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T: I should've known...

Taehyung said as he stared at his father who's staring at them as well. His father was wearing a raven outfit, that fitted their gang name. "The Raven".

His father wasn't seen by many, so no 9ne really knew what he looks like. Buy some says, he was able to fool anyone because of what he looks like.

On the other hand, Joonkyu was slowly approaching them as Namjoon stared at him. Joonkyu smirked planning how to annoy Namjoon in every possible way.

Joonkyu: Welcome Young Prince...

Joonkyu said, his arms spread wide and has his smile shining at them. Namjoon just huffed, Yoongi rolled his eyes and Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer as if its still possible.

Joonkyu greeted his teeth while smiling, and rolling his eyes internally after seeing everyones reaction.

Jnk: I'm glad to see you here brother!

Joonkyu greeted Namjoon, faking his expressions.

Nj: first of all, we're not brothers, And second your face... Was just a stolen image, copycat.

Namjoon straight up told him, and it made Joonkyu humiliated. He wanted to murder Namjoon infront of everyone. But he knew he can't, so he jsut kept the act.

Jnk: ohhh, I see you brought the whole gang huh? Prince Taehyung?..... You also brought you ahhh... Husband? Right? Husband?

Taehyung didn't answered back, he just stared at him cold as if he was planning a killing spree attack in his head.

Jnk: anyways, have you seen father yet?

Nj: tsk...father?

Jnk: why? What's the problem?

Yg: he didn't even claim or adopted you as his son, now you calling him father? You thick face, plastic shit, fucking copy cat!

Jnk: so that's how it is?... Huh!..... By the way Taehyung how is your mom? Why didn't you brought her here?.... Ohhh that's right, father killed her!

Joonkyu laughed, and that's when Taehyung snapped, his blue eyes were now red and his fangs were out. He turned his gaze to Joonkyu and looked at him directly in the eyes.

T: Joonkyu how was your family?..... Oh that's right I killed them all...

Taehyung smirked seeing Joonkyu widen his eyes in anger, Joonkyu greeted his teeth stopping himself from attacking Taehyung.

Joonkyu sighed and excused himself from them. Yoonji and Seokjin on the other hand silently laughed at him.

Time Skip...

It's been a couple of hours, and nothing happened. Joonkyu didn't came back to annoy them, and Taehyung's father has now vanished as if he wasn't their.

But Taehyung and the other's weren't putting their guards down. They were still cautious about their surroundings. Until...

Jk: love... I want to go to the bathroom...

T: alright let's go...

Jungkook nodded and both of them stood up from their chairs and left for the comfort room, with guards following them.

On the other hand, the waiter served the final set of drinks before they could all exit the party.

And as the waiter served Taehyung and his underlings' some drinks, Yoongi noticed something unusual.

The ice cubes on their drinks weren't floating. And it's color is a bit different from the others. Yoonji was about to drink when Yoongi stopped him.

Yg: Yoonji stop... Don't drink it

Yj: what? Why?

Nj: it has poison

Yg: thought I was the only one who noticed... I'll fetch Taehyung and Jungkook about this... You guys tell our men.

And so they did what Yoongi told them. They all scattered around telling their underlings not to drink. Good thing it wasn't too late and none of their man have drank it yet.

Yoongi arrived at the comfort room and saw Taehyung fixing his hair Infront of the mirror.

Yg: where is Jungkook?

T: he's still inside the cubicle he hasn't come out yet, why?

Yg: there's something I have to tell you...

But before Yoongi could utter a word, someone entered, when they look at the person they immediately saw the raven tattoo, indicating that he's the king's underling.

After a couple of seconds later, Jungkook finally came out. And tagts when Yoongi desided they should go out of the comfort room.

Jungkook felt kind of thirsty when they got out, he squeezed Taehyung's hand which was holding his, making the vampire's attention all into him.

T: what's wrong love? Do you need anything? Are you hurt? You want to go home?

Yg: chill Master... One question at a time...

Jungkook just giggle looking at the bestfriends' little teasing time.

Jk: no, love.... I'm just thirsty.... Oh wait, there's a waiter!

Jungkook said spotting a waiter, holding a tray with one drink, looking at them. He then went to him since its nearby and can be seen by Taehyung and Yoongi.

As Jungkook grabbed the glass and thanked the waiter, Yoongi widen his eyes and immediately told Taehyung...

Yg: Master that's poison!

When Taehyung heard that he didn't hesitate to use his vampire speed and immediately ran to Jungkook grabi g the glass of drink.

Jk: Tae what are you doing?... I'm thirsty I wanted to drink that! Give me that drink, love!

T: not if I drink it first

Taehyung said teasing the younger, as he drank the juice. Yoongi gasp and called for Taehyung in shock of what he just did...

Yg: Master!...

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now