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4 months after the secret wedding, and Jungkook is 7 months pregnant. During those last 4 months, they didn't do anything much.

Jungkook just got back to work, being his husband's secretary. At first Taehyung opposed to it, but what can he do when his favorite person in the world is making puppy eyes at him at three in the morning.

Taehyung on the other hand became so protective of the younger, also he's got addicted to the younger's growing belly.

He would kiss it, talk to it and sometimes sing to it to. Jungkook would just play with the older's hair as he watches him fondly.

Whilst their relationship is still a secret. Only their friends, and Taehyung's underlings knew about their marriage, but outside from them, they only knew that their relationship are boss and secretary.

And as of right now, they are having a board meeting for the new hotels. Taehyung was sitting on his throne-like chair, listening to some suggestions from their board members.

Jungkook on the other hand were listing and taking notes of all the important details regarding the meeting.

Everything is going well, everyone is serious and Taehyung is focused on the meeting, when Jungkook felt something. The baby just kicked, for the first time.

He eternally gasped, as he immediately touched a part of his belly where the baby is kicking. Jungkook was smiling while holding his tummy, and excitedly tugged Taehyung's pants, secretly.

Taehyung immediately looked at the younger, worried. And as he looked at him, he saw the younger's hands closing and opening again, indicating that he wants to hold hands.

And ofcourse being the best husband Taehyung is, he complied.  Jungkook then grab Taehyung's hand and guide it to his tummy.

Taehyung frowned in confusion when the younger did that, just then he felt it. He felt the kick of his own child.

Taehyung's eyes widen and he was too stunned to speak, happiness laced through him as he rubbed the parts where the baby is kicking.

T: let's continue the meeting tomorrow, everyone get out this instance or you'll be fired!

Taehyung suddenly said, cutting the reporter out. Everyone in the room immediately left, affraid of losing their job.

After everyone got out, Taehyung faced the younger as he kneels infront of him, both hands on the younger's tummy, and kissing the parts where the baby just kicked.

Jungkook giggled feeling ticklish, as Taehyung peppered his tummy with kisses. Jungkook flinch and gasped when he felt the baby kicked harder. Taehyung chuckled and caresses his stomach.

T: oh, are you a little bit exited today huh?.... careful baby, you are hurting mommy......we know baby, we know you are awake, and happy....we are too. So much...

Taehyung said, whispering close to the younger's tummy. Jungkook looked at him fondly, as he was very endeared by his husband.

Husband. Jungkook can't still believe it, he is married to the love of his life, and their souls are tied together forever.

T: love?

Taehyung called, noticing how the younger was spacing out. He reached for his cheeks and caresses it.

T: what are you thinking huh?

Jk: nothing my love....I just can't believe you're my husband now...

Jungkook said giggling, making Taehyung smile. The older stood up and looked down at Jungkook.

He cupped his cheeks, making the younger look at him. Taehyung pecked Jungkook on the lips and said.

T: I can't believe I married my forever either...and I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad in a couple of months from now....I can't believe that these are real....and if it's a dream I don't wanna wake up...

And with that he kissed the younger again, but this time it's slower, putting every feeling in every touch.

T: I love you, wifey...

Jk: I love you more hubby...

Both of them chuckled as they pull out from the kiss, and put their head against each other, leaning into each other's touch.

T: alright, I think it's time for lunch love, let's go?

Jungkook just smiled and nodded, Taehyung then helped the younger stand up from the chair, and both of them walked out of the meeting room, walking towards the vampire's office, acting like nothing happened inside.

As soon as they got there, Taehyung helped the younger sit on the couch, he kneeled infront of him and kissed his tummy again.

T: love, I'm gonna get you something to eat, yeah?....what do you want?

Jk: Tae, we could just order food, you don't have to go downstairs to get me some...

T: no...but I want to, I know you're craving something... common love, spill it...

Jungkook just looked at him, and smiled, he sighed and said...

Jk: alright...I want to have banana cake please... then add ketchup on it...

Taehyung chuckled and cupped Jungkook's cheeks.

T: what's up with you and ketchup huh?

Jungkook pouted hearing that, cause to be honest he actually doesn't know why he likes ketchup. It's just that he felt good eating it with something.

Taehyung chuckled again, peppering Jungkook with alot of kisses.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now