to them.

As Taehyung heard Namjoon's question, he looked at him farrowing, and said with irritation...

T: where's Yoongi?

Sj: oh, he said he'll be here with his date. He just gotta have to pick his date up.

Taehyung looked at Seokjin for a second, then he nodded. He then  looked to the side and saw Yoonji, looking at him.

T: Happy birthday...

Taehyung just said, plainly. No excitement, just pure cold voice. Yoonji noticed his coldness towards everyone.

It's like, Taehyung wasn't paying attention to them, and ignoring them. So he fakely coughed to get Taehyung's attention. To which he successfully did.

Taehyung looked at Yoonji, with a raised eyebrow. Then Yoonji signalled him to talk to his date.

And ofcoures being Taehyung, he exactly knew what Yoonji wanted. He glared at Yoonji then rolled his eyes. After that he faced his date, and said...

T: hey.

Nico: Hi Taehyungah~

Nico said, as he made eye contact with Taehyung, and bit his lips, clearly flirting with him. Taehyung on the other hand, didn't got affected on that. As his mind was still on someone.

After a couple of minutes later, the door opened. Taehyung immediately turned his head towards it and saw Yoongi, and Jungkook.

He suddenly froze and stopped on his tracks. He knew he invited Jungkook, to make him jealous, and come begging for him. But now, its the opposite.

Taehyung was taken back, and felt like Yoongi betrayed him. Yoongi clearly knew that he wanted Jungkook, but it seems that Yoongi is doing this on porpose.

Taehyung saw Yoongi and Jungkook looking at him. Taehyung couldn't think of anything, he was so distracted to the point that he can't think straight.

And while Yoongi and Jungkook were walking towards them. He suddenly pulled Nico in the middle of the dance floor.

Everyone was staring at them, curious on what they were about to do. Jungkook looked at them with curiosity as well.

But inside, Jungkook's heart was beating so fast and he didn't know why. It's just he feels so uncomfortable looking at Taehyung with someone else.

Just then Taehyung pulled Nico closer and suddenly just smashed his lips against him. Everyone were shock at first, but then they eventually clapped and cheered thinking, the Ceo must be in a relationship with Nico.

Yoongi widened his eyes as he didn't expect Taehyung to do that infront of Jungkook. Then he looked at the younger's reaction, and felt sorry.

He saw Jungkook looking at them with big doe eyes, looking so hurt and helpless. The younger just looked at them in silence, and felt like crying.

Jungkook then turned his gaze to the floor, and was about to go. But then Yoongi stopped him and looked at him directly in the eyes, oh so softly, he then said...

Yg: dance with me

Jungkook was taken back a bit, Yoongi smiled at him softly. Making Jungkook smile as well, then he nodded.

Yoongi held Jungkook's hand gently, and led him in the middle of the dance floor. He then grabbed the younger's waist, and pulled him closer.

He guided Jungkook's arms and placing them on his shoulders. And slowly, they started to dance. Step by step, as they were following the flow of the music, listening to its melodies and rythems.

Everyone's attention were now onto them, including Taehyung's. And he wasn't happy about it. His eyes were staring at them like daggers, thinking what is Yoongi doing.

He let go of Nico, and went back to their sit. Leaving the confused Nico alone. Taehyung then grabbed a champagne and drank a glass of it.

His attention was fully on Jungkook, watching him as he takes a step, and watching him as he smile and laugh with Yoongi.

A part of him was full of anger and jealousy, towards Yoongi and Jungkook, but also a part of him wishes that he was the one dancing with the beauty.

A part of him tells him that, if it weren't for his stupid plan on making Yoongi's friend to be his date, Jungkook and him would've been dancing in front of everyone right now. And he regrets it so much.

After Yoongi and Jungkook's danced, they came back to their seats, which is at the same table as Taehyung and thier circle of friends.

Taehyung was still staring at Yoongi, while Yoongi glanced at him and smirked. Making Taehyung pissed.

T: Yoongi, can I talk to you?

Yg: just say it here...

T: in private. Yoongi.
Hey everyone!! My hand just got better now, and I am able to type clearly. So I'm gonna start updating this story. And I'm gonna upload another chapter later. Thankyou so much everyone as we hit 1k views. Thankyou to everyone who supported this book, I hope everyone is safe and healthy out there :)

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now