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⚠️ Warnings ⚠️
mentions of :
-illigal Dr*gs
- blood
-child birth
-human flesh being torn apart
-long chapter

if you feel uncomfortable, you can just skip...


It's early in the morning, and Jungkook woke up, with extreme pain in his abdominal area. He looked beside him but Taehyung wasn't there. He grab his phone to check the time and the date, he widen his eyes when he realized, Taehyung and the gang had started with their plan about Mr. Kim already.

Taehyung told him about it after the baby shower. He didn't want to distract the vampire, because he is in a dangerous situation right now, so he kept this to himself, seconds later the pain lessen and he felt the need to pee, so without any thoughts he went straight to the bathroom.

As soon as he walked inside, lots of water dripped down from his crotch to his thighs, down his feet. And that's when he realized he is in labor.

He tried not to panic and think of what to do, his head was all fog and he couldn't think straight, the only thing that he could think about is he needs to get to the hospital.

With that, he walked out of the bathroom, and went to get his phone. As the phone was in his hands, another wave of contractions hit him, he grabbed the sheets hard, and groan in pain. But nonetheless he tried calling someone.

On the other side...

T: line those up in here!...Yahh! get the cars on the side now! Everything should be ready in 10, we need to leave before the clock hits 12!

Taehyung yelled, ordering everyone while he stood there with his jaguar, Seokjin, and  Hoseok. Seokjin was checking the blueprint of the area of the island, while Hoseok was holding his laptop and was scanning through the location of their enimies.

Jh: everything is ready Master, they are on their way to get the cocaines and documents at the island, they brought about 6 vans, 2 trucks and 1 car for Mr-

Before Hoseok could finish what he was saying, Seokjin's phone ringed. Seokjin immediately fished his phone out of his pockets and answered it.

On the phone:

Jin Hey Kookie what's up?

Jimin: Hyung! this is Jimin! Kookie, he...he is in labor! hold on he said something..... d-don't tell Master Taehyung...

Jin: shit, okay uhmmm I'll be there, I'll try getting away with Taehyung okay...Just hold!

Seokjin cut the call, and faced Taehyung who was looking at him with curiousity, since he heard his lover's name.

T: Seokjin, what's that? I heard the caller was Kook...

Sj: oh, that...nothing he just said we should be careful...yeah, that's all

T: why are you panicking?

Sj: panicking? no! I just need to go to the bathroom....bye, don't wait for me yeah? you could go ahead!

Seokjin said, while handing Taehyung the blueprint, after that, he sprinted off with his vampire speed towards the mansion.

Taehyung was still suspicious about the sudden act, that's why he called Jungkook, but he wasn't answering. Before he could run to the mansion, Yoongi called him...

Yg: Master, we must go

Taehyung hesitated at first, but eventually went with Yoongi. They went towards the island riding the helicopter.

While in the flight, Taehyung can't help but feel uneasy, and anxious. This is the first time he felt like this. It's like something is urging him to go back home and check on his husband.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now