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Time Skip: Party...

The guests have arrived at the venue. They just sat it up at the company, since it was Taehyung who requested it. Since the guests are just the gang working for him, and some vampires.

Everyone was wearing lavish clothes, and fancy stuff. But they were wearing all black. Everybody was just chatting with each other, waiting for the host to arrive.

Some were drinking champagne, and some were tasting the fresh food. Some were making out, and doing random stuff.

Until, the big golden metal door opened widely. Revealing the host, of the party, along side with his closest friends.

There arrived Kim Taehyung, looking like a whole handsome dilf. He was wearing a black turtle neck shirt, black tuxedo jacket, a pair of denim jeans and a pair of black leather shoes.

He was walking so tall, proudly, and prideful

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He was walking so tall, proudly, and prideful. Keeping his gaze intimidatingly cold. Having his gun on the side, while his hands were in his pockets.

People there looked at him in awe, as like they were staring at a precious gem, ready to steal and have.

Next to him are his brother, and his friends. Looking so lavish and expensive, as they are.

Then Taehyung stopped in the middle of the ballroom, so as his friends. Then a butler came up to them, and brought them fresh blood, in a glass.

Taehyung and his friends, reached to get some. Taehyung lightly twirled the glass, and drank some. Then he liked his lips, before saying...

T: good evening everyone. We are  gathered here today, to celebrate and to welcome back, my killing machine, sharpshooter.... He came back, from a successful mission I gave him.... And because of him, I am able to own a massive gang in Italy.... Min Yoongi, you are the star for tonight... Let's have a toast.

Taehyung said those words with pride and elegance, proud that his best friend completed his given mission.

Just then the door opened again, revealing the one and only Min Yoongi. Everyone stared at him, as he stared back to them, making their legs feel week. Then they all drank the fresh blood served to them.

He walk towards Taehyung. Taehyung handed him the glass of fresh blood, as he accepted it. Both were staring blankly with each other. As of they weren't even acknowledging each other's presence.

But in reality, both were ecstatic to finally be reunited with each other, after a year. Taehyung and Yoongi have been the closest ever since young.

They probably are bestfriends for about 600 years, Taehyung started the Mafia association when he was 345 years old. And Yoongi never left his side. He was so loyal to him, and he would do anything for him.

Yoongi is the only one Taehyung trust the most. And because of that their friendship last the longest. And when Taehyung started the Mafia, it's where he found his brother Kim Namjoon, and other closest friends; Kim Seokjin, and Jung Hoseok.

The party was still ongoing, Taehyung and his friends were just sitting in the corner, watching everyone. Just then Hoseok spoke...

Jh: Taehyungah... Who manages your bar, in downtown?

Taehyung was confused for a while, but he answered him nonetheless...

T: Andreas

Hoseok nodded, that got Taehyung thrilled, and wanted to ask...

T: why? Is there a problem?

Hoseok just widen his eyes, and looked away, and acted innocent. As he didn't wanna cause a misunderstanding between them.

Taehyung on the other hand, was really curious. And once his curiosity over powers him, and he wouldn't find out immediately, it will annoy him. And Hoseok clearly know that.

T: I'm gonna count to 3, and I if I don't get my ans-

Jh: okay, okay.... Boss! Wait, don't count alright?...im gonna tell you, so chill...

Taehyung just looked at him deadly cold in the eyes. Hoseok on the other hand was gulping, scared of Taehyung.

Namjoon elbowed Hoseok, and Seokjin was laughing silently, Taehyung and Yoongi had the same facial expression. Cold, but intimidating. Then Hoseok started...

Jh: I heard.... That Andreas was secretly leading the bar, with prostitution.... He's collecting humans man, woman, gay etc... Yeonjun told me that, some of them gets pregnant during the prostitution, and Andreas would force them to abort.

After hearing that, Taehyung glance at Andreas across the room. Taehyung hates people like that, forcing someone something they don't like. And kill innocent being, who haven't seen the world yet.

His  eyes darken and changed color to a bloody red, indicating that he's angry. All of his friends looked at him afraid of what he might do. And cause this party to end early.

T: Yoongi, bring Andreas to the basement.... tonight. After the party.

Taehyung said, his voice a bit husky and deep. Sending shivers to his friends' spines. While Yoongi nodded.

Jh: t-tae?.... What are you gonna do to him?

T: nothing, I just wanted to talk.

Namjoon snorted, and said...

Nj: by talk, he means sending to the basement, cut him into half.... Probably feed him to the piranhas.

Hoseok showed face of disgust, while Jin was still laughing silently. Taehyung was still staring at Andreas, watching his evry move.

He was drunk, very drunk, to the state that he is out of his mind. He was kissing some girls, and playing with their body parts. Just then he shooed them off, and exited the ballroom.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now