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After Yesterday's meeting for Taehyung's plan, he went straight to their bedroom and sleep beside the younger.

And as of today, he woke up early, contacted his hotel staff to prepare something for them, and also went to a jewelry shop to look for rings.

Taehyung did that while the younger was asleep, being a vampire helped him to speed things up, giving him an opportunity to go back to bed, before Jungkook wakes up.

Taehyung was cuddling Jungkook, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist, as he pulled him closer.

Taehyung didn't want to wake the younger up, but he has to. They have somewheres to go right now, and it'll take a couple of hours, si he better wake him up.

T: love?....wake up now....we have somewhere special to go....

Jk: hmmm...

T: love....please wake up...

Jk: M'tired...

T: you're tired tired?

Jungkook nodded,making Taehyung chuckle. Taehyung kisssed Jungkook's forhead then his nose, and pecked his lips.

T: we're going somewhere love, get up now...

Jk: 5 more minutes please...

Taehyung then again chuckled, he then caresses the younger's tummy and said...

T: you're making mama tired, early on the morning huh?....common baby, don't make mama suffer hmm?....

Jungkook was just smiling, listening to Taehyung, talking to their unborn child.

T: see love, little pea said you should get up now....

Jungkook giggled, he found it cute when Taehyung was trying everything to make him stand up. And so finally he did.

He looked at Taehyung and smiled at him, he pecked the elder's lips, and hurriedly went yo the bathroom luaghing.

Taehyung chuckled, at the younger, suddenly became bubbly first thing in the morning.

After Jungkook showered, Taehyung had asked him to dress up, he was confused for a while, but complied anyways.

And since his tummy is getting bigger, he just wore a button up shirt, that reached his mid thighs and a cycling shorts.

He then fixed his hair, and put in some jewelry to match with it. After that he picked the most confirmed shoes to wear, and then waited for Taehyung to finish showering.

After a couple of minutes later, Taehyung came out of the bathroom, with just a towel covering his waste down to his knees.

Jungkook stared at the elder's body. Pale, defined, and seems like it was sculpted by God himself.

T: I'll get melted by the way you stare at me my love...

Taehyung said leaning closer to Jungkook pecking his lips. Jungkook widen his eyes, seeing the vampire in front of him, as he didn't notice him coming earlier.

Taehyung just chuckled, then proceeded to walk towards their walk in closet. Jungkook's eyes were following him, until he can't see Taehyung anymore.

After a couple of minutes, Taehyung came to view, he was wearing a white dress shirt, blue slacks, and suite, with a goldish-brown neck tie.

T: are you ready to go?

Jk: y-yes...

Jungkook said stuttering his words, Taehyung just chuckled and kissed his cheeks, he then caresses his bump, and leaned down to kiss it.

Jungkook smiled at him placing his hands on the elder's head, playing with his hair.

After a couple of seconds, Taehyung straighten his pose, and held Jungkook's hand, indicating they should go.

The younger nodded and smiled, earjing a smiled from the elder back. Even though Jungkook didn't know where they were going, he knew Taehyung wouldn't put him in danger, so he's at ease.

It's been hours till they have driven, and still they were on the road. Jungkook didn't know where they were going, but 4 hours of driving is creeping him out.

Taehyung can read Jungkook, and he knew the younger is anxious, so he held his hand and kisses the back of it.

T: don't worry too much, yeah? I promise this driving will be worth it....

Jk: Tae, I trust you...

When Jungkook said those words, Taehyung felt something, it's like those word brought pride in him.

After one more hour, they finally arrived at the hotel, Jungkook's eyes widen seeing the luxurious, and huge castle like hotel.

After one more hour, they finally arrived at the hotel, Jungkook's eyes widen seeing the luxurious, and huge castle like hotel

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Jk: love....what are we doing here?

T:...this is my newly built hotel... It doesn't have a name yet, but I'll give it one soon....

Jk: why didn't you name it? How are people going to find this?

T: well, I don't know what to name it yet but there's an address love....and for a fact, the hotel is fully booked already...

Jungkook just nodded, then Taehyung kissed his forehead, held his hands and walked inside.

As soon as the staff saw Taehyung, they all lined up and bowed. Taehyung just nodded at them, while Jungkook came closer to Taehyung and held his belly protectively.

After that, theyw ebt straight to their room. Taehyung called room service to prepare food, that Jungkook would like to have, or crave.

And as they were eating, Taehyung was plotting his proposal on his head, exited for what's going to happen next.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now