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Andreas was on top of the table, he held Jungkook's arm harshly. Jungkook tried to shake his grip off, but Andreas' grip was tight.

Then Andreas moved down from the counter table, and drag Jungkook out of the mini kitchen.

He then pinned him to the wall, and started touching him everywhere. Jungkook was moving around, and trying to get out of his disgusting touches.

On the other hand, Taehyung arrived upstairs, trying to look for Andreas and Jungkook. Just then he heard an evil laugh, that clearly belongs to Andreas. He followed the sound of screaming and laughing.

Until he was led to the kitchen. He found Andreas there pinning Jungkook. And the sight of it made him angry.

He didn't know why, he was supposed to just watch his underlings have fun to them selves. But knowing that Andreas is such a dirty man, he couldn't contain himself.

His eyes turned red, his pionty fangs are now even pointier and even sharper. And his nails grew sharper but black.

He then used his super speed, and ran towards Andreas. He grabbed his neck, and ran with him to the other side of  the wall. He then pinned him harshly and  up high, making the walls cracked because of the impact.

He stared at Andreas angrily that would make you think, he's piercing his head with his glare. Then Taehyung threw him across the room, making Andreas land infront of Jungkook.

The younger flinch, when Andreas landed infront of him. Andreas was about to stand up, but Taehyung was quick enough to punch Andreas hardly making him fell on the floor again.

Andreas got sober up a bit. And had a chance to fight back. He was about to punch Taehyung, but the Mafia moved to his back with his super speed.

He then kicked Andreas, making him stumble and fall. Andreas still stood up and faced Taehyung.

Taehyung was just smirking at him, and that got Andreas pissed. He transformed into his vampire appearance and fought with Taehyung.

They were fighting literally infront of Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand was watching Taehyung in awe.

It was an unknown feeling, being fond of the vampire, and feeling as if, Taehyung was his knight and shining armor.

And just then, Jungkook's vision got all blury the only person he could see is Taehyung. He was fighting like a real tiger, clawing his enemi.

He looks amazing, Jungkook felt like Taehyung was fighting for him, that he is saving him from a notorious monster.

Jungkook smiled, his face looks dreamy, while looking at his saviour. He felt this butterflies in his stomach, thinking that his boss, his hot, handsome boss, came in to save him.

And he might have developed, a bit of a crush on him. Thinking about that, Jungkook's cheeks showed a tint of pink, his smile was so sweet, and he looks like he was daydreaming an unknown fairytale, with the man, fighting for him right now.

Taehyung on the other hand intentionally glanced at Jungkook. Seeing the youngers face, smiling at him, made him feel proud.

Is Jungkook proud of him? That's what Taehyung thought, he didn't know what kind of emotion this is, it feels uncomfortable, but he likes it.

The feeling of having unknown emotions are different, Taehyung felt like, he wants to run to Jungkook and protect him at all cost. But also the feeling of running away and forget this day.

But on top of that, despite the dark surroundings, he can clearly see those sweet smile, and tomato like face of Jungkook.

It's like giving him more determination to finish this bastard, his fighting with. Then Taehyung smirked, he suddenly threw Andreas across the room, and stabbed him with his own bare hand.

He held Andreas' heart, and was about to pull it. But Taehyung was thinking, 'what if Jungkook gets disgusted, by the scattered flesh'  'what if he will be disappointed with him?' so he said...

T: I'm not gonna pull out your heart here Andreas... Because someone might not like it.... You should be thankful to him...that I'm concern... Just wait till you get to my basement, you'll definitely suffer.

Taehyung thought for a while, 'concerned'?. Is he concern for the younger? Was this the feeling of worrying for someone?

Taehyung just shrug it off, and pulled out his hand on Andreas' chest. He then called Namjoon and Hoseok to take Andreas away, to which they complied.

But then, Jungkook ran up to him and hugged him, mumbling a little "thankyou".

Jungkook didn't even notice himself running towards Taehyung, and hugging him. He just did that out of his own control, its like his mind wasn't controlling him, but his heart.

He put his arms around the vampire's neck, and pulled him in for a hug. The vampire was shock for a while, but didn't know what he was doing, and just put his clean hands in the younger's waste.

It's like he's mind isn't controlling him either, and his heart wasn't even beating, why would a dead heart control a person? It got him confused, but hugged the younger nonetheless.

Just then, another vampire interrupted them...

Vamp: yahhh, Mr. Kim... Is this the said feast for tonight?

The vampire said, looking with lust and hunger on Jungkook. Taehyung was takin back, by what a low born vampire had said.

He pulled away from Jungkook's hug, and send Jungkook to his back, to shield him. He then looked at the vampire intimidatingly cold, and said...

T: what did you say?

Vamp: sorry, you didn't hear that Mr. Kim... But I'd like to have that pretty over there, as a meal...

The vampire said, Taehyung then glance to Jungkook, and saw his big doe eyes looking at him scared.

Taehyung was thinking, how could he give this beautiful creature to someone else? How dare they, wanting to touch what's his?

T: you wanted to have my secretary as a meal?

Taehyung then turned his gaze from Jungkook to the vampire, he then smirked and said...

T: tsk...in your dreams.....Yoongi, get Jungkook to my office and make sure he's safe.... I have some bastards to kill.

And so Yoongi grabbed Jungkook, and ran with him to Taehyung's office, followed by Seokjin. While Taehyung was left there, killing probably 24 vampires, one by one.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now