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Taehyung was still looking at Andreas exiting the ballroom. Taehyung knew he was drunk, and much more worse is that he's also a vampire.

A drunk vampire, is a dangerous one. Especially someone like Andreas, who like to play with pretty people.

And so he asked one of his underlings, that was guarding their table, to follow Andreas and stop him from doing stupid things.

His underlings complied, and walked out of the ballroom, quietly.

On the other hand...

Jungkook was still in his office finishing some reports, so that he could give it to his boss, early in the morning.

He can still hear the music from the floor below him, and he knew the party is still ongoing.

And minutes after minutes, he got tired and exhausted, and just wanted to leave his work and continue tomorrow.

But he can't, so he decided to just make himself a cup of coffee. He went outside his office, going towards the mini kitchen of the floor.

He was banging his head to the beat of the heard music, and singing along quietly. When he got there, he heated up the water, and prepared himself a coffee.

After that, he went back to his to his office. While walking on the hallway, he saw a man, who seems to e drunk.

The man was talking by himself, his walk was no longer walking straight, at he seems to be looking for something.

Jungkook didn't wanna drown himself in another problem, so he decided to just hide from the man.

But, it seems that fate wasn't on his side this time. The man called him, while walking towards him.

? : HEY!.... YOU! th... There *burp*.... You look pretty.... Wanna go to somewhere pr- *hiccup* private?

Jk: s-sorry, sir. But this isn't the ballroom, the party is downstairs. And I'm not a guest.

? : did you just talked back to me? Huh?

Jk: p-pardon?

? : you little!

The man got angry, and irritated by Jungkook, so the man grabbed him harshly on his arms, and squeezed it. Making Jungkook yelped in pain.

Jk: p-please sir.... I didn't do anything, let go of me....

A: do you know who I am?!? Huh!?!.... I'm Andreas.... I'm the owner of K industries you piece of shit!!.... How dare you talk back to me, like a whore you are!!!!

His grip tighten in Jungkook's arm a bit more. Just then 4 men came running towards them.

Jk : h-help me please!

Jungkook shouted asking for help, Taehyung's underlings started to restrain Andreas, and good thing they were able to.

But, Andreas fought with them, they were fighting fist by fist with each other infront of Jungkook, and the latter took this chance to ran away and hide, so he did.

Then a man came running back towards the party, to tell Taehyung about the mess Andreas is making.

The man was running down the stairs, to the hallway, not stopping until he got to Taehyung.

M1: Master Kim!..... A-Andreas....he's making a mess upstairs! He's trying to hurt your secretary.

The man said, catching his breath.

When Taehyung heard "hurting your secretary" he didn't waste a second to neglect the party and immediately went upstairs.

His friends just looked at eachother worriedly, so they followed Taehyung as well.

The guests there started to gossep around, very curious on what's happening. Some of them sensed danger, as the Mafia leader himself went to check it out. So they left.

Some were just chilling, and waiting for what's about to happen. And some nosy once followed and came upstairs.

On the other hand, Andreas killed 1 of Taehyung's underlings, while the other two was still fighting with him.

Minutes later, Andreas threw them across the room, the other one was badly hurt, and the other one was unconscious.

Andreas had a few wounds here and there, but it isn't enough to knock him down. He was still able to stand on his feet, and started roaming around looking for Jungkook...

A: where are you pretty boy~?.... Come to your king now honey~

Andreas sang, like a crazy psycho.

A: if you want to live you better come out~

Jungkook can hear all of those words, he suddenly felt disgusted. He was sitting and hugging his legs behind the counter table in the kitchen, quietly.

As he didn't want to get cough by Andreas. Jungkook did have the time to run away to his office, as it was the opposite side of the floor. And his only option was to hide in the mini kitchen.

He was so afraid, and he felt like in a horror movie. He was wishing that someone would come and save him. As he still wanted to live, but he remembered, the party was still ongoing below this floor.

And if something bad happens tonight, and if he dies, people are just gonna find home dead here tomorrow. And police would investigate, and could probably ruin the reputation of the company, and the workers.

It was all quiet now, that got Jungkook  thinking, if Andreas was still there. He slowly peek beside him, but there's no one, until...

A: GOT YOU!!!!

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now