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T: Jungkookah! Wake up.... Please... Wake the fuck up!

Taehyung said shouting the younger's name as he embraces his lifeless body. Taehyung cried. His spirit animal was mourning as well.

Being the Kim Taehyung he is, a Ceo a Mafia a vampire that has lived for so many yeas. A wise man, and strong person. Is now in grief, and has a blank mind.

He didn't know what to do. But one thing is for sure. He needs to get Jungkook to Seokjin. His jin hyung.

He carried Jungkook's lifeless body, in a bridal like, and ran with his vampire speed. Within a minute or two he arrived at the main headquarters.

He walked in and immediately saw Nico tied down to a chair. Taehyung's eyes turned red. He stopped infront of Nico, still carrying Jungkook.

T: have you done everything on your bucket list?

Taehyung said chuckling.

T: because your life.... Ends tonight.

He said intimidatingly cold. He then immediately walked away, heading upstairs to a room.

When he got there he saw Hoseok and Yoongi talking outside. Both of them widen their eyes and immediately opened the door for Taehyung to get in.

As soon as Taehyung got in, he placed Jungkook to the bed, and faced his friends. Yoongi, Namjoon, and Seokjin looked at him shock.

Nj: Taehyungah.... What happened?

Namjoon asked worriedly. Then Seokjin immediately went near Jungkook and checked his vitals.

T: hyung....

And that's the first time, Taehyung called Namjoon "hyung" and cried in front of them. Namjoon immediately embraced his brother into a hug.

Sj: Taehyungah.... He is....

T: dead... Hyung w-what am I going to do... I'm gonna go crazy! I can't loose Jungkook he's my mate! Jungkook is pregnant with my child! I-.... I'm... How do u save him?

Seokjin looked at Taehyung sympathetically. There is only one thing that can save Jungkook. But he is not sure if Taehyung is ready for that commitment.

Sj: there is only one thing that could save him Taehyung..... You're venom.

Taehyung stopped in his tracks for a second and then glance at Jungkook. Seeing the younger so pale, and lifeless. And thinking that Jungkook is carrying his child. Breaks Taehyung so much that he felt he was shattered to a million pieces.

Seeing Taehyung now, everybody in the room knew. Taehyung would do it, so Seokjin warned...

Sj: if you're going to do it... Just know that it will take time for Jungkook to wake up..... And that it depends on how his body will react to your venom. Also.... It wont make him a vampire, he'll get sick, he won't have powers, and he'll bear your children. Just like a human..... But he'll live as long as you are alive...you'll be mated after the bite, it means you accept him as your fated mate.... Are you gonna do it?

T:.... I'm not..... I'm not gonna do it here. Let's take Jungkook to my mansion.

Jh: which one?

T: the forest, the old one....

Yj: Taehyungah... I'm sorry, really sorry 8n behalf of Nico... I shouldn't have brought him here, if I knew this is going to happen....

Taehyung didn't answer, he just looked at him and went to carry Jungkook. He then said...

T: let's take the helicopter

Jh: copy that.

And so Hoseok, gwent out to prepare the helicopter for Taehyung and them. But before that he tapped Yoongi's shoulder, comforting him.

A couple of minutes later, 2 helicopters were ready. Taehyung whom is still carrying Jungkook rode on the first one. Along with Jin and Namjoon. While Hoseok, Yoongi, and Yoongi rode the other one.

While they were taking off Taehyung can't help but caresses Jungkook's tummy. Thinking, if the situation right now isn't this, and he gets to know that he is going to be a father. It is going to be Euphoric.

But he guesses, fate isn't always with him. Namjoon and Seokjin looked at him sympathetically. They are sorry for what happened. But somehow they can't change it. It already happened.

And maybe it's ment to happen. So that in the feature, there would be less difficulties blocking their story. And it will continue and bloom like a beautiful lotus flower.

Taehyung was still caressing the younger's tummy, smiling through the 0ain he felt. Because somehow, there is hope in him.

T: Jin hyung.... Is our baby still alive?

Taehyung asked like a curious hurt kid. Seokjin smiled bitterly. Because the truth is. He didn't know either. But he still wa ts to assure the you her that everything will be alright.

Sj: yes Taehyung... Your baby is still alive. He is the golden child of Kim Taehyung after all.

Taehyung smiled, and nodded. He kept looking at Jungkook fondly with a mix of worry. But he is assuring himself, everything is gonna be okay.
Hey guys I know this is short update. But I assure you, the next chapters will be going to be longer. Also I'm just adding this scene because the next ones are.... Uhmm... A secret! So that's it for today, and I hope everyone is safe and well out there, aslo thankyou because we've reach 2k views. Again thankyou evryone:)

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