
6.5K 152 31

⚠️ Warning ⚠️
  mentions of
- blood
- dismantled human body
- breast feeding

If you guys are uncomfortable, you can skip this part😊

After the slathering, Taehyung and the gang cleaned up the area, they
were hiding evidence so that the authorities won't get their noses into his business.

Taehyung was watching his jaguar feast in his father's dismantled body, when Yoongi came up to him and said...

Yg: why is you hair black?

When Taehyung heard that, his world turned upside down. His eyes widen in realization, he looked then looked at Yoongi who's shock in his on words as well.

T: Jungkook.... Yoongi call the helicopter now! I need to get to Jungkook....he's giving birth!

Yg: "gave birth" your highness.... anyways the helicopter will be here in 5 minutes...

And exactly 5 minutes later, the helicopter arrived. Taehyung's men were confused because they should be leaving the Island a bit later. But when they saw their new King's hair, they understand what it meant.

Namjoon and the others' were still at the island cleaning up the mess, while Taehyung's helicopter is in flight.

A couple of hours later, the helicopter landed at the rooftop of Taehyung's mansion. Taehyung immediately came running down using his vampire speed.

And with the ability to smell, he can already smell his own child. Taehyung didn't need to find them because he can already tell, they're in their bedroom.

Tears threaten to fall from Taehyung's eyes, when he saw his child. Jungkook is in the breastfeeding their little prince.

Taehyung slowly walked quietly to them, as his tears were falling. Jungkook noticed him, and immediately smiled through exhaustion.

T: hello my love, I'm home...

Taehyung said, almost whispering, afraid that he might disturb his son from feeding.

Jk: Hi love, welcome home...

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, when he was coming closer, sitting beside the younger and looked at the inocent face of his little pea.

T: he's beautiful...Kim Hyesung...my golden prince

Taehyung said fondly, voice filled with adoration and love. He scooted closer to Jungkook and out his arm behind the younger's back, while his other hand went to his son's tiny head.

He gently caresses his son's head, then leaned down to kiss his forehead, making the baby move a bit. He then looked at his husband and pecked his lips, saying...

T: I love you my Queen... thankyou for the most wonderful gift, and thankyou for loving me, my love....Happy Valentine's day...

Jungkook chuckled and reached for Taehyung's lips, he pecked the King's lips while mumbling...

Jk: Valentine's is nothing special before, because you always makes me feel like everyday is Valentine's...but today it all changed... instead of "Happy Valentine's, I'll be saying Happy birthday my little prince"

Jungkook said the last sentence while looking at his who's feeding from him, sucking his nipples.

It went quiet for a while, only the sounds of the newborn baby can be heard. It's been half an hour after the baby finished sucking his milk from his mother.

And now, Taehyung is holding the baby in his arms, playing with his tinny little feet, gently squishing it. Jungkook looked at the father and son duo, smiling to himself.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now