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Yoongi and Jin took Jungkook to Taehyung's office, while Taehyung was still fighting outside.

Yoongi was about to go out and help Taehyung, but Jin stopped him saying...

Sj: Yoongs, Taehyung can do it, he can handle all those yucky vamps. He asked you to protect Jungkook, so stay here.

Yoongi looked at Seokjin and then glanced at Jungkook, who's quietly sitting down there. Then he sighed.

He walked up close to Jungkook, and sat next to him. And the innocent Jungkook smiled, to which Yoongi got confused of.

Because normally, people would be scared seeing such things just now, and knowing that you are surrounded by vampires, they'd probably run away.

But Jungkook hits different, he's quiet, he's not afraid, and he kept on smiling. And Yoongi for the first time in decades smiled.

Yg: say... Are you hurt or...?

Jk: huh?.... Oh... I don't know, I feel very fine though.

Y: really?

Yoongi started to check Jungkook, and found a bruise on the younger's arm. He pocked it not to hard, but enough to make Jungkook yelped in pain.

Jk: aww!!

Y: sorry.... Jin can you bring the first aid kit?

Sj: yeah... Sure...

And with that, Seokjin went to the bathroom, and open the cabinet. And there he found, a box. He grabbed the box and opened it to check what's inside.

And gladly enough it's full of medical stuff. He brought the box, and went back to where Jungkook and Yoongi are sitting.

After that, he gave the box to Yoongi. Yoongi opened the box, and grabbed the ointment and the bandage. He then gently grabbed Jungkook's arms and started treating the bruise.

Taehyung on the other hand, just killed all the vampires, that went against him, but some he didn't bother, as they ran away.

T: clean these all up, I don't want anyone to know about what happened tonight. Let Namjoon organise this things....and.... Dismantle their corpses, and threw them out to the newly island that I bought, just for corpses....understood?

Taehyung said to his underlings. The man answered "yes, Master" and then bowed to Taehyung and walked off to do what their boss asked them to do.

And Taehyung himself went off to his office hurriedly. He didn't even know why would he go there immediately.

He just have, the feeling of needing to be there fast, and check a specific person, to see if he's okay, or he's hurt.

So he walked fastly to his office. And when he got there, it's like he's wolrd just fell, and he's disappointed in him self for not being here fast enough.

Right when he openes the door, he saw Yoongi, and Jungkook stared at each other, and their faces were only inch apart. And Yoongi was gently treating Jungkook's wounds.

He wasn't supposed to feel this way, he was supposed to not care at all. But why is he disappointed, why does he hate seeing them that close to each other.

He didn't think much of it though, maybe it's normal, that he felt that way. Withought knowing that he's looking at them glaring, and jealousy was evident in his face. And Seokjin, can clearly see that.

And so the older teased the Mafia a little bit. He went closer to him, and whispered...

Sj: Master, you're glaring at them... Don't be too jealous okay?

Then Seokjin tapped Taehyung's shoulders, and walked back off to his seat. Taehyung on the other hand was dumbfounded, but he didn't show it.

He then glance back at Yoongi and Jungkook and saw them giggling to each other. And here it is again, the feeling of disappointment.

The feeling on, wanting to be in Yoongi's place right now. It got him pissed off, so...


Everyone in the room flinch at how Taehyung just roared. Yoongi immediately stood up and bowed, and said...

Yg: Master... You were saying something?

T: yeah! Jungkook  If you're done there, pack your things and leave.

Jungkook widen his eyes. Thinking, he must be fired, and so he asked...

Jk: am I.... Fired s-sir?

T: no, I said go home and rest... Why are here late this night anyways?!?

Jk: o-oh....I was finishing some files for tomorrow sir...

Taehyung stared at him for a couple of seconds, and flipped his hand mentioning Jungkook to go. To which the younger complied.

Y: w-wait... Its dangerous out there, this late... I should take you home.

Taehyung widen his eyes for a second, thinking is Yoongi doing this for real? Why would he want to take a human home?

And as Yoongi and Jungkook walked out, Taehyung glared at them, then rolled his eyes. Seokjin was just laughing silently, because Taehyung is obviously jealous, and it's fun to watch him that way.

Junkook is now in his office, with Yoongi. The younger was cleaning up his desk, and fixing his things. After that, they went out and locked the office.

Jk: wait... Hyung!... I want to say, thankyou to Mr. Kim first, and say bye to him...

Yoongi just slightly smiled, and nodded. Then they went back to Taehyung's office.

When they got there, Taehyung was already staring at them. Probably sensing earlier, that their going back.

T: what are you doing here?

Jk: s-sir... I just want to say thank you for saving me... And we'll be going now...

Jungkook smiled sweetly at Taehyung, making Taehyung's heart jumped a bit. He then thought of a way to stop them from leaving. And he no other way but...

T: wait... I'll take you home...

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now