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After bidding his bye to Jungkook, Taehyung and his underlings finally left. Though Taehyung had doubt weather to go or not.

Because looking at the younger earlier made him feel week. The timing wasn't really good. But he'll try his best to come home as fast as he can and finish this mission soon.

After a 30 minute drive, they finally arrive to Sweet Night, or Taehyung's owned club at the outskirts of Italy.

The bar looks like it has this type of vintage aesthetic vibe outside. But inside its one of the most luxurious bars in Italy.

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It is were the richest and dirtiest go, to have some fun with the exported "prostitutes" from Korea

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It is were the richest and dirtiest go, to have some fun with the exported "prostitutes" from Korea. And that made Taehyung mad.

Taehyung came there to personally handle this matter, he isn't the kind to let these things go just because he is also a mafia..

Instead, it angered him how dirty and cruel those people are. To Taehyung people with no conscience doesn't deserve the chance to live longer.

Taehyung's been dealing with this problem for a long time, and he decided to end it now before it gets worst.

And as he and his underlings entered, Taehyung just signaled them to start the mission.

As to what their boss had signaled, they immediately made a move. Yoongi among with 20 other people directly went to the vip rooms where some of the faces behind this mess were.

As they got I side the room, they saw 3 men in lavish suits, looking as expensive as ever, girls and guys were all around them, dressed in vulgar outfits.

But one stood out the most to Yoongi. The guy's skin is smooth, he had this beautiful crescent eyes, and full plump pinkish lips that looks like a bratz doll.

He himself looks like a doll. But what Yoongi noticed aren't those, but how the guy was trembling in the hands of one of the man sitting as if they own the bar.

As he walked in completely revealing himself, gasp and surprised with angry expressions can be seen from the people inside. Yoongi, and some armed men immediately point guns at them.

??: who the fuck are you! Why are you here!??!!

Yg: calm down Mr. Ramierez... I was asked by Master Vante to come here and collect the three of you...

Yoongi said, more of a mocking tone but still intimidating. Ramirez's eyes widen so as the other 2 men around him.

??: I... I didn't do anything to Vante!

Yg: really Gomez?... You know how Vante is with liars... He despise them

Mr.G: but I clearly didn't do anything to him!

Yg: you didn't? What about... Exporting humans from different countries, just to feed your vampire thirst?

Gomez went quiet for a while, everyone else stood quiet. Just then, Gomez put his arm around the boy and pointed a gun on his head, and shouted...

Mr.G: you want to kill me?!?.... Alright but not before this boy dies!!

Ramirez and his other friends were laughing evily, and that got Yoongi mad.

Yoongi didn't waste time, he immediately shot Gomez without warning.

Gomez was hit on his arm causing him to let go of the boy. Yoongi immediately went near the boy and ran out, ordering his men to finish the three of them.

Yoongi led the way and pulled the boy towards the exit, but then the boy stopped him and looked at him worriedly, and said...

??: my daughter! Please! I need to go back and get my daughter!!

Yoongi didn't hesitated, and just nodded. They both ran to where the said boy's daughter is.

When they got into a room, they both saw some men, getting in. And Yoongi definitely knew it was Taehyung's underlings.

He immediately went in, and as he got in, he saw some men pointing guns at others. While some underlings were leading some prostitutes to the exit.

Yg: stop! Let go of the kid!

Yoongi shouted, as he saw a man forcely lifted a crying girl. The man immediately let go.

And as soon as the girl got out of the man's grip, she immediately ran towards the boy.

The boy crouched down, and lifted the little girl up. He embraced her tightly as he said some words to calm the little girl down.

Yg: everyone! Continue what Master told you, I'll keep these 2 to safety first!

Yoongi instructed the underlings, after that, he grab the boy's hand gently and lead at the back of the bar.

??: s-sir... where are you talking us?

Yg: don't call me sir, Yoongi is just fine...

??: then Yoongi where are you taking us?

Yg: at the mansion, our master wants to send illigal prostitutes back to where they really came from.... You're from korea right?

??: Y-yes..... I'm Jimin, Park Jimin.... And this is my daughter Park Miya...

Yoongi just looked at them, thinking how hard must it be for Jimin. Having his daughter on this kind of place must've felt disappointing for him to himself.

Yoongi thought that this is not the life Jimin wanted to give his daughter. He knew Jimin wanted to give his daughter what she deserves.

And Yoongi thinks that maybe this is a chance for him, maybe the Gods might've sent him Jimin. He didn't know why, but he jsit felt it that way.

Yg: it's okay.... It's gonna be fine... Everything's going to be fine...

Yoongi tried comforted Jimin, and he was glad it brought a smile to the younger's lips. "He's pretty", Yoongi thought.

And as they finally got out, they saw Hoseok and Yoonji, whose holding Taehyung's white shirt that has now red spots due to blood.

He got kinda worried something might had happen to Taehyung since he's not there himself so, he decided to ask...

Yg: where is Master Vante?

Jh: he went back to the mansion immediately after he finished his job.

Yg: then what's with the shirt?

Yj: he said he didn't want Jungkook to see the blood, or kook will be worried and won't stop nagging on how he should be careful. So he just change another set of clothes in his car, and went home...

Yoongi just nodded. After a couple of hours later, their mission was finally over. Some men escorted the traitors and Taehyung's other enimies to their head quarters.

While the others' drove to the mansion, escorting 30 prostitutes that were saved from the bar.

My Vampire, And His Lies | taekookff Where stories live. Discover now