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After eating they didn't do anything all day, they just cuddled in the room then eat again, then cuddled.

Jungkook had been asking for a couple of times, why they weren't doing anything. Taehyung would just chuckle, and shower the younger with kisses, and make him feel his love.

Not until 5pm. Taehyung just drag Jungkook out of the hotel. The elder can feel his nervousness, he just hope that it'll turn out great tonight.

Jk: where are we going Tae...

T: be patient my love hmmm?

Jungkook couldn't argue more he just let the elder drag him around. They walked towards the back of the hotel, then went inside a rusty door.

Inside the door is a tunnel leading somewhere only Taehyung knew. The elder turned his flashlight on, and held Jungkook's hand tightly as they walk further more.

After a couple of seconds, they both saw a door, that has vines and dried leaves on it.

T: love, do you trust me?

Jk: yes of course...

Jungkook answered without hesitation. He knew to himself all he could trust in this world is the man infront of him.

T: then please close your eyes, and do not open it until I say so okay?

Jk:....Tae....isn't it dangerous? I might stumble and fall on my tummy....our ba-

T: nothing will happen to you, and little pea okay?....I'll make sure of it ....

Taehyung said cupping the younger's face with both of his hands, then leaning in to kiss his forehead.

Jungkook just nodded and closed his eyes, he trust Taehyung, so he's gonna let him do whatever he wants.

And as soon as Jungkook closed his eyes, Taehyung went behind him and held his shoulders, guiding him through the viney door.

Taehyung smiled as they git out safely, he loves oked at the view before continuing to walk and guide Jungkook in the middle of the field.

Taehyung sucked in his breath and sighed, nervousness laced in his voice, making the younger alarm.

Jk: Tae, are you okay?

T: yes love.... anyways, if I coubt yo 3 open your eyes okay?

Jungkook nodded, Taehyung fcaed Jungkook then held his hands. He then took a deep breath and started counting...

T: 1......2..........3

And as soon as Jungkook heard the number, he opened his eyes. And as he opened his eyes, he was in awe.

Tears were urging to drop from his eyes, as it shimmers, reflecting the field. It looks magical.

Stars were decorating the sky, silhouettes of trees, and fire flies flying around made the scenery seems magical

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Stars were decorating the sky, silhouettes of trees, and fire flies flying around made the scenery seems magical.

Jungkook cried, his tears were falling nonstop, he was happy, overwhelmed with joy. He was feeling butterflies in his stomach, and his face were painted with the heat of what he was feeling.

Taehyung looked at him with fondness, and love evident in his eyes. He can see how the younger was happy, he can't stop tearing up.

He then held Jungkook's hands again, then took something out of his pocket. As he took it out he got on one knee.

Jungkook's heartbeat fasten, when Taehyung opened the box. Jungkook didn't know what to do, he was shock.

The diamond on the ring was glittering infront of his eyes, as Taehyung looked at him with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook can't help but cry more, he covered his mouth with his one hand as the other was held by Taehyung.

T: hey love, the mother of my child, my fated mate and the one I love the most..... you're making me crazy everytime you smile, do you know that?....that smile of yours always brighten up my day...my life actually....I know I haven't asked you to be my boyfriend yet, but I am a man with speed....our start might not be the a pleasant chapter, but that doesn't mean we can't have our happily ever after right?.....so Jeon Jungkook, the man who made me gay in each and everyway, and turn my bloody life into a life full of rainbows and kittens....will you please make me the happiest man in the world and stay by my side till forever?....will you marry me?

Jungkook couldn't say a word, he was too speechless. Those words git him deep, it made him fell harder for Taehyung.

Though he didn't need to hear that, because he knew Taehyung loves him. He knew that Taehyung always priorities him.

He knew Taehyung could protect him, and love him. He knew he'll be happy, and free when he is with the elder. And there is no reason for him to say no.

Both of them were deeply in love with each other. And they knew it.

And since Jungkook couldn't bend down because of his bump, he pulled Taehyung to stand up.

He didn't say anything and just hugged the elder and kissed his lips, nodding.

Taehyung smiledvyo their kiss, as he deepens it. It was passionate, affectionate and full of love.

The word happiness isn't enough to describe what they were feeling. This is it. They'll finally start a new chapter, where both of them are content, and happy.

Jk: yes Tae....I have no reason to reject you....I have non....

Taehyung smiled, as tears fell in both of their eyes. Taehyung pecked the younger's lips, and slid in the ring, kissing his hand after that.

T: I love you....wifey

Jk: I love you too hubby...

Both smiled, and kisses each other again. Feeling each other's act of love, hoping this will never fade.
Hey guys! See you at the wedding!

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