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mention of
-body flesh

Jungkook is now at Taehyung's office, he was sitting on the couch waiting for the vampire and his promised lunch.

He's getting really impatient since Taehyung had left about 30 minutes ago. And he felt something's wrong.

So, he decided to look for him at the cafeteria. But before he could do so, the door sudden opened, revealing a now black haired Taehyung.

Jungkook was taken back, seeing his husband with black hair. He thought the golden gift would transfer to their child after he or she is born.

Jk: love....I- I thought your hair will turn black after our baby is born....it seems that my thoughts were wrong...

Jungkook said awkwardly stuttering, feeling about uneasy with the situation.

Taehyung walked towards him slowly, his eyes flashed red and turned to dark brown again. Jungkook felt something so wrong with him, and being alert he walked backed, looking at the dark aura Taehyung was carrying.

T: Why are you scared jagi?

Jk: J-jagi?..... you never called me jagi before!

T: oh, haven't I?....sorry, boo....guess I must've called you my pet name for my dear Louisa...

Jungkook couldn't think straight, there are alot of questions in his mind, that seems to slightly blurr his vision.

Jk: Tae...please stop this nonsense! what are doing? you're scaring me!

T: sorry, sweetheart.... didn't mean to.....by the way, have you thought of.... aborting our child?

Jungkook's eyes widen when he said those words, he couldn't process what the vampire has said.

Jk: w-what are you saying?

T: oh nothing much of a big deal, just wanted to get rid of that bastard in your stomach....it's a disgrace in my bloodline....

Jk: are you carzy?!.....what the hell are doing Taehyung!

Taehyung. Jungkook repeated in his head. He knew the vampire wouldn't do this, he knew Taehyung couldn't say those words, damn Taehyung even change after knowing about the mate and having baby thing.

After thinking those again, and again, he finally got it. This man infront of him is not the man he married, it's not the man who said "I love you" to him. He is not Taehyung.

Jk: please, who ever you are... stop your foolishness this instance, Taehyung's not gonna like it....and I'm sure, he's gonna make you pay...

The stranger that look exactly like Taehyung luaghed like a maniac, Jungkook knew it, the man infront of him is really not Taehyung.

T: I thought you'll be like the others.... oblivious and naive...but I guess I was wrong with my judgement, Taehyung finally found a smart one, afterall....

Jk: who the hell are you and what do you want?!

K: hmmm, chill a bit alright?....I don't want an annoying son in law

Jungkook widen his eyes in surprised as he heard what the other has said. And now, he finally remembered the painting at their house in Italy.

K: ahh, seems like you saw the painting in Itali huh?.... Yes my dear that was me....I was wondering, where is Taehyung?....

Jk: I don't give a fuck about you being in here, but once that this baby in me gets hurt, I don't know what will Taehyung do to you, I'm warning you Mr. Kim! get any closer or-

K: or what? huh? what!

Mr. Kim  shoyted as his eyes widen in anger, eyes flashing red, and long sharp nails ready to be burried in Jungkook's throat.

He went closer and closer to Jungkook, he lifted his hand ready to attach the younger, but then suddenly a jaguar came running fast, and but his arm, leading him to the other side of the room.

Mr. Kim tried to fight back the angered jaguar but it seems like the jaguar was really determined to but a flesh out of the latter's body.

Jungkook took this an opportunity to hide in the bathroom, and lock himself in there.

Hearing the jaguar's roar, and groans of pain made Jungkook anxious and nervous. He hurriedly grab his phone from his pockets and dialed Taehyung's number.

On the phone:

Jk: Tae! where are you?!

T: love I'm on my way, I'm still inside the elevator, why what's wrong?

Jk: love! your father is here....please come fast, I'm scared he'll hurt our baby!

Taehyung didn't answer anymore, nor did he waste any second, as soon as the elevator opened, he immediately came running out of it, and ran to his office.

Even though his office was 4 floor above from where he is at, he didn't hesistate to use his super speed to get there as fast as he can.

And within a second, he finally arrived. He opened the door, and immediately looked for anyone inside. But he didn't see anyone, besides his jaguar whose chewing a blody hand.

Taehyung's eyes widen and immediately went towards his pet, he knew it was his father. But Taehyung couldn't celebrate a point yet, he is still worried for Jungkook.

T: love? where are you?

Jk: Tae...

Just then, Taehyung heard a small voice coming from the bathroom. He immediately went there, and told Jungkook to open the door.

Gladly, the younger complied, and opened it for the vampire to walk in. Taehyung immediately embraced the younger, hugging him then after a while checking for injuries.

T: are you okay? did he do something?

Jk: Yes, I'm okay love...good thing Yeontan is hear, he protected me and our baby...

T: mhm...I'll definitely feed Yeontan his favorite today....I'm glad your fine wifey...

Taehyung smiled and kissed the younger, his expression soft and gentle. But in his head, he's planning murder.
So, I decided to add something here guys. It's supposed to be finished off like that, but someone message me if there's gonna be an epelouge, and since I'm not also qiute satisfied with the ending yet, I'll finish it off differently. So I hope you guys would still support this story, Thankyou so much!

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now