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Yoongi and the team finally arrived at the mansion, along with all the prostitutes that were kidnapped.

They were all at a clear field, surrounded by nothing but lampshade lights. A couple of minutes later Taehyung came down from the stairs, as everyone looked at him and bowed.

The prostitutes didn't know what to do, because they were just drag here. And so they just followed what others were doing, and bowed.

As Taehyung stopped walking, they all rise their heads and looked at him him, anticipating and afraid.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi, Hoseok and Yoonji, then he walked closer to them and started asking questions regarding the mission.

T: how was it?

Jh: it's all clear Master. These people are the prostitutes, we brought them here just like what you said. And those bastards are probably at the headquarters right now.

T: alright, that's good.... Have you guys found out where they all live?

Yj: well, Yes Master. 5 of them are from UK 8 from the USA, and the rest are from south korea.

T: okay, send them to their family immediately, if possible tommorow. Don't forget to lend them some money, to start a new life or something.

Jh: copy that Master..... But where should they sleep? Also it might take longer to process their papers for the flight, especially when they were illegally transported here...

T: book them to our hotels, simple as that.

Hoseok and Yoonji nodded, they both bowed and left to do what Taehyung told them. Yoongi on the other hand didn't want Jimin to go with the others.

And so, before Taehyung could walk out of the scene, Yoongi called him.

Yg: Maste-

T: go ahead and do what you want...

Taehyung said, and didn't let Yoongi finished. Because he knew what his friend ment. He exactly knew what the look on Yoongi's eyes says.

He wants that boy to stay here, and Taehyung being the supportive friend he is let's him.

Yoingi smiled and bowed, after that Taehyung went inside to cuddle back to Jungkook.

Yoongi in the other hand, went to Jimin who's comforting the crying Miya.

Yg: what's wrong?

Yoongi asked, worriedly

Jm: s-she's kinda hungry, she hasn't eaten lunch nor dinner yet.

Yoongi widen his eyes a bit to what the younger had said, and so he pulled Jimin and went inside the mansion.

As they got in, Yoongi immediately took the younger to the kitchen. The both of them were shock after seeing Jungkook sitting infront of the fridge munching some pickles and dipping it in ranch.

Jungkook turned to them with wide eyes, and immediately stood up.

Jk: h-hyung...

Yg: kook what are you doing here alone?

Jk: oh, I'm craving this, and since Taehyungie is still busy and... You know gotta satisfy my cravings, so I went here.

Jungkook said shyly, while still munching to a pickle. And just so, Jungkook noticed Yoongi had someone with him.

Jungkook smiled seeing Jimin, carrying Miya. He then looked at Yoongi smirking and wiggling his eyebrows from time to time, teasing the vampire.

Jk: ohh, hyung~... Whose this?

Yg: right, uhm kook... This is Jimin, and his daughter Miya.....Jiminshi, this is Jungkook he is the Master's mate.

Jimin widen his eyes, thinking that Jungkook probably is the queen so he must bow like what they did earlier to Taehyung, and so he did.

And this time, Jungkook got shock, he didn't know why Jimin was bowing to him in 90 degrees with Miya in his hands. He knew its respect but he certainly did not like it.

Jk: no! Please... No, don't bow to me, you dint have to be formal.

Jm: b-but aren't you the king's mate?

Jk:.... Oh.... Hahaha...even so, I don't like that way of treatment, so don't be formal with me.

Jimin just shyly smiled, but before anyone could move a muscle a certain vampire hurried to the kitchen and immediately hug Jungkook.

T: oh god... I thought something happened to you! You scared the living shit out if me....

Jungkook chuckled, but slapped Taehyung's arm after hearing a curse word saying...

Jk: no cursing! Little pea can hear you!

Taehyung sighed in relief, before chuckling. He kissed Jungkook's forehead and said a little...

T: sorry my rose...

Jungkook blushed at the new petname Taehyung called him. He can't help but smile ear to ear, as his cheeks were now colored in pink.

While Taehyung bent down and kissed Jungkook's tummy and said...

T: sorry baby, papa won't curse again...

Jimin just stared at them in awe, thinking how could Taehyung change his attitude like that. Because earlier in the field, Taehyung looks like he could kill you by gaze, plus his cold and intimidating aura, makes him so powerful.

But now, he's such a romantic and a loving person. Yoongi saw how Jimin was staring at him, and to Yoongi it showed a little pinch of bitterness in the younger's eyes.

It's like telling him that, Jimin used to have this with someone else, but now he is all wrecked broken, and hurt. That's why he decided to break the atmosphere and change the mood by saying...

Yg: right! Miya is hungry, right Jiminshi?

Jm: o-oh yeah.... Uhm... I'm so sorry if u troubled you....

Yg: no, it's okay... Uhm Tae is it okay if I cook here?

T: yeah sure, do everything you want

Taehyung said, as he was carrying Jungkook in bridal style making the younger giggle happily, and then walked out of the kitchen. Leaving Yoongi, Jimin and Miya.

Jm: h-he's pregnant?

Yg: Jungkook?... Yeah he is

Jm: and Master Vante is the father?

Yg: yes why?

Jm: I just thought vampires can't produce offsprings...

Yg: well technically we don't... But the King is the only exception. They could get offsprings through a fated mate.

Jm: so Matser Vante is really the king huh?

Yg: he isn't... Yet... His father is still alive, but Taehyung is the next in throne.

Jimin git confused in "still alive" thinking they must have some misunderstanding between them. So he just nodded in agreement. After that Yoongi brought food on the table to feed the both of them.

While eating, Jimin can't help but to think of how lucky Jungkook is. Taehyung loves him a lot and cherish him and their child.

Taehyung seems to really understand Jungkook, and gets worried even for the slightest thing about him. While Jimin, he suffered a lot, he and his daughter suffered alot.

Though, he is thankful that they survived that hell of a house, he is grearfull that him and his daughter are now safe and free.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now