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After a long silent, awkward suffocating, 30 minute drive. They finally arrived at Jungkook's apartment.

Taehyung didn't bothered to open the car door for him this time. Which got Jungkook a little disappointed with.

Jungkook was thinking that, after the kiss, Taehyung got awkward, he didn't talk much, and seems that he's back in his rude and cold self.

Although Taehyung liked the kiss, he wasn't so sure on why he did that, it's like that wasn't in his control, and wasn't exactly he think, he's supposed to do.

And so, before Jungkook could get down from the car, Taehyung stopped him and said...

T: let's forget about that... The kiss didn't mean anything, and it will never mean anything.

Taehyung said, coldly. To say, Jungkook was a little hurt. To him, that kiss was special, it's his first kiss.

The kiss that was supposed to be with someone he loves, and the one whom loves him back. It wasn't supposed to be just given to someone.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung, the younger didn't even see any regret in Taehyung when he said those words.

Jk:... Oh.... I -.. Yes sir, I actually already f-forgot it.

Jungkook said, abit hesitant on what to say, to Taehyung. It's not easy to forget that kiss, as it was already special to him.

Maybe he could pretend to forget it, and just ignore the fact that his boss, said those words without any consideration towards his feelings.

And with that, Jungkook didn't utter another word, just a thankyou, and then left. Taehyung in the other hand, kept his face cold and intimidating.

Even though he felt something tugging deep down in his dead heart, he chose to  ignored it and drove away.

While driving, Taehyung was thinking. Did he hurt the younger badly? Would the younger hate him now?

It bothers him, that he would have to worry about Jungkook, after he said those words. He kinda regret it a little bit, but what can he do, he already said it.

And even if he takes back what he said earlier, Jungkook may not forgive him. Guess there's no turning back anymore.

Time Skip : Taehyung arrived at Daegu

Taehyung parked his car, near an abandoned building. His underlings, bowed in respect as he walks inside the building with his cold intimidating aura.

And as he walks inside, there he saw his men, and all his friends, above the stairs looking at him. And as they saw their boss everybody bowed.

Taehyung just looked at them, and sighed. Unable to focus on his buisnesse as his mind was left to certain person. He then again sighed and said...

T: let's get this over with, where is Andreas?

A man came down from the stairs, and walked towards Taehyung. He then bowed and said...

M1: this way... Master.

The man led Taehyung to the back of the building, some of the armed men, and his friends were following as well.

And as they all got there, Taehyung saw Andreas tied, upside down on a tree that's probably 10ft tall. He smirked.

T: How is it up there Andreas!?!

Taehyung shouted and asked, while he chuckled deeply. He then looked the area around Andreas and notice that, below Andreas is a quick sand, and the tree was full of venomous snakes, and Taehyung's pet, the black jaguar was there.

His rope wasn't tied well, either. And Andreas' blood was dripping down. Taehyung suddenly felt a little better,  with what he saw. He's quite happy, but not satisfied.

Then he suddenly whistled, and as he did that, the jaguar from the tree came down and went to him. The men  around moved a little far, afraid of their boss' pet.

T: nice to see you again... Yeontan.

The jaguar raored and snuggle his head on Taehyung's palm. He then get down on his one knee, to level with the jaguar.

Taehyung then glance at Andreas, then back to his pet. He smirked. He then kissed the top of the jaguars head, and suddenly said...

T: ready boy?

The jaguar roared then again, and walked in circles. Everyone was just watching in confusion.

They weren't sure, what exactly their boss was doing. But they were surprised that the jaguar immediately got what Taehyung wants.

And as fast as a lighting, Taehyung raced with the jaguar towards the tree. Taehyung climbing up towards where Andreas was tied, and the Jaguar waited down near the quick sand.

Taehyung stood on the branch where Andreas was tied. He then chuckled, seeing Andreas looking at him with pleading eyes.

A: p-please Master... Let me leave...

T:..... You used prostitution in MY own bars, casinos, and clubs WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!! You fought with me, shamelessly! And worst... You tried to put one of my employees in danger!!... Do you expect me to spare your life?!?!

A: s-sir I d-don't know what you're talking about.... Prostitution? I've never done that sir....

T: you know very much I FUCKING HATE LIARS!!.... don't try me you fucking bastard!!

A: s-si-.. MASTER! please spare my life! I'm begging you... Yes, I admit... I did that.... So please...

T: It will only take a whistle, and you'll be dead... Do you know that?

A: Y-yes sir... I know that, please.... I will stop the prostitution and step down from my position... Just spare me...

T: alright then, I'm easy to talk to... You're gonna die anyways, with your heart open... You only have probably 12 days... So I'll make you enjoy that...

Taehyung was about to get down from the tree and order a man to untie Andreas. But then the injured man said...

A: if you would let me sir... I would like to enjoy that 12 days, with that pretty boy earlier...

Hearing that, Taehyung's blood boiled. His eyes turned red, and his mind was foggy.  He definitely knew who Andreas was talking about, and he's got no shame.

Taehyung can't hear anything right now, he can't think of anything either, but rage and anger towards the bastard whose tied up, and whom tried to still take what belongs to him.

And so he slowly walked to edge and looked at Andreas with his cold, red eyes. He didn't say anything, and just directly cut the rope with his nails, making Andreas fall.

And as he was falling, Taehyung suddenly just whistled, making the jaguar jump up high. Catching Andreas' body, and landed on the other side.

Taehyung was still up the tree, watching Andreas screaming in pain as he was being eaten by his pet jaguar. To him it's a sight to see, and now his satisfied.

And to his underlings, they all watched in horror, as they saw how the jaguar feasted with Andrea's body. Slowly and painfully killing him.

After a show, Taehyung came done from the tree holding a diamond snake in his hands. Everyone was scared and surprised as they saw their boss holding such a venomous snake. He then said...

T: who wants to go next?

Everyone was frozen in their spot, while some probably peed their pants, Taehyung just chuckled and threw the snake away.

He then walked towards Namjoon, and tapped his shoulders saying...

T: you were right... Except for the part, "feed him to the piranhas"... Because I was actually planning to feed him to my jaguar.

And with that he walked off, the jaguar following him on the side. His underlings bowed then again, showing respect to their leader, who's walking with pride, and power.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now